
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

author:Peace and sunrise

"I am an immortal who descended from the Spirit Mountain"

"I am the root of all things and the mother of all"

- From "Zuo Da Xian'er"

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

("Zuo Daisen" deity)

Recently, the Beijing police cracked a case of national asset unfreezing fraud and arrested 13 criminal suspects led by Zuo Mouhong. After investigation, Zuo Mouhong attracted the attention of middle-aged and elderly people in the name of spreading and teaching religious knowledge, developed into believers, fabricated false projects to unfreeze national assets, and instigated believers to pay money on a monthly basis, so as to achieve the purpose of defrauding money. This case is the first case in our city that combines superstitious fraud and private capital fraud, which is highly confusing and deceptive.

Let's introduce the deception tricks of Zuo Mouhong" and "Zuo Daxian'er":

Let's start with a solemn antique courtyard

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

The building was originally the residence of believers surnamed Li

Under the bewitchment of Zuo Mouhong

Not only for its free use

Believers surnamed Li also became accomplices in the crime of fraud

and every effort to attract believers to it

Police found a number of statues of gods and Buddhas in the courtyard and in the building

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

The conference room located on the third floor is the main place for Zuo Mouhong to preach the law and teach

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

See this

You will find that "Zuo Da Xian'er" looks like "boundless mana"

What's even more "surprising" is

She is also the legal representative of a "strong" investment company

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

He is the person in charge of many projects such as "rural revitalization" and "unfreezing of national assets".

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

Elaborate plaques of honor

It shows the "performance and strength" of "Zuo Da Xian'er"

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

- Swipe left and right to see more -

To gain trust

She presented all kinds of awards to the faithful


The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".
The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

With the blessing of all the above packaging

She began to selectively develop members of private investment projects among her followers

Members are required to pay a monthly fee

The past and present life of "Zuo Da Xian'er".

During the interrogation, the police thought she was talking nonsense

You can find out about it through visits

Indeed, there are some ignorant believers who agree with her words

even called "Zuo Daxian'er" "Mom"

These devotees are developed into members and pay regular fees

I am convinced that she will do good deeds and develop public welfare undertakings

At the same time, it blesses the believers with peace and wealth

But in fact, the membership fee is used by her to package her personality and daily consumption

No matter how clever the "Zuo Da Xian'er" is and makes up lies

Still can't escape the punishment of the law

At present, Zuo Mouhong and other 13 suspects are suspected of fraud

He was criminally detained by the police in accordance with the law

Police tips: Scammers combine a variety of fraud methods, using people's religious beliefs to use private projects as bait to defraud money. Although the crook tactics are constantly being renewed, the essence will not change.

Recognise the four characteristics of this type of scam:

High returns: It takes advantage of people's mentality of being greedy for cheap and fantasizing about getting rich overnight;

Impersonating an authority: In every case of national asset unfreezing fraud, the suspect will forge various deposit certificates, government documents, and photos;

Low threshold to join: you can become a member by paying a few dozen yuan, although everyone is deceived by very little money, but the total case value is amazing;

Thieves shout to catch thieves: In recent years, a number of such cases have been detected across the country, and suspects often shout to catch thieves, claiming that they are supported by the state and have confidentiality requirements.

Keep in mind the four whatevers:

Anyone who collects money under the banner of unfreezing similar national assets and asks you to pay money, no matter how much money there is, is a fraud;

Anyone who claims to be a leading cadre of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and makes so-called "entrustment", "authorization" and "appointment" through telephone, WeChat, email, QQ, etc., is a fraud;

All kinds of foundations, projects, and apps that claim to be able to make profits of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of yuan by paying tens or hundreds of yuan in membership dues are all frauds;

Anyone who forwards and agitates and publicizes the so-called unfreezing of national assets or sets up relevant WeChat groups and QQ groups to recruit members, collect fees, and gather in Beijing is suspected of violating the law and committing crimes, and the public security organs will strictly investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law.

Source: Beijing Criminal Investigation