
Sign up today! Xiangyang recruits auxiliary police!

author:FM104 Sound of Xiangyang

According to the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department and the Hubei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security's "Interim Measures for the Recruitment of Police Auxiliary Personnel in Hubei Provincial Public Security Organs" (E Gongtong [2024] No. 9) and the "Measures for the Management of Police Auxiliary Police Personnel of Gucheng County Public Security Organs" (Gu Zheng Ban Fa [2017] No. 12) of the Office of the People's Government of Gucheng County, the Gucheng County Public Security Bureau openly recruits police auxiliary personnel from the public. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:


Recruitment positions and requirements

Position 1: Anti-terrorism Brigade of Gucheng County Public Security Bureau, 2 service auxiliary police (male only), 1 civilian auxiliary police (male or female), working place is Beichen Avenue Public Security Bureau, Chengguan Town, Gucheng County;

Position 2: Gucheng County Public Security Bureau Public Security Brigade, 3 civilian auxiliary police (male or female), working place is Beichen Avenue Public Security Bureau, Chengguan Town, Gucheng County;

Position 3: Gucheng County Public Security Bureau Detention Center, 2 auxiliary police officers (male only), working place is Gucheng County Detention Center;

Position 4: Chengguan Police Station, Gucheng County Public Security Bureau, 4 auxiliary police officers (male only), working place is Chengguan Police Station;

Position 5: Shihua Police Station, Gucheng County Public Security Bureau, 2 auxiliary police officers (male only), working place is Shihua Police Station;

Position 6: Wushan Police Station, Gucheng County Public Security Bureau, 1 auxiliary police officer (male only), working place is Wushan Police Station;

Position 7: Gucheng County Public Security Bureau Lengji Police Station, 1 civilian auxiliary police (male or female), 1 service auxiliary police (male only), the working place is the cold collection police station;

Position 8: Traffic Police Brigade of Gucheng County Public Security Bureau, 2 auxiliary police officers (male only), working place is the first squadron of the traffic police (Gucheng Chengguan) and the third squadron of the traffic police (Gucheng Miaotan).


Scope and target of recruitment

Local recruitment targets that meet the requirements of the "Interim Measures for the Recruitment of Police Auxiliary Personnel of Hubei Provincial Public Security Organs" (E Gongtong [2024] No. 9) and the "Measures for the Management of Police Auxiliary Police Personnel of Gucheng County Public Security Organs" (Gu Zheng Ban Fa [2017] No. 12).


Recruitment conditions

(1) Basic conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China;

3. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;

4. Be at least 18 years old, in principle, no more than 35 years old, and special positions can be appropriately relaxed;

5. Have good political and professional qualities and good conduct;

6. Duty auxiliary police have a high school (technical secondary school) degree or above, and civilian auxiliary police have a college degree or above;

7. Be in good health;

8. Other conditions required by laws, regulations and relevant national regulations.

(2) Personnel in any of the following circumstances must not be recruited as auxiliary police:

1. Participating in illegal organizations, cults, or engaging in other activities endangering national security;

2. The person's family members or main social relations are serving a prison sentence or are under investigation;

3. Those who have received criminal punishment or are suspected of violating the law or crime and have not yet been clarified;

4. Fabricating or disseminating theories, lines, principles, and policies that are detrimental to the reputation of the state, opposing the Party, or violating state laws and regulations;

5. Those who have been punished for drug use, soliciting prostitution, or gambling;

6. Those who have been subjected to administrative detention, judicial detention, custody and education;

7. Where a lawyer's or notary's practice certificate has been revoked;

8. Those who have been dismissed from public office, expelled from the military, or dismissed or dismissed for violations of discipline or regulations;

9. Leaving their posts without authorization before the contract period for auxiliary police work has expired;

10. Have a relatively serious negative personal credit record;

11. Others who are not suitable for auxiliary police work.


Registration method, time, and place

1. Registration method: I bring my ID card and graduation certificate (fresh graduates should bring the electronic registration and filing form) to register on site.

