
Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start

author:Anshu Mori Physical Education
Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start

Running, it's easy.

With a pair of running shoes and the right clothing, you can start your journey anytime, anywhere. Running can improve your cardiorespiratory capacity, train muscle strength, and match suitable stretching exercises, so that you can have a toned body and increase your confidence.

To have a good workout, you should run consistently and regularly. Set up a free day and find something that makes you want to run: go for a jog with three or five friends, gossip with friends, or treat yourself to a snack after a run. With regular running, your skills will improve, your breathing will be smoother, running will no longer be a tiring exercise, but a journey of relaxation, and you will look forward to every night run after work.


Pre-run meal

If you want to run after work, even if you have already eaten lunch, you should still eat a little pre-run meal according to your personal situation, so as not to run too hard and not have enough fun, but don't eat too close to running, or eat too much, so as not to suffer indigestion and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Choose carbohydrates that are easy to digest and not overly refined for pre-run meals. You can have afternoon tea 2 hours before your run, whole wheat bread with coffee, bagel with juice, or a convenient rice ball at the convenience store, or digestible fruit, cereal, or a commercially available jelly supplement if you