
Stock market internal reference on April 8

author:It's all about technology

Tips: Whether a seed can take root and grow into a big tree depends not only on the seed itself. In addition, it is also necessary to look at the objective environment such as soil, light, water source, and animals where the seeds grow. Information is like a seed, whether it can affect the rise of stock prices also depends on the objective environment of the market at that time. Calm, rational and objective analysis and decision-making are very important prerequisites for successful investment and speculation.

1. Investment information

1. The world's first three-certificate complete eVTOL aircraft was born, laying the foundation for comprehensive large-scale commercial operation

According to media reports, on April 7, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) today issued a production license for EHang's EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft system in Guangzhou, marking the birth of the world's first three-certificate eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) aircraft.

Aircraft from production to commercial operation requires a total of three types of certificates, namely type certificate (TC), airworthiness certificate (AC), production license (PC), last year EH216-S has obtained type certificate and standard airworthiness certificate. The issuance of this production license means that the EH216-S has become the world's first manned unmanned eVTOL model to obtain the "three major passes" for airworthiness, and has the qualification for mass production, laying the foundation for full-scale commercial operation. The low-altitude economy was first included in the government work report at the two sessions this year, and it was characterized as an emerging industry and a future industry. On March 27, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments made it clear that by 2030, the general aviation equipment will form a trillion market size, and make a clear plan for the development of the low-altitude economic industry. Analysts believe that under the premise of guaranteed product strength, the low-altitude economy will develop rapidly in the domestic market, and China will achieve corner overtaking in the field of general aviation.

Radio and Television Metrology (002967) provides environmental reliability tests and electromagnetic compatibility tests for EHang's eVTOL airworthiness certification.

Blue Ocean Huateng (300484) has set up a relevant team to focus on the research and development of electric aircraft motor controllers, and is currently in the stage of technical research, and actively communicates with interested customers on cooperation matters.

2. Musk announced the launch of Robotaxi on August 8, and Tesla's industrial chain company has attracted attention

On April 5, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on social media that he would release Robotaxi (driverless taxi) on August 8. It is reported that Tesla is about to launch Robotaxi, and the biggest confidence may come from the major progress of fully autonomous driving FSD. A few days ago, Tesla changed the name of FSD from the beta version of "FSD Beta" to "FSD Supervised", which means that FSD has ended its public beta and entered the process of large-scale commercialization.

Tesla's FSD self-driving function has now been updated from the beta version to the supervised version, which is a seemingly simple beta update, which represents Tesla's growing confidence in its self-driving capabilities. Tesla is no longer limited by computing power, and the iterative optimization speed of FSD will be further accelerated. As a new market model, Robotaxi is expected to give full play to Tesla's advantages in the field of high-level autonomous driving, or will become a new growth point for Tesla. Moreover, with the increase of FSD loading, it is expected to continue to boost Tesla's future sales, and the reuse of FSD algorithms in the field of humanoid robots is expected to accelerate the mass production of Optimus. Tesla's share price may lead to a new round of rise with the increase in FSD penetration, which is expected to boost the valuation of Tesla's industrial chain.

In A-shares, you can pay attention to Tuopu Group (601689), Shuanghuan Transmission (002472), etc.

3. New progress has been made in the research of safe and low-cost iron-based flow batteries

According to reports, recently, the relevant research group of the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new progress in the research field of new low-cost iron-based flow battery energy storage technology. On the basis of the previous research work on all-iron flow batteries, the researchers successfully realized the uniform deposition and dissolution of iron elements on the surface of the electrode fibers during the charging and discharging process by taking the reversibility of the redox reaction of the iron anode as the starting point, and further realized the non-solidification of the electrolyte and the stable operation of the battery at a low temperature of -20°C by weakening the hydration hydrogen bond network, effectively breaking through the technical bottleneck of the anode materials of the all-iron flow battery at this stage.

The research and development of new systems and technologies for low-cost flow batteries is an effective way to break through the bottleneck of flow battery industrialization at this stage. Among the many new energy storage technology routes, the flow battery energy storage technology represented by the all-vanadium flow battery has become the preferred electrochemical energy storage technology route in the long-term energy storage technology because of its intrinsic safety and flexible deployment. In the future, with the increase in clean energy consumption, flow batteries will be widely used in renewable energy storage and distribution systems. As one of the world's largest energy storage markets, China's flow battery market is also expanding and is expected to achieve rapid growth.

A-share related concept stocks mainly include Fengshan Group (603810), Yaxing Chemical (600319), etc.

4. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document to encourage the digital upgrading of the electric bicycle industry

The Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently researched and drafted the "Standard Conditions for the Electric Bicycle Industry" and the "Administrative Measures for the Standard Announcement of the Electric Bicycle Industry", and solicited opinions from the public. The "Standard Conditions for the Electric Bicycle Industry (Draft for Comments)" mentions that enterprises are encouraged to vigorously promote intelligent manufacturing, improve the level of modern management, safety production guarantee capacity and resource allocation efficiency, and promote the digital upgrading of product research and development, production and operation, marketing management, after-sales service and other links. Encourage enterprises to code and identify the electric bicycle batteries produced or purchased, and promote the traceability management of battery information. Encourage enterprises to participate in the formulation and revision of standards related to green manufacturing in the electric bicycle industry, build green factories, produce green design products, and create a green supply chain.

According to the statistics of the global electric vehicle network, there are currently more than 350 million electric vehicles in mainland China. According to incomplete statistics, about 35 million over-standard electric vehicles are facing delisting. The agency research report pointed out that 2022-2025 is the end node of the transition to the new national standard in a large number of cities in China, and it is expected that the industry sales of electric two-wheelers (including electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, etc.) will increase to more than 45 million units in 2022-2025;

A-share related concept stocks mainly include Xinri shares (603787), Jiuqi shares (300994), etc.

5. Five departments issued a notice to speed up the completion of the shortcomings of the urban domestic sewage pipe network

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other five departments recently issued a notice, requiring all localities to speed up the completion of the shortcomings of the urban domestic sewage pipe network. By 2027, the direct discharge outlets of domestic sewage in urban built-up areas and the blank areas of facilities will be basically eliminated, the centralized collection rate of urban domestic sewage will reach more than 73%, and the comprehensive efficiency of urban domestic sewage collection and treatment will be significantly improved. All localities will also speed up the implementation of the transformation of the sewage pipe network, carry out the transformation of rainwater outlets and confluence overflow outlets along the water body, and strictly prevent rivers and lakes from backing up into the domestic sewage pipe network. Comprehensively carry out the renovation and transformation of drainage facilities that are beyond the service life, backward materials and outstanding problems. The notice is clear that sewage collection and treatment facilities will be promoted to fill in the gaps. Encourage qualified large and medium-sized cities to build sewage treatment facilities and large-scale sludge centralized treatment and disposal facilities in advance.

A-share related concept stocks mainly include Weixing New Materials (002372), Xinxing Cast Pipe (000778), etc.

6. Resonance of domestic and foreign economic recovery International copper prices hit a new high in more than a year

During the Qingming Festival holiday, international non-ferrous metal futures prices rose. As of the close of trading on April 5, LME copper, aluminum, zinc and lead rose by 2.96%, 3%, 4.92% and 5.32% respectively, and the international copper price hit a new high since January last year, and the aluminum price also reached a new high since April last year.

According to the latest data from the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the global manufacturing purchasing managers' index was 50.3% in March, up 1.2 percentage points from the previous month, ending the trend of running below 50% for 17 consecutive months and returning to the expansion range. Experts said that the new orders index and production index in the purchasing managers' index, as well as foreign trade orders, have risen more, reflecting that the aggregate demand of the world economy has begun to pick up.

Galaxy Securities Research Institute believes that under the economic recovery, the operating rate of downstream processing enterprises in the non-ferrous metals industry has increased, and the demand for non-ferrous metals has recovered marginally. On the supply side, under the shortage of copper mines, catalytic factors such as the expected reduction of copper smelters and the resumption of electrolytic aluminum production in Yunnan may be less than expected have appeared one after another, non-ferrous metal prices have risen strongly, and the prosperity of the non-ferrous metal industry has risen significantly.

CMOC's (603993) TFM and KFM world-class copper and cobalt mines have accelerated their production, and the company's copper production increased by 51% year-on-year in 2023.

Zijin Mining (601899) is implementing large-scale expansion plans in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tibet and Serbia, and the new production capacity of existing projects is expected to exceed 500,000 tons in the next 3-5 years.

7. The energy density set a record Tailan New Energy developed automotive-grade solid-state lithium batteries

On April 4, Tailan New Energy announced that it had made a major breakthrough in the field of solid-state battery technology, and successfully developed the world's first automotive-grade solid-state lithium metal battery with a single capacity of 120Ah and a measured energy density of up to 720Wh/kg. In addition, Zhiji Automobile will release a new model Zhizhi L6 on April 8, the highlight of this model is that it is equipped with Qingtao Energy semi-solid-state battery technology, and the density of the positive and negative electrode materials far exceeds that of traditional liquid batteries, which greatly reduces the liquid content of the battery.