2. Registration time: April 7 to 11, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 14:30 p.m. to 17:30 p.m.

3. Registration location: Political Work Office of Gucheng County Public Security Bureau

4. Contact: Officer Lei 0710-7404497, 13387238990, 18186260667 (working hours only).


Examination of qualifications

1. Applicants should truthfully provide registration materials, and only after passing the qualification examination can they obtain the registration qualification.

2. The staff will review the documents and materials provided by the applicants on the spot. Those who voluntarily give up the qualification review, or the relevant materials and information are false, affecting the results of the qualification review, will be disqualified from employment.


Exam Requirements:

1. Written Test:

Time: 9:00 a.m., April 17, 2024;

Location: Gucheng County Public Security Bureau West Building Police Training Base (No. 110, Beichen Avenue, Chengguan Town, Gucheng County).

2. Physical Fitness Assessment:

After the completion of the written test, they will participate in the physical fitness assessment. The physical fitness assessment standards are to be implemented with reference to the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Physical Fitness Assessment Items and Standards for the Recruitment of People's Police by Public Security Organs (Provisional)" (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2011] No. 48). The results of each physical fitness assessment will be signed and confirmed by the candidates on the spot.

3. Interview:

The recruiting unit will notify the shortlisted candidates to participate in the interview at a ratio of 1:3 according to the candidates' written test and physical fitness assessment results from high to low.

Note: Candidates who do not take the test at the specified time and place will be deemed to have given up their qualification for the examination.


Medical examinations and inspections

The candidates for physical examination and inspection shall be determined according to the order of the difference of 1:1.5 in the planned number of hires according to the comprehensive results from high to low.

(1) Physical examination. The physical examination items and standards refer to the "General Standards for Physical Examination for Civil Servants (Trial)", and the physical examination needs to be carried out in a general hospital at or above the county level (including the county level).

(2) Organize inspections. Before the inspection, the candidates submit a personal autobiography (about 1500 words), and the inspection team combines the personal autobiography to fully understand the political quality, moral character, ability and quality, psychological quality, study and work performance, law-abiding, integrity and self-discipline of the subject through on-site visits, individual conversations, review of personnel files, inquiry of social credit records, and interviews with the subject of the investigation. The degree of job matching and whether it is necessary to avoid and other aspects, and review the registration qualifications, verify whether the subject meets the qualifications for the examination, and whether the application information and related materials provided are true, accurate and complete. The inspection situation is the main basis for determining the personnel to be hired.

Physical examinations and inspections can be organized and implemented simultaneously, and if there is a vacancy due to unqualified physical examinations and inspections, the recruitment agency shall determine whether to fill them according to their needs. If it is necessary to make up for it, the recruiting authority shall make up for the physical examination and examination candidates in order of the comprehensive score from high to low among the personnel applying for the same position.


Confirm the hire

In accordance with the prescribed procedures and standards, the Party Committee of the Gucheng County Public Security Bureau shall select the best personnel to be hired on the basis of examination results, physical examination results, and inspection results.

The employer shall conduct pre-job training for the target to be employed, and after passing the training, sign a labor contract with the employer in the form of labor dispatch in accordance with the relevant provisions and go through the formal employment procedures, with a minimum contract period of not less than 2 years, and participate in social insurance and related benefits in accordance with the law after formal employment, and the salary is negotiable.

Special Reminder:

1. Candidates should keep communication smooth during the examination, especially during the qualification review, interview and replacement, and should take the initiative to inform the recruiting agency after the change of communication mode to avoid missing the opportunity to be hired.

2. Candidates should carefully check the position, personal name, ID number, photo, examination subject, qualification examination results and other important information when registering to avoid missing the opportunity to take the examination.

3. ID card is to participate in the written test, qualification review, interview, physical fitness assessment, physical examination and other links need to show the voucher, when taking the exam, you must bring the second-generation ID card in the validity period, the documents are not complete, not allowed to take the exam.

Editor: Wang Xiao │ Proofreader: Zhao Wenli

Review: Cai Yanyan