
Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

author:Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

Wuhan: "Optics Valley";

Hefei: "Valley of Voices";

Hangzhou: "Valley".

The new industrial banner of "China Vision Valley" is standing in Hangzhou.

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

Along the Times Elevated Highway all the way to the south, through the Guanshan Tunnel, the four big characters of "China Vision Valley" have been eye-catching. This is the Xiaoshan Special Cooperation Park of Hangzhou High-tech Zone (Binjiang), and it is also the window park of "China Vision Valley".

Who would have imagined that two years ago, it was a low, old industrial plant. Through a year of cage and one year of construction, this fertile land has ushered in the "sudden enlightenment" of the industry, initially formed a new quality productivity matrix, and effectively undertook the climbing mission of Hangzhou's "double new energy enhancement".

In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, Hangzhou took the lead in implementing the "double new" energy enhancement climbing action, grasped the focus of competition between science and technology and industrial cities, started from building a new landmark of national economic geography of "China Vision Valley", continued to make efforts in the acceleration of new tracks, the creation of industrial landmarks, and ecological development, and accelerated the construction of an intelligent IoT trillion-level industrial ecosystem represented by visual intelligence, and also ran out of the speed and passion of rushing towards the "first city of visual intelligence".

"Xiangbin" respects the future

Open a new ecosystem of chain growth

On March 14, Hangzhou established the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance and got the ticket to open the next "golden 20 years" of development.

Among the industry leaders, although Yunjian Information, which has been established for less than three years, is "immature", it has bravely stood at the "forefront" in the field of artificial intelligence hardware infrastructure, completed the leap from a start-up to a national high-tech enterprise, and provided server and computing chip design and manufacturing services for industry leading enterprises.

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

Yunjian Information Headquarters Building (data map)

Walking into the Yunjian Information Wenyan Digital Factory located in the pilot block of the "China Vision Valley" window park, the 12 production lines are "going hand in hand", and the "quiet" production environment makes us strongly feel the surging of new quality productivity. The reason why the team of Zhu Shenghong, President of Yunjian Information, is full of confidence lies in the "one-stop technical service platform for digital products" developed by Yunjian. "This platform is like a train track, abstracting the key elements of hardware design, making the entire product development process controllable and the chain connected, making the hardware development of AI products faster and the product matching more simplified. ”

Soon, more than 2,000 personnel in Yunjian gathered "Xiang" in the headquarters building on Xiangbin Road in Wenyan, and started "Hangzhou" from here again, opening a new national strategic layout, and respecting the future with a cup of "Xiangbin".

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

Geely Group invests 7 billion yuan to build a new energy vehicle electronics industrial park (data map)

Starting from Xiangbin Road, it takes 10 minutes to arrive at the southernmost intelligent manufacturing industrial community of the "China Vision Valley" window park, where Geely Group invested 7 billion yuan to build a new energy automotive electronics industrial park, from signing the contract to putting into production, constantly refreshing the speed, taking the land to start construction in 22 days, and the first production line was put into operation nine months later. Not long ago, it jointly established an alliance with upstream and downstream enterprises in the region to form an alliance of intelligent automobile industry chain.

The "China Vision Valley" window park is like an industrial corridor, starting from Hangzhou High-tech Zone (Binjiang), along the elevated highway of the times, and plunging into the green mountains and green waters in the south of Xiaoshan. The two parks, one in the south and one in the north, allow the "China Vision Valley" strategy to be accurately implemented in this industrial corridor.

Zhang Fei, deputy director of the Management Committee of Xianghu National Tourism Resort and head of the special class for the integration of China Vision Valley and Xiaobin, said that the "China Vision Valley" window park has signed a total of 21 projects of more than 100 million yuan, with a total investment of 21.7 billion yuan.

"Xiao Bin" cohesion

Promote a new leap in industrial energy level

As the "class representative" of Hangzhou's new quality productivity, the "China Vision Valley" window park is also shaping a new mechanism to promote advantages and strive to be the first.

On March 3, 2022, the Xiaoshan Special Cooperation Park of Hangzhou High-tech Zone (Binjiang) was unveiled. On October 8 of the same year, the construction of "China Vision Valley" started in the cooperation park. The cooperation projects between the two districts, such as Silergy Corp., Deborman and Uniview Technology, have successively landed in the "China Vision Valley" window park, becoming a "power group" for the generation of new quality productivity.

According to Gao Wen, chief scientist of the Institute for Advanced Study of Information Technology of Peking University, the construction of the "China Vision Valley" window park is a new channel for Hangzhou High-tech Zone (Binjiang) to exert its industrial radiation, which will multiply the innovation effect.

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

Renderings of the "Window of the Valley" industrial complex

On February 22 this year, the construction of the "Window of the Valley" industrial complex with a total investment of about 2 billion yuan was started, which is the province's first "industrial upstairs" 3.0 and multiple first-floor projects. Running on the new track of visual intelligence, Xiaoshan and Binjiang, the two "dual-core racers", have gradually formed an institutional regional cooperation model of "Xiaoshan provides space and jointly introduces projects", exploring a new collaborative development model for the province's high-tech industrialization.

Zhang Pengguo, CEO of Uniview, said, "The construction of Uniview Global Intelligent Manufacturing Base Project will start soon. It is reported that the project will carry the functions of product manufacturing and global logistics center, and gradually build an inverter production line, a battery pack production line, a charging pile production line and a supporting energy storage product reliability testing laboratory.