It is understood that the second-generation solid-state battery of Qingtao Energy is expected to be developed next year, which will further improve the density of the battery system. The eventual third generation, all-solid-state batteries, aims to gradually improve battery performance and safety. Industry insiders expect that by 2030, the commercial production capacity of global lithium-ion solid-state/semi-solid-state batteries is expected to begin to scale. At that time, the corresponding mileage of solid-state lithium batteries may reach 2-3 times that of liquid lithium batteries, equaling the endurance of fuel vehicles.

Huasheng Lithium Battery (688353) focuses on the design and development of electrolyte materials for solid-state batteries, as well as the design and development of related electrode material stability and conductivity materials, such as sulfide solid electrolytes and highly conductive additives.

Li Yuanheng (688499) can provide dry solid electrolyte coating equipment.

8. Giants have deployed Robotaxi institutions and are optimistic about the development of the intelligent driving industry

On April 7, GAC Aion and Didi Autonomous Driving announced that their joint venture, Guangzhou Andi Technology Co., Ltd., has been approved for industrial and commercial licenses. The two giants have joined forces and plan to spend 420 million yuan to target the Robotaxi (driverless taxi) field, and make efforts to open up the L4 large-scale commercial closed loop on the B-side. It is reported that the first model has completed the product definition, and the design and styling are being jointly reviewed, and mass production is planned to be achieved in 2025

In addition, Musk also said that Tesla plans to launch a self-driving taxi on August 8. Tesla's Robotaxi core technology consists of Autopilot, FSD and high-performance computing platforms, which is expected to achieve fully autonomous driving, efficient operation and personalized customization. China Securities believes that the implementation of Robotaxi has served as a vanguard in the popularization of intelligent driving at the level of regulations and user cognition, and is expected to boost the development of the intelligent driving industry chain.

Desay SV (002920) deeply focuses on the efficient integration of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and connected services, and continues to develop highly integrated intelligent hardware and leading software algorithms.

Thundersoft (300496) has invested heavily in the research and development of HPC products integrating vehicle operating system and cabin driving, and has launched the first vehicle operating system product "Drip OS" in the industry.

2. Company information

1. Xinhan New Materials: The sales of PEEK raw materials will fully benefit from the development of the industry

Xinhan New Materials (301076) said in an institutional survey that PEEK, as a special engineering plastic with excellent performance, is used in electronic information, transportation, aerospace, energy industry, medical and health and other fields, and its application fields are expected to be further expanded with the demand trend of "lightweight" and "more energy-saving" in downstream applications. As an earlier manufacturer of aromatic ketone products engaged in DFBP R&D and production in the industry, the company has a long-term research and deep understanding of the PEEK industry chain, and the company's PEEK raw material sales will fully benefit from the development of the industry. The company has long-term research and deep understanding of the PEEK industry chain, mature technical system, stable quality control, and has been recognized by global customers for the company's products, which is the company's advantage.

2. Peng Harrier Environmental Protection: Completed the export of the first batch of hydrocarbon-based biodiesel products

According to the official public account of Peng Harrier Environmental Protection (300664), the company, as one of the few private listed companies in China in the field of hydrocarbon-based biodiesel (HVO), has the ability to quickly put into production and copy (it was put into production in the same year of transformation). It has taken the lead in opening up the production and sales process of hydrocarbon-based biodiesel, and has the first-mover advantage and the ability to expand rapidly in the future.

Recently, the National Energy Administration issued the "Notice of the Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration on Publicizing the Pilot Program for the Promotion and Application of Biodiesel" on its official website, marking that the national ministries and local governments have officially paid attention to the biodiesel industry and taken various measures to support the industry in various places. As local governments and departments begin to focus on biodiesel, the regulatory policies on the production, product specifications, import and export regulations, compliant feedstocks, and sales of products and by-products that have been vague until before hydrocarbon-based biodiesel will be clearer, making the company's business environment clearer, which is a benefit. The company has completed the completion of the 100,000 tons/year biomass liquid fuel project, and completed the export of the first batch of hydrocarbon-based biodiesel products on March 27, and has started the technical transformation project of sustainable bio-jet fuel (SAF).

3. Company announcement

Baike Biotechnology (688276) is expected to achieve a net profit of 55 million to 65 million yuan, an increase of 199.22% to 253.63% year-on-year. Compared with the same period last year, the company added new live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine products, enriching the vaccine types and driving the overall revenue increase. At the same time, the gross profit margin of live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine was higher, which helped the company's performance increase year-on-year.

Nuotai Biotech (688076) is expected to achieve a net profit of 55 million to 70 million yuan, an increase of 161.74% to 233.13% year-on-year. The company firmly develops the advantageous business with characteristic peptide APIs as the core, and the business scale continues to expand.

SK Technology (688155) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, SK Technology Co., Ltd., signed a contract related to the daily business activities of SK Technology Co., Ltd. and its wholly-owned subsidiary, SK B, with a contract amount of approximately RMB 620 million.

