
Someone has been tricked! Attention to people who go out to play! Be alert to these symptoms......

author:Fusion of the sun


It's a good time to enjoy the flowers

If you are out and about

Suddenly I felt itching in my legs

A small "black mole" like bug was found

Bites on the legs

Ten Million Needs Small Heart

Once mishandled

In severe cases, it can even be fatal

Someone has been tricked! Attention to people who go out to play! Be alert to these symptoms......

Recently, Wang Jian, director of the dermatology department of Liyuan Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, admitted a case of tick bite in the outpatient clinic.

The patient, Mr. Zhou (pseudonym), went to the mountains to go green, and after returning home, he felt itchy on the outside of his right leg and stomach, and after a closer look, he found a small black spot on his skin, with a head and claws, and he was still moving slightly. He tried to pull it out with tweezers, but he couldn't pull it out, so he rushed to the hospital to deal with it.

"Fortunately, the patient did not pull out the worm directly!" Wang Jian said that it was a tick that bit Mr. Zhou, and after biting the human body, it will deeply root the mouthparts into the skin to suck blood, and at the same time spread pathogens, which may cause hemorrhagic fever, forest encephalitis, Lyme disease and other diseases.

If bitten by a tick carrying the new bunyavirus, it may also cause "fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome", or "fever with syndrome" for short. The main clinical manifestations of this disease are fever, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia, and some patients may die due to multi-organ failure.

If you "pull out" after being bitten by a tick, it is easy for the mouthparts and head of the tick to remain in the body, resulting in pathogen infection. If you accidentally pinch the tick during the "hard pulling" and come into contact with the tick's body fluids, you may also be infected with the virus.

Wang Jian suggested that you can use a cotton ball dipped in liquor or 75% alcohol, put it on the insect body for anesthesia, and wait for the tick to "get drunk" before gently taking it off.

Henan CDC Reminder:

Beware of "tick disease"

On April 4, Henan CDC issued a document reminding the public to beware of "tick disease":

Someone has been tricked! Attention to people who go out to play! Be alert to these symptoms......

Tick disease is a common name for "fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome", which is an insect-borne infectious disease mainly caused by neobunia virus infection newly discovered in mainland China in 2009.

Tick disease is mainly transmitted by tick bites, and can also be transmitted between people through direct contact with the blood, bloody secretions, excretions and contaminants of patients and their corpses, leading to cluster outbreaks.

The disease is mostly distributed in mountainous and hilly areas, and as of the end of 2023, 27 provinces in mainland China have reported such cases.

How can I prevent tick bites?

One is to wear protective clothing or light-colored clothing. Wear light-coloured clothing with tight necklines, cuffs and trouser legs, stockings and boots, and a protective hat or bandana. Don't wear sandals.

Second, it is necessary to check frequently. Avoid staying or sitting or lying down for long periods of time in tick habitats such as grasslands and woodlands. Check frequently every 2 hours or during breaks to remove the infestation ticks, and remove your clothes before going to bed.

The third is the use of repellents. Exposed areas should be coated with repellents, such as DEET (only recommended for people over 2 years old), etc., and the effect can last for several hours. If possible, you can soak your clothes with insecticides such as cypermethrin or DEET-containing repellents, or spray them on your clothes.

Someone has been tricked! Attention to people who go out to play! Be alert to these symptoms......

Outdoor activities

Be sure to do a good job of prevention!

Source丨Comprehensive CCTV News, Beijing Daily, Henan Disease Control, etc