
To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

author:Mr. means gossip

Text Editor|Yi Xiansen

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In recent years, the mainland economy has had a strong advantage of long-term and stable development, especially since 2000, when digitalization and networking have been rapidly expanded, and in this process, online sales have risen rapidly, followed by the food delivery industry.

Until the end of 2023, the development of e-commerce and food delivery industry has driven countless branches of small industries and small circles, such as online finance, express logistics, live video broadcast, shared services, etc.

The Internet mode accounts for almost half of the domestic economy, which has an inevitable impact on physical stores, and the impact is strong!

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

Looking back at the historical record, the streets and alleys that were once prosperous are now extremely bleak, and many people evaluate them.

Therefore, many people have criticized the e-commerce takeaway industry, and even suggested canceling these emerging industries and restoring the real economy.

Netizens said that my TV remote control board was broken, and the physical store at my door asked for 50 yuan, and I didn't bargain, I didn't buy it because I thought it was expensive. Then I looked at it on the Internet, the same remote control board, such a big profit difference was divided by how many middlemen, and who earned it?

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

It's not that I don't want to go shopping, but online shopping is more cost-effective, and things in physical stores are really ridiculously expensive, and physical stores are sluggish, the reason is very simple, it's expensive!

The impact of e-commerce and food delivery on modern life

In the mainland, how popular e-commerce is, look at yourself, and then look at your relatives and friends, eating, drinking, sleeping, wearing, living, traveling, etc.

In fact, this is related to the consumption concept of Chinese and Western people, and the e-commerce industry seems to be prosperous and thriving, but in fact, there are many drawbacks.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

For example, tax evasion, sale of fakes, false credit, exaggerated publicity, information leakage, illegal transactions, resource monopoly, quality competition and price war, etc.;

As a result, the real economy continues to decline, the quality of goods declines, the unemployment rate increases, the difficulty of starting a business, the vitality of cities decreases, the gap between the rich and the poor widens, regional financial imbalances, national tax revenue loss, etc.;

It also shows that at present, the efficiency of the entire industrial chain has been reduced, and the original economy of 50 trillion yuan can only generate 20 trillion terminal sales, which is far from the same.

For example, in the past, factory production or planting and breeding, from the place of origin to physical stores across the country, need to go through distributors in provinces, cities, counties and towns, etc., which will produce more economic benefits and drive more people to work and work.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

The rise of the e-commerce industry is that it can reach consumers directly through express logistics from the place of origin, which means that various distributors in the past could not eat this cake, so that many people lost their jobs, and physical stores also need enough profits to revitalize the expenses of the entire store, such as rent, water, electricity, labor, etc.

People don't want to go out shopping, they don't want to socialize, everything just needs to wait at home, unless they really need to go out to move their feet, this is today's "lazy economy".

Our country has such a large population, but at a glance the whole street, every store seems so empty, very few people come out to shop for consumption, if there is, it must be an elderly person, a person who does not use a mobile phone much.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

Therefore, large and small physical stores are open and closed, which also makes many people feel that there is less fireworks in the world. People say.

Is the root cause of all this really because of the rise of the e-commerce industry? Why foreign developed countries do not develop the e-commerce industry is related to the relevant policy provisions. Why the mainland vigorously develops e-commerce is also related to policy support, which is why it is so rapid.

The labor cost in foreign countries is too high, mainly because of the population base problem, and there is no environment for the development of e-commerce. At present, many enterprises in the mainland are still eating the demographic dividend, which is an indisputable fact, with a large population, it is natural that the competition is large, the wages are relatively low, and it is already very good to be able to barely live.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

In Germany, for example, in order to prevent unfair competition, both physical and online stores need to pay the same amount of tax to sell the same goods, and there is no obvious cost difference.

Taking the United States and Japan as examples, the crackdown on counterfeit and shoddy products is quite strong, and if it is found that they know the law and still commit counterfeiting, they can easily be fined and bankrupt. Obviously, the mainland has not cracked down on the sale of counterfeit goods.

What are the advantages of the e-commerce takeaway industry?

There must be a reason why the e-commerce and food delivery industries have been able to flourish in the mainland for a long time, and even become more and more common, and people are willing to use it.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

, in the instant retail, live e-commerce, social e-commerce, express logistics home delivery, takeaway services and other new forms of consumption, new models of rapid development, and

It has played an active role in expanding domestic demand, stabilizing foreign trade, and deepening international cooperation, adding strong momentum to China's economy. From this point of view, the e-commerce industry is indeed bullish, in fact, in response to that sentence, natural selection, survival of the fittest.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

Let's look forward, even in the heyday without e-commerce, people's jobs are very simple, either company factory employees, or small owners of physical stores, or working outside the family farm, and more powerfully, iron rice bowls.

The e-commerce industry driven by the Internet has created countless industries, which has created more jobs and more choices for "ordinary people".

The threshold for entrepreneurship in the e-commerce industry is very low, which provides more opportunities for ordinary people who want to start a business and have no principal, especially in the dividend stage of early e-commerce, which can almost make money with a very low cost or time difference, poor information, and reselling, and how many ordinary people have become rich in three or two years.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

Various branches of the e-commerce industry can be. It's like a person who went to the sea to start a business before, earned the first pot of gold, and then bought a number of real estate stores.

With the development trend of urbanization, they rent out their real estate stores to small bosses who want to rent or open shops, so that they don't have to work, eat, drink, travel and travel every day, and sit and wait for income;

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

So why are there people who oppose the development of e-commerce?

This is the cake that has moved a lot of people, everything must be opposed, everything has advantages and disadvantages, some people support and some people oppose. The e-commerce industry is developing in line with the future, rather than some people shouting that they are suspending and retreating, and if they don't advance, they will fall behind.

Now, the development of the e-commerce industry has entered the countryside, promoting the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

In the future, we will also use the in-depth application of digital technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, as well as technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, intelligent warehousing and logistics systems, and intelligent payment and settlement systems, to achieve the operational efficiency of e-commerce platforms, and the goods sold will also move forward to high-quality development.

Where is the dilemma of brick-and-mortar stores

20 years ago, opening a store could support several generations, and buying a store 10 years ago could support a family, but now, unless your head is caught by the door, if you want to open a physical store, it will often be more than 100,000 or 200,000 start-up capital, and if you are not careful, it will be all gone.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

This is the question that many brick-and-mortar store owners have about themselves.

Many people don't understand why the business of physical stores is getting more and more difficult, the streets that they often pass by, or they will close down in a short time, and they are being renovated every few days, anyway, it goes back and forth, and few people can stick to it for several years.

A big guy summed up a few points, which are very relevant to today's physical stores.

The first point: due to the rapid development of society, the pressure of the working environment is too great, so that the economy in the trouser pocket can not keep up with the soaring prices, so people's life pressure is rising rapidly, and there is no energy to go shopping.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

The second point: with the rapid development of urbanization, as well as the addition of real estate speculation groups, housing prices are ridiculously high, so rents must be indispensable. In addition, the situation under the layers of superposition is beyond making ends meet, and the retail price of goods must not be raised, and when the price is high, people do not buy it.

The third point: the development of e-commerce has also reached the saturation stage, and the competition is also large, especially. Consumers who import for free enter the platform, the first thing they see is the product that the merchant can rank in front of the high price, and the platform charges according to the number of impressions, clicks, and transaction volume.

The user clicks on it and does not necessarily buy it, but the merchant has to pay the platform in advance. There are too many merchants with small profits or losing money, and buyers will naturally choose online shopping channels when they get benefits, so the popularity is there, the platform is profitable, and the physical store can't hold on.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

The fourth point: the physical store is limited, the product is single, it is difficult to lock customers, the transaction is low, and the repurchase is low. There are too many shopping patterns and business districts today, and the passenger flow will be divided layer by layer, forming a situation where there are more wolves and less meat, that is, there is an imbalance between supply and demand, and it is naturally difficult to make money.

The fifth point: young people's consumption concepts and employment methods are diversified, and young people are unwilling to endure hardships and be angry, everyone wants to be the boss, and the labor cost of businesses is high, because personnel wages are a relatively large expenditure.

Is the e-commerce industry really profitable?

Many people think that there is no tax to open an online store, no rent, water and electricity, and various expenses are reduced a lot, so the cost of opening an online store is low, and it must make money!

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

In fact, sometimes some people don't have a backache when they stand and talk, and they don't know about the e-commerce business, so don't just generalize based on their own conjectures, the e-commerce boss who can make money is actually not as much as you think, and most people are just small shrimp fishing in troubled waters.

The cost of opening an online store is actually not low, because it is not a surprise to not know it, so the small seller will not talk about it, because it will not make any money at all, it is better to find a class, commute from 9 to 5 on time, and receive the salary on time.

So the operating costs of large businesses can be calculated, or even longer, that is, the cost of capital investment, and at the same time, these costs add up, which is really not much cheaper than opening a physical store, in fact, opening an online store can make no more than 20%.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

To sum it up, you know

People's consumption behavior is an important factor in changing the decline of physical store business, combined with the current salary level of people, the sales price of physical stores is indeed too high. Of course, this is not their fault, there are many root causes.

Real estate has pushed up all the cost of living for Chinese people, and at the same time, online merchants have made product prices more transparent, if there is no vigorous development of the e-commerce industry, housing prices may rise even more sharply, and people sometimes have to thank the e-commerce industry. Therefore, it is not easy to make money by opening a physical store, and it is too normal to lose money.

Today's brick-and-mortar stores are facing unprecedented challenges, and in such a fiercely competitive environment, they are still using traditional business models and marketing methods.

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

, everything is the opposite of everything. The difficulty of doing business in physical stores is caused by many reasons, and the e-commerce takeaway industry is only one of the factors.

What's more, the current domestic Internet + e-commerce trend is impossible to stop. Even if they shout for a pause, the bigwigs will build bigger and more warehouses and supermarkets within the city, as well as better delivery methods, and the physical stores still have no drama to sing.

Only by giving full play to the characteristics of physical stores is not without the possibility of recovery.

Physical stores can provide an intuitive and real product experience, as well as timely, professional and humanized service suggestions, as well as a variety of interesting activities to increase consumer fun and satisfaction, so as to make more confident purchase decisions, which are currently unattainable by e-commerce, to sum up, that is

To restore the prosperity of the real economy, only the suspension of e-commerce and the cancellation of takeaways are all about this way, do you agree?

The same product is sold at different prices, and consumers will make a choice that suits them, after all, this industry or commodity is not a monopoly, that is to say, if you can't do it, you can't say that others can't do it, and you have to prescribe the right medicine if you can't do it in a physical business.

The important thing is how to make consumers feel that they are buying the products in your physical store, even if it is much more expensive than the online store, they must also feel that they are worth buying and not unjustly. What should be reflected on is why the physical store is not doing well, and it is not right to calculate the accounts of the e-commerce industry.

Correctly guiding the development of e-commerce to drive the real economy is the last word, and truly achieving a win-win situation cannot allow developed e-commerce cities to intercept the economy.

What is the future of China's real economy? What are your tips and suggestions for this? Welcome to exchange comments with you...

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