Zhuhai Guanyu (688772) was selected by Stelantis as the designated supplier to develop and supply 12V automotive low-voltage lithium batteries. According to the demand plan, the project will be mass-produced in 2026, and the specific product supply time, price and supply volume are subject to the final supply agreement and sales order.

Hongxin Electronics (300657) plans to acquire 100% of the shares of Beijing Anliantong Technology for 293 million yuan, and the latter's business includes the sales of NVIDIA-related servers, graphics cards and computing chips. The transaction has a performance commitment, and the cumulative net profit of Anlian from 2024 to 2026 will not be less than 136 million yuan. At present, the parties to the transaction have formally signed an agreement on the equity acquisition.

Kehua Data (002335) subsidiary Shanghai Kezhong and Shanghai Beftin recently signed the "Computing Power Cooperation Service Framework Agreement", the company has built its own ten major data centers, operated more than 20 data centers across the country, and built a computing power base hub for thousands of industries.

Jiangsu Taikang Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Mabwell Biopharma (688062), submitted a marketing application for denosumab injection and was approved by the National Medical Products Administration. The product is used for the treatment of bone giant cell tumors that are not resectable or whose surgical resection may lead to severe functional impairment, and is the first approved biosimilar of Anjiawei in China.

Junshi Biosciences (688180) has approved the New Indication Application for toripalimab (trade name: Tuoyi, product code: JS001) in combination with axitinib for the first-line treatment of patients with intermediate- and high-risk unresectable or metastatic renal cell carcinoma, making it the first approved immunotherapy for kidney cancer in mainland China.

Puli Pharmaceutical (300630) said on the interactive platform on April 3 that β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is one of the company's varieties under research in the direction of synthetic biology, and the company has two technical routes: self-developed multi-enzyme catalytic production and full fermentation production of microbial chassis cell genetic modification, of which the former has completed technical development, and the latter has also made important research breakthroughs.

Hailian Jinhui (002537) announced that it intends to transfer its wholly-owned company, Linkage Commerce, to Tianjin Tongrong. Tianjin Tongrong also holds 100% of the equity of Hezhong Yibao, the license subject of Douyin Pay. After the completion of this transaction, UMF Business plans to be merged by Hezhong Yibao, which will also provide support for offline transaction business scenarios such as Douyin Group's life services.

Delian Group (002666) said on the interactive platform on April 3 that at present, in addition to joint venture brand car factories and independent brand car factories, most of the company's products have also been supplied by domestic mainstream new car manufacturers, and the main products include coolant, brake fluid, refrigerant, glass water, adhesives and other automotive fine chemicals.

The information test standard (300938) said that the company actively lays out the new track of "low-altitude economy", and has carried out test sites, test capabilities, technical teams, and standard accreditation declarations in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Wuhan and other places. It can provide the following third-party testing services for low-altitude UAV industry chain enterprises when applying for TC, PC and AC certificates of the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

Blue Ocean Huateng (300484) said on the interactive platform on April 7 that the company's investment in the high-energy era is an innovative high-tech enterprise that develops and manufactures all-solid-state lithium batteries.

Beyond Technology (301049) said on the interactive platform on April 6 that the dismantling of new energy vehicles is efficient and safe, and the company has mastered a number of core technologies to improve production efficiency and increase the recyclable value of dismantling products.

Shenglu Communication (002446) said on the interactive platform on April 3 that the company's millimeter wave technology can be applied to the 5.5G field.

Linyang Energy (601222) pre-won the bid for about 322 million yuan of State Grid procurement project.

Juhua Technology (300360) pre-won the bid for about 161 million yuan of State Grid procurement project.

MGI, a subsidiary of SAIC Motor (600104), plans to introduce local investors in India, which is expected to increase the company's net profit by 5 billion to 7 billion yuan.

Taiji Industrial (600667) subsidiary Eleven Science and Technology Consortium won the bid for the project with a bid price of 9.88 billion yuan.

Three Gorges Energy (600905) total power generation in the first quarter increased by 28.69% year-on-year.

Jointown (600998) and Wuhan Institute of Peking University jointly established a joint laboratory for artificial intelligence.

From January to March, YIPLI (002096) signed or began to execute new blasting service engineering contracts worth 3.918 billion yuan.

The actual controller of ST Daji (000564) was officially changed to the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.


Note: The internal reference is updated at around 10 p.m. on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (occasionally pushed back a little). It is not updated on Friday and Saturday evenings, and it is not updated on holidays.


The information in this information is mainly derived from public information such as Times Wealth Information, CSI Express, SSE Early Know, etc., and this number does not make any guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of these information. The content and opinions expressed in the information are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice for the trading of the securities described. The stock market is risky, please analyze and invest rationally!