
I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul

author:Zhangjiachuan Media

Source: Lychee Girl's poems and songs

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul

Poetry, the ancients pinned on the impermanence of life, the changes of personnel, and the helplessness of the world.

Every song, every sentence, is outlined by the indescribable sorrow and loneliness in my heart.

Poetry is like a meteor streaked across the night sky, illuminating that soft and sensitive soul.

The torrent of emotions, thousands of years of time and space, touches the resonance of the hearts of modern people.

Forty lonely verses, the indifference and persistence of the vicissitudes of the world, the sorrow and joy of the moon and stars, and the blossoming and falling of flowers.

The text is poignant and moving, desolate and far-reaching, depicting the twists and turns of life.

In the reading room, release the pent-up emotions, get poetic healing and spiritual relief.

Affectionate and aesthetic interpretation, reminiscing about the feelings of the ancients, looking for poems and distances in life.

Let the impetuous mind be quiet and rested for a moment.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Now listening to the rain monk's house, the temples have stars.

The joys and sorrows are always ruthless, one step ahead, bit by bit until dawn.

- Song Jiang Jie, "Poppy Beauty: Listening to the Rain"

Now sitting alone under the monk's house, listening to the sound of rain, the white hair has been mottled. Let the sound of rain in front of the steps drip from night to dawn, although the joys and sorrows have been experienced, they have turned into wordless indifference.


This past year should be a good day and a good time.

Even though there are thousands of styles, who can you talk to?

- Song Liuyong, "Yulin Bell, Autumn Farewell"

Even if there are thousands of affectionate thoughts in my heart, who should I tell about this deep nostalgia and reluctance?


A glass of wine in the spring breeze of peach and plum, and ten years of night rain in the rivers and lakes.


Once the time of drinking wine together in the spring breeze of peach and plum was like yesterday, but now in the rivers and lakes, accompanied by the lonely lamp of the cold night of ten years, facing the continuous night rain alone.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Looking back for thousands of miles, the old man is forever, and the seat is full of clothes and snow.

- Song Xin Qiji, "He Bridegroom"

Looking back at the homeland thousands of miles away, the best friends have been forever in the world, and the luxuriously dressed people in front of them can not hide the desolation in their hearts, as cold as snow.


Unsatisfactory things are often eight or nine, and they can be the same as the language people.

- Song Fangyue, "Don't Commander of Talents"

There are often eight or nine unsatisfactory things in life, but there are less than two or three people who can confide in their hearts, this is the normal state of life, and loneliness and silence have become a part of life.


I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears.


I walk in this world, carrying endless sorrow and melancholy, knowing why you are teary-eyed, and that unspeakable heart is like a resonant string.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Ten years of life and death, without thinking, unforgettable.

- Song Su Shi "Jiangchengzi"

Ten years of life and death are separated, even if you don't remember it, that deep affection is still unforgettable and unforgettable. This is the most affectionate confession to his wife.


If you want to buy osmanthus and carry wine, it is not the same as a teenager.

- Song Liu Guo, "Tang Duoling"

I wanted to buy osmanthus and travel with wine, but I finally found that this state of mind was different from the brisk and chic when I was young. The sadness of things being different from people is always so unrelievable.


Leave with one heart, and die with sorrow.

- Han Anonymous "Picking Hibiscus in the River"

Heart-to-heart but forced to separate, can only spend the rest of their lives in endless sorrow, just like the poignant legend of wading the river to pick hibiscus, leaving regrets in vain.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


A lifetime of negative qi has become today, and no one in the four seas is facing the sunset.

——Chen Yinke, "Memories of the Former Residence"

A lifetime of stubborn personality has created today's situation, no one in the four seas seems to understand the loneliness under the sunset, only with his back to the sunset, bearing loneliness and desolation, inexplicable sadness wells up in his heart.



——Song Su Shi "Fortune Operator: Huangzhou Dinghui Courtyard Residence"

In the vast night, the lonely crane is independent of the cold branches, even if it is looking for a place to live, it will not stay easily, only endure the lonely cold on the desolate sandbank. Leaving the hometown and well, the incomprehensible night, in addition to loneliness and cold.



——Song Fan Zhongyan "Royal Street Travel: Autumn Nostalgia"

The sorrow in my heart has reached the point where it cannot be resolved, even if I want to use wine to dispel my sorrows, before the contents of the cup can enter my throat, tears have already slipped from my eyes. A man with a strong sense of family and country is so affectionate in his every move.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


The world is a big dream, and life is cool several times.

