
Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

People's pursuit of health and longevity has never stopped since ancient times, and everyone wants to live as long as possible and savor the colorful life and convenience brought by technology.

However, in the face of the inexorable passage of time, people's bodily functions seem to gradually be unable to resist the erosion of time and gradually decline, which is also a common phenomenon.

Have you ever wondered why some people live to be 50 years old and then die, while others are healthy at 90 years old, and what is the root cause of this difference?

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple


How many out of 10,000 people live to be 80 years old?

The journey of life is not always smooth, and accidents, sudden illnesses, and even subtle changes within the human body itself can affect the achievement of this expectation.

The human body is not a machine that runs at a uniform speed, and its aging process is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. A study published in the journal Nature Medicine by researchers at Stanford University reveals this mystery for us.

They found that the human body faces a high incidence of disease at the age of 34, 60 and 78. Especially around the age of 78, there is a high incidence of Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease.

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple

To delve deeper into this phenomenon, the research team conducted detailed plasma analyses on 4,263 volunteers from different age groups.

The results show that human hematopoietic stem cells accumulate a certain number of genetic mutations every year, while the length of chromosomal telomeres is also decreasing year by year.

These small changes, under the precipitation of time, will eventually trigger a "cliff-like aging" around the age of 78, exposing the fragility of life.

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple

Therefore, living past the age of 80 is not an easy task. It is not just a number, but also the result of the comprehensive effect of multiple factors such as genes, environment, and living habits.

On the stage of life, those who can successfully live to the age of 80 are undoubtedly those who have superior genes, a good environment and healthy living habits.

According to statistics, the survival rate of 80-year-olds in the population is only about 30%, that is, out of 10,000 people, only about 3,000 people can cross this hurdle of life and usher in the twilight of life.

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple


What is the limit of human lifespan?

Among the many studies and reports on human lifespan, the person who has been confirmed to live the longest human life so far is Jeanne-Louise Calman, who has become a shining star of human life expectancy with a longevity record of 122 years and 164 days.

On the mainland, although there have been legends about old men who lived to be 256 years old, unfortunately, there is no conclusive evidence to prove the truth of this claim.

Although we can't know exactly how long each person lives, scientists have never stopped exploring it. In 1825, Benjamin Gumpertz, a brilliant scientist, through a series of complex mathematical calculations and model construction, came to the conclusion that the ultimate life expectancy of human beings is about 124 years.

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple

Immediately afterwards, the British biologist Ba Feng also joined the ranks of exploring the limits of human lifespan. Through the study and analysis of data on a large number of animals, he came up with a relatively broad prediction: humans can live up to 100 to 175 years.

In 1961, the research results of American biologist Hayfrick attracted widespread attention. Through the study of cell division, he calculated that the limit of human lifespan is about 120 years.


Why do some people leave before the age of 50 and some people are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is actually quite simple

First of all, genetic inheritance plays a non-negligible role in this. Our bodies are like a precision machine written by genes, and some people are born with greater vitality and resistance, which allows them to maintain a healthy body even at an advanced age. Some people may carry some genetic variants that affect their health, making them more susceptible to disease.

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple

Secondly, lifestyle choices are also crucial. Those who pay attention to their diet, exercise consistently, and have a positive mindset tend to be able to stay healthy over the years.

Their bodies are well maintained and all kinds of functions are functioning within the normal range, thus slowing down the aging process. Conversely, those who live irregularly, eat unhealthy, and lack exercise tend to fall into illness earlier and even die young at a young age.

In addition, social and environmental factors should not be ignored. A harmonious, safe and caring social environment contributes to people's physical and mental health.

Why do some people die before the age of 50, while others are still in good health at the age of 90? The answer is simple

In such an environment, it is easier for people to maintain an optimistic mindset, so that they can better resist the pressures and challenges in life. Conversely, an environment full of stress, competition, and interpersonal tension can leave people physically and mentally exhausted, affecting health and longevity.