
The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

author:Doctor Director Guo

There is an old saying, "Look at the tongue before seeing a doctor", which is not unreasonable. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue is a mirror of the body's health, and the state of the internal organs can be glimpsed through the tongue.

However, when many people face the thick tongue coating and cracks in the tongue, they often subconsciously think that it is a problem with the spleen and stomach, so they begin to frantically strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. However, is it really that simple?

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

1. Basic knowledge of tongue diagnosis

In the world of TCM, the tongue is not only an organ of taste, but also an important window into the body's internal health. The color and shape of the tongue, the thickness of the tongue coating and whether there are cracks are all important bases for TCM practitioners to judge the disease.

The tongue texture usually reflects the natural physical strength of the person, and the tongue coating is like a curtain that hides various problems that may exist inside the body.

Thick tongue coating is often seen as a sign of dampness and heat, or a dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. But that's not the only explanation. A crack in the tongue is often understood as a lack of yin fluid in the body, and there is a phenomenon of "drought" inside. But the appearance of cracks can also be due to other reasons, such as imbalance in liver, spleen and kidney function.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

2. Common misunderstandings of thick tongue coating and tongue cracks

Many people's first reaction when they see their tongue coating is that they have a problem with the spleen and stomach, which is a deep-rooted concept. But this way of thinking ignores the fact that in traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach do not exist in isolation, they are closely connected to the liver and kidneys. Cracks in the tongue, especially those that are deep and obvious, often have little to do with the spleen and stomach, but are an external manifestation of liver and kidney yin deficiency.

The logic in this is as follows: the liver is drained, and the uncomfortable liver qi leads to stagnation of qi, which will affect the transportation function of the spleen and stomach, resulting in the endogenous growth of dampness. And the greasy coating of the tongue reflects this.

At the same time, the kidney stores essence, the main water, when the kidney essence is insufficient, the moisturization of the body decreases, and cracks will appear on the tongue. These cracks are not only a sign of kidney deficiency, but also indicate possible problems between the liver and kidney.

In TCM theory, the relationship between the liver, spleen, and kidney is intricate and mutually influential. The excretory function of the liver is not only related to the circulation of qi and blood, but also directly affects the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach. The kidneys store essence, which involves water metabolism and the balance of yin and yang in the body. The change in the image of the tongue is actually a reflection of these internal relationships on the surface of the body.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

3. The relationship between the liver, spleen and kidney and the tongue

The relationship between liver stagnation and tongue coating can be understood in this way: traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the liver is the main drain", and the smoothness of liver qi is very important to the body. Liver qi discomfort will lead to stagnation of the body's qi, which in turn will affect the transportation function of the spleen and stomach, resulting in the endogenation of moisture, and the moisture will be steamed on the tongue, which will be manifested as the thickness of the tongue coating. In this case, the focus of conditioning should be on soothing the liver and relieving depression, rather than simply strengthening the spleen.

Spleen deficiency and dampness and changes in tongue quality, the spleen is the foundation of the acquired nature, the main movement, spleen deficiency is the dereliction of duty, dampness and endogenous, manifested on the tongue is the fat and moist tongue, and the white greasy tongue coating. However, spleen deficiency often does not exist alone, it may be caused by the stagnation of liver qi for a long time and the dissolution of fire, or the lack of kidney yang and the inability to warm the spleen and soil.

Kidney essence deficiency is manifested in the signs of tongue, mainly dry tongue and cleft tongue. Kidney essence deficiency, lack of yin fluid, unable to moisten the mouth and tongue, tongue cleft, and even accompanied by dry mouth, dry throat and other symptoms will occur. At this time, the direction of treatment should be to nourish yin and nourish the kidneys, rather than simply strengthening the spleen.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

Fourth, the correspondence analysis of symptoms and tongue signs

The association between stomach fullness and the condition of the tongue, which is often associated with dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, does not mean that stomach problems can be seen directly from the tongue. When the stomach is full, the tongue coating may appear yellow and greasy, which is due to the dampness and heat, but it should also be combined with other symptoms, such as the manifestation of liver qi stagnation, such as depression and chest tightness, it may be caused by liver stagnation affecting the spleen and stomach.

The symptoms of weakness of limbs and dizziness are often related to the deficiency of the spleen and kidney in traditional Chinese medicine, and the manifestations of tongue may be pale tongue and white and greasy tongue coating. In this case, the focus of treatment should be to nourish the spleen and kidneys, increase the production of qi and blood, and improve the overall condition of the body.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

The connection between emotional anxiety and irritability and tongue cracks, and mood fluctuations are believed to have a lot to do with the release of liver qi in traditional Chinese medicine. Liver Qi discomfort can lead to mood abnormalities, such as anxiety and irritability. The cracks in the tongue may be caused by liver depression and inflammation, and the focus of treatment at this time should be to relieve liver depression and nourish yin and reduce fire.

Here, we can see that the changes in the tongue are closely related to the balance relationship within the body, and that a single spleen strengthening often does not solve the underlying problem. The correct approach should be to combine your specific symptoms, prescribe the right medicine, and adjust the balance between the liver, spleen and kidney to achieve the overall health of the body.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

5. Methods for regulating the imbalance of liver, spleen and kidney

When we understand that the thickness of the tongue coating and the cracked tongue are not simple problems of the spleen and stomach, we should start to think about how to regulate the imbalance of the liver, spleen and kidney.

In traditional Chinese medicine, soothing the liver and relieving depression is a common method to regulate liver qi, which can be achieved through herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, etc.

At the same time, warming yang and strengthening the spleen is an important way to regulate the spleen and stomach, especially when digestion and absorption are caused by insufficient spleen yang. As for kidney essence deficiency, it is necessary to nourish yin and tonify the kidney, which usually involves long-term lifestyle adjustment and medication.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach

6. Practical case analysis

Let's look at a practical example. Mr. Zhang, 45 years old, has been engaged in high-pressure work for a long time, and recently found that the tongue coating is yellow and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue, accompanied by fatigue, anxiety, insomnia and other symptoms.

Through a detailed medical history, combined with the tongue and pulse, the TCM physician judged that Mr. Zhang may have liver depression and fire, accompanied by kidney yin deficiency. Therefore, in treatment, it is not only necessary to relieve liver depression, but also pay attention to nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys.

7. Lifestyle adjustments

In addition to medication, lifestyle modifications are equally important to restore the balance of the liver, spleen and kidneys.

It is recommended that patients maintain a regular work and rest time, avoid overwork, and do appropriate physical exercises, such as tai chi, yoga, etc., to help relieve mood and improve physical fitness;

In terms of diet, you should choose light and easy-to-digest foods and reduce the intake of greasy and spicy foods to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach.

The tongue coating is thick and greasy, and there are cracks in the tongue? This kind of tongue does not strengthen the spleen, and its root is not in the spleen and stomach


Through the above analysis, we can see the complexity and individualization of TCM diagnosis and treatment. The change in the tongue reminds us that the body is a whole, and that discomfort in any part of the body can be related to an imbalance in the whole.

Therefore, in our daily life, we should pay more attention to the subtle changes in the body, adjust our lifestyle habits reasonably, and seek the help of a professional TCM practitioner when necessary to maintain the overall health and harmony of the body.