- Song Su Shi "Xijiang Moon, the World is a Big Dream"

Everything in the world is like a dream, and life has been in a hurry for several autumn coolness, and it has gone through vicissitudes, as if it is just an instantaneous change and reincarnation. How many tribulations do people have to go through in this life to be able to comprehend.


This situation can be recalled, but it was already clear at the time.

- Don Li Shangyin, "Jin Se"

That deep affection could have become a beautiful memory in the future, but at that time, I was confused and failed to deeply appreciate its preciousness. Live your life every day and don't let yourself get old and miss the good old days.


I want to put my heart into Yaoqin. There are few bosom friends, who listens to broken strings?

- Song Yue Fei "Little Heavy Mountain"

I want to pin my heart on Yaoqin, but it is difficult to find a bosom friend, even if the strings are broken, who can really listen to this deep inner call? Like Yue Fei, a person who is loyal to the country, the depression in his heart is really rarely resonated, it's just that, it hurts that generation of men.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Xingxing is unfamiliar, and the drunkard is sluggish, not like last year.

- Song Liuyong, "Youth Tour"

The joyful pleasure of the past has become strange and alienated, and the friends who used to drink together have become sparse and scattered, and they are no longer as lively and cheerful as last year. Flowers are not red for a hundred days, people are no longer young, it is simple to read, but it is actually so sad.


It's a pity that the old love joined hands and became haggard overnight.


It's a pity that the place where I once spent hand in hand with my old love is now enough to make people haggard and as bleak as the fallen leaves in late autumn. Nostalgia, memory is the most painful process, because it is beautiful, so it is missed, and because it is painful.


The twenty-four bridges are still there, the waves are swinging, and the cold moon is silent.

——Song Jiang Kui, "Yangzhou Slow, Huaizuo Famous Capital"

The 24th bridge is still standing, and the lake is rippling, reflecting the cold moonlight, and at this moment the moon is silent, which is even more empty and cold. The bridge is eternal, and what people no longer are is wrong, and it is embarrassing to read.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Where to synthesize sorrow, away from people's hearts.

- Song Wu Wenying, "Tang Duoling, Farewell"

Perhaps, it is the autumn mood that lingers in people's hearts that makes the word "sorrow" take shape and turn into deep sadness. There are thousands of moods of sorrow, but the word sorrow is the feeling of discomfort in the autumn.


I have also drifted for a long time, and in the past ten years, I have been deeply gracious, and I have been a mentor and friend in life and death.

- Qing Gu Zhenguan "Two Golden Wisp Songs"

I have also been adrift for a long time, and I feel that I have failed many kindnesses, whether it is the friendship between life and death, or the care between teachers and friends. Some acquaintances cannot be measured by money and benefits, and some kindnesses cannot be expressed in words.


The back light and the moon are in the shade, and it has been ten years of traces and ten years of heart.


The shadow of the light and the moonlight are intertwined, and in the corner with the back to the lamplight, under the shade of the flowers, the footprints of the past ten years are clearly visible, and the heart also carries the precipitation and changes of the ten years.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


The sunset wine is far away, and the wind and rain go down to the west building.

- Don Xu Hun, "Xie Ting's Farewell"

At dusk, I woke up and dreamed back, only to realize that the deceased had traveled far away, and at this moment only the wind and rain accompanied me to leave the West Building and embark on the way home, and my heart was full of parting loneliness.


Zhu Xian's last words are there, but he was lonely back then.

——Jin Yuanhao asked "On Poetry"

With a gentle flick of the red strings, the remaining notes seem to tell the loneliness of the past, although time passes, the long loneliness is still the same as before.


The past has been hurt several times in the world, and Yamagata is still cold.

——Don Liu Yuxi, "Nostalgia for Xisai Mountain"

The world is sad several times, but the shape of the mountains and rivers remains the same, quietly nestled in the cold river, as if the vicissitudes of history are just the mood fluctuations of passers-by.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Yellow-leaved trees in the rain, white-headed people under the lamp.


Under the old trees with yellow leaves floating in the rain, the lights reflect the figure of the white-haired man, the years are silent, but the fallen leaves and white heads are poems, outlining a poignant picture.


In the world of life, suddenly like a traveler.

——Han Anonymous "Qingqing Tomb Shangbai"

Life is like a hurried passer between heaven and earth, suddenly traveling to a foreign land, fleeting in an instant, like a autumn of grass and trees, short and precious.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


It is difficult to cross the mountain, who is sad and lost the way; when they meet in Pingshui, they are all guests from other places.

