
The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

author:Love life, love agriculture, and rural areas to speak for the people

Recently, I have shared with you a lot of good projects to make money in rural areas, such as the project of planting magnolia vegetables, I have shared it with you more than once, and many netizens have expressed their interest in this project after reading my sharing, and they have asked me a lot of questions. Next, I will reply to the questions raised by netizens, I hope you can read it carefully and help forward it to more people, thank you very much!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

For the magnolia vegetable planting project, answer questions from netizens

Netizens asked: Is magnolia a kind of baby cabbage, and what is its taste and nutritional value?

A: Many people who don't know about magnolia for the first time see it and mistake it for baby cabbage, in fact, although it looks a bit like baby cabbage, they are not the same kind of vegetables at all. Magnolia looks more petite and cute than baby cabbage, and its color is more tender and white, which is more pleasing.

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

In terms of nutritional value, the performance of magnolia is also far superior to baby cabbage, because it is not only rich in trace elements, but also beneficial components of amino acids, which belongs to the nobility of vegetables. In terms of taste, magnolia dishes also perform well, it tastes sweet and crispy, can be used to make soups, stir-fried food, and is more suitable for vegetable salads, especially favored by beauty lovers and high-end restaurants!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Netizens asked: Is it difficult to grow magnolia and in which areas is it suitable for planting?

Magnolia is not difficult to grow, but it should be noted that it only needs to harvest its fleshy roots for the first planting, and then put it in a freezer at minus 20 degrees Celsius for more than 30 days. Then you can thaw the fleshy roots, and finally use soilless cultivation technology to cultivate it, if we are afraid of trouble, you can also omit the dormant link of the fleshy roots, and directly buy the dormant fleshy roots to plant, which is very simple and convenient!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

In addition, magnolia is very adaptable, and it can be grown all year round all over the mainland, but it should be noted that it must be grown in a dark-free environment. In addition, the resistance of magnolia vegetables is also very good, and there is no need to use any pesticides and fertilizers during the whole planting process, and it only needs to be planted for more than 20 days before it can be harvested, which is a real healthy green vegetable.

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Netizens asked: You introduced before that magnolia vegetables can be planted in a free room, what's going on?

Yes, magnolia can indeed be planted in the free room in the countryside, and the benefits of this method are very many, first of all, the use of the rural free room, the use of three-dimensional soilless technology to plant it can greatly save the planting land, as well as the cost of land;

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Netizens asked: What is the planting prospect of magnolia vegetables?

Answer: To find out what the planting prospects of magnolia are, we have to analyze from the following perspectives: 1. The planting cost, the planting cost of magnolia is not high, except for the need to buy seeds and necessary tools, there are almost no other extra costs. 2. Yield, the yield of magnolia is very high, it can be planted at one time and harvested with multiple stubbles, and it can also be planted in a three-dimensional way, and the yield is very considerable.

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

3. The selling price, the price of magnolia vegetables has always been relatively high, and the purchase price of land will not be lower than 40 yuan per kilogram, while the retail price of large supermarkets is higher. 4. Marketing, the last thing to worry about planting magnolia vegetables is the problem of marketing, because we don't need to go out to find a market at all, and the buyers come to buy with a deposit, so the sales are very smooth, as long as there are goods, there is no need to worry about selling!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

5 production capacity, the production capacity of planting magnolia vegetables is much higher than that of ordinary vegetable varieties, under normal circumstances, with a room of 30 square meters to plant magnolia vegetables, its annual production capacity can reach more than 100,000 yuan, which is indeed quite high. 6. Prospects, based on the above situation, the conditions of magnolia are very good in all aspects, so the planting prospects are also very promising, and the current planting is just right!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Netizens asked: Some people say that the net profit of planting magnolia vegetables can reach hundreds of thousands of yuan or even higher, is this true?

The profits of growing magnolia vegetables are indeed quite high, for example, there is a Guangxi couple, they have also planted many vegetable varieties before, but their profits are very average. A few years ago, they were introduced, and then used the three empty rooms at home to cultivate magnolia vegetables, and the net profit in the second year reached nearly 200,000 yuan, which was unimaginable for them in the past!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

In addition, we have a small greenhouse vegetable planting base in Hunan, and they used to use greenhouses to grow all kinds of vegetables, but they have not been able to make money. And just a few years ago, they found a business opportunity to plant magnolia vegetables, so they used a high-standard greenhouse to cultivate magnolia vegetables, who would have thought that the production capacity of this greenhouse was as high as more than 400,000 yuan, which has simply become a "myth" in the entire planting industry!

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Summary: Through the above, we can see that the advantages and advantages of magnolia vegetables are indeed very prominent, and its planting technology is not difficult, and more importantly, it also has huge advantages in terms of selling price and sales, so this is really a good project to make a fortune in rural areas. If you're still looking for a project in front of the screen, I suggest you try growing magnolia and maybe you'll be back soon to thank me.

The price is 40 yuan per kilogram, and the annual production capacity is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Magnolia seeds ¥9.9 Purchase

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