
Qingming sacrifice heroes and martyrs continue the red blood

author:Splendid green sheep

April 4 is the Qingming Festival, people from all walks of life spontaneously came to the Twelve Bridges Martyrs Cemetery to express their sorrow with flowers, pay tribute to the martyrs, and remember the heroes.

Qingming sacrifice heroes and martyrs continue the red blood

Surrounded by pines and cypresses, the Twelve Bridges Martyrs Cemetery rests 36 revolutionary martyrs. The citizens solemnly presented flowers to the revolutionary martyrs and bowed deeply, conveying their admiration and nostalgia for the martyrs in the most simple way.

At the scene, many parents brought their children to the Twelve Bridges Martyrs Cemetery to carry out tomb sweeping activities, guiding the children to remember history, cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, and inherit the red gene. The children held flowers, stood in silence, and presented flowers to the martyrs' monument to express their nostalgia for the revolutionary martyrs, and deeply felt that today's happy life is not easy to come by.

Qingming sacrifice heroes and martyrs continue the red blood

Ms. Zhou's family of three will come to the Twelve Bridges Martyrs Cemetery every year to sweep the graves of the martyrs, "They are all together as a family, here, every time they recall the stories of the martyrs, they will have more feelings, and they will cherish the good life now." ”

Mr. Fan and his family came to the Twelve Bridges Martyrs Cemetery early in the morning, Mr. Fan said that he is a party member, and every time he travels, he will take his children to the local area to find the footprints of the martyrs, to understand their stories, and the children are exposed to it, so they can naturally understand that life is not easy to come by, and they can also love their motherland more.

Qingming sacrifice heroes and martyrs continue the red blood

"Our whole family has to come here every year to visit the graves of the martyrs, and the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs inspires us to study harder, work hard, and serve the motherland. Chen Yuxin, a sixth-grader, said.

Students from Shude Experimental Middle School wore school uniforms and bright red scarves to carry out memorial activities, and they solemnly swore under the team flag, saying that they would inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of revolutionary martyrs, study hard, and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

On the eve of the Qingming Festival, the Qintai Road Community Party Committee, together with the Party Building of Qingyang District Organs, the Party Organization of the Caotang District, the Party Branch of the Street Organs, the Community Party Building Joint Unit, and the "Two New" Party Organizations, carried out the theme activity of "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Carrying Forward the Heroic Spirit" on the Qingming Festival to Sweep the Twelve Bridges Martyrs Cemetery. In front of the martyrs' monument, party members and cadres bowed their heads in silence and bowed with great reverence, deeply remembering the revolutionary martyrs.

Some of the images courtesy of Qintai Road Community and Shude Experimental Middle School