——Tang Wang Bo, "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng"

The mountains are insurmountable, and who will feel pity for the frustrated and lost people? When they meet, they are both wandering travelers in a foreign land, chewing the ups and downs of life together.


There is a loquat tree in the garden, which was planted by my wife in the year of her death, and now it has been covered like a pavilion.


The loquat tree in the courtyard was planted by my deceased wife, and under the nourishment of time, it is now flourishing and pavilion-like, becoming a deep nostalgia and endless miss for her.


Once the sea was difficult to water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud.

- Tang Yuanzhi, "Leaving Thoughts"

Those who have experienced the vicissitudes of the sea are no longer moved by other waters, and after seeing the clouds of Wushan, no other cloud in the world can compare with them, which is a unique depiction of the most sincere and profound emotions.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Since then, he has no intention of loving the night, and let him go down to the west building under the bright moon.

- Don Li Yi, "Writing Love"

Since then, even if the beautiful scenery is current, there is no mood to appreciate, let the bright moon rise and fall in the west building, and taste the loneliness and indifference after losing the beloved.


Helplessly, the flowers fell, and the familiar swallow returned. The small garden incense path wanders alone.

- Song Yanshu "Huanxi Sand"

The impermanence of flowers falling and blooming is just like the cycle of life gathering and dispersing. The once familiar swallow has returned, wandering alone on the fragrant path, as if savoring the loss and reunion in the passage of time.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, and I went up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world.


- Song Yanshu "Butterfly Loves Flowers"

Last night, the west wind swept the green branches, and I climbed high and looked far away until the end of the world. I want to send my heart to the colored paper and ruler, but I have no choice but to send the mountains and rivers far away, and I don't know where to send it.


The days are as difficult as the years. Gao Cheng looked back, the twilight clouds were gone, where was the eye?

- Song Huihong, "The Qingyu Case"

The long days are long, like spending the year, and the sorrow is unbearable. Looking back at the towering city walls, the twilight clouds obscured the view, and the seekers had disappeared into the sky, where was the way back?


Alone and desolate, self-controlled, self-controlled.


The desolation of loneliness can only be resolved by itself, and the sorrow created by oneself can only be dissolved by oneself, and the lonely emotion permeates from the inside out like a tide.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


The brick falls like snow, and the body is still full.

——Nantang Li Yu "Qingping Le, Don't Come to Spring and a Half"

The plum blossoms under the stone steps fall like snow, even if they continue to brush away the petals all over the body, but they are covered by new falling flowers, this situation and this scene, allegorical thoughts and sorrows that cannot be shaken off. The country is lost in its own hands, what can such pain be compared?


He is often a guest in the sad autumn, and he has been on stage alone for more than a hundred years.

- Don Du Fu, "Ascending"

In the long journey, autumn often makes people sad from it, after a hundred illnesses, lonely climb the tall building, look around, full of desolation and hardships of life. A man who has been determined to serve the country all his life has ended up like this when he is old, and he is full of emotion in his heart.


I don't know what to do, and I go deep.

——Ming Tang Xianzu "Peony Pavilion"

Emotions arise invisibly, and once they germinate, they fall deeply, like spring shoots breaking out of the ground, out of control, and deep feelings quietly grow.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul


יהוה, יהוה, יהוה.

- Tang Du Fu, "Eight Songs of Autumn Xing"

The autumn river is lonely, the fish and dragon are hidden, in a foreign land, the heart is still nostalgic for the old home of the homeland, and the thoughts are flying, which can't help but evoke deep nostalgia and worry.


Loneliness covers the firewood, and the vastness is against the sunset.

——Tang Wang Wei, "Mountain Dwelling is a Thing"

Covering the chaimen in the loneliness, facing the afterglow of the dusk sunset, the mood is empty and vast, sitting alone in the mountain dwelling, indulging in this tranquility and indifference. Wang Wei is a man with aura, and every word he writes looks so immortal.


The lonely empty courtyard is late in spring, and the pear blossoms are all over the ground and do not open the door.

- Don Liu Fangping, "Spring Resentment"

Spring is coming to an end, the courtyard is empty, pear blossoms are falling like snow all over the ground, but no one opens the closed door, which seems to tell the faint grievance that people have not returned from spring.

I am a melancholy guest in the world, and I know what is going on with tears. 40 lonely poems, penetrating the soft soul and weak soul

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