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

Xianghu Future Industrial Community under construction

When the high-tech zone (Binjiang) is fully open the "radiation door" of high-tech industries, Xiaoshan is drastic to vacate the cage and change the bird, and accelerate the planning and construction of industrial space. Taking Xianghu Future Industrial Community as an example, a closed loop from incubation to small-scale test to pilot test and then to industrialization has been formed in just two years. The relevant person in charge of the Xianghu Management Committee sighed: "We have done two key things to 'lay the foundation', promote the retreat of backward production capacity at full speed, release thousands of acres of contiguous industrial land, and simultaneously start the improvement of the global environment, so as to stimulate the change of the industrial form of the industrial park and lead the change of development momentum." ”

Of course, the "blank" space vacated must not follow the "old path" again. Subsequently, the TOD industrial complex of Xiangbin Road Station and the fourth phase of Hangzhou Metro started simultaneously, and the 3D industrial park covering an area of 69 acres is expected to start construction this year.

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

The Great Corridor of the Times

It is reported that on the basis of optimizing the core area of 13.48 square kilometers, the "China Vision Valley" window park will carry out the integration of industrial space in the towns and streets around the park, promote the expansion and development of the window park in a timely manner, and strive to build theme industrial parks such as Xianghu Vision Corridor and Yiqiao Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park, and form a chain layout of R&D in the north, incubation in the middle, and intelligent manufacturing in the south, polish the industrial landmark of China's Vision Valley, and continuously promote the new industrial transition of "digital security-visual intelligence-intelligent IoT".

Strong integration of "digital and real".

Build a new pattern of global development

The construction of "China Vision Valley" is not only a racing race, but also an endurance race and a relay race, which requires continuous efforts and new development.

On February 22, the three-year pledge meeting of the "China Vision Valley" window park was grandly held, indicating that Hangzhou will raise the "China Vision Valley" to the strategic level of the national advanced manufacturing cluster, improve the stability and resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, and attract more elements to gather through this banner. For example, actively strive for the construction of strategic scientific and technological forces, achieve breakthroughs in the construction of technological innovation centers and national key laboratories in the field of visual intelligence, and at the same time explore and promote the establishment of joint special projects of ministries and provinces (municipalities) in the field of visual intelligence, and issue invitations to the whole country and even the world to "unveil the leader".

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

At present, Luo Weijie, general manager of Zhejiang Visual Intelligence Innovation Center, is promoting the implementation of a number of innovation platforms such as Peking University Visual Intelligence Industry Research Institute and Xidian Hangzhou Research Institute Advanced Vision Research Institute. "We hope to 'escort' the emergence of original and disruptive scientific and technological innovations. At the same time, it will accelerate the implementation of various application scenarios and achieve expansion and fission. ”

It is reported that Hangzhou will focus on key areas such as urban governance, transportation, industry, logistics, medical care, finance, entertainment, elderly care, and home furnishing, create a number of major application scenarios with strong demonstration and wide drive, promote the creation of a national-level intelligent networked vehicle "vehicle-road-cloud integration" application pilot area, and support the construction of a visual intelligence innovation application scenario display and experience space integrating test display, roadshow, and experience in Xiaoshan Special Cooperation Park of Hangzhou High-tech Zone (Binjiang).

Famous City Window Climbing in Progress | Gather "seeing" into the valley to lift the new force

In February this year, the "China Vision Valley" Industrial Development Plan was officially released, showing that the "China Vision Valley" visual intelligence industry system has been upgraded from "three layers and seven ends" to "three layers and seven ends", that is, highlighting the deepening of the basic layer, strengthening the technology layer, and expanding the application layer, focusing on the development of digital security, industrial vision, medical imaging, autonomous driving, intelligent life and office, virtual reality and metaverse, special imaging and other seven major industrial ends. Especially in terms of scene application, "China Vision Valley" will focus from "artificial intelligence +" to "vision +", and is committed to shaping rich innovative applications of "vision +" and "+ vision" that meet the requirements of new industrialization.

In the "spring tide" of new quality productivity, Hangzhou is moving steadily, integrating to the number, climbing to the high, advancing to the new, gathering "seeing" into a valley, and striving to promote the digital economy to climb again.


Win the race of the "new" century

In the season of the growth of all things, walking into the "China Vision Valley" window park, the surging power of "digital and real integration" released by it, and the story of "going all the way to the south and advancing into the new era" let us see Hangzhou's determination and confidence to move forward with a running attitude, work hard with a decisive battle mentality, and work hard to promote the digital economy to climb again.

It is a "difficult but correct thing" to build a "China Vision Valley" and create a new landmark of national economic geography. 2024 is the year of re-starting after Hangzhou has successfully achieved the three major leaps, and how to further amplify the industrial energy level of Hangzhou as a megacity and accelerate the running and forging ahead on the track of new quality productivity is a problem that must be solved in front of Hangzhou. Obviously, the construction of "China Vision Valley" is a solution to the problem in Hangzhou. After two years of exploration and practice, "China Vision Valley" has become a "national team" that outperforms the global industrial system on the new track, together with the Chengxi Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and the Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, and has made every effort to leverage the new future of Hangzhou.

This is the spring of reform, but also the Hangzhou of creation.

Orange Persimmon Interactive Reporter Zhao Cijie Chen Wei Guo Yan Fang Liang / Text Reporter Li Zhong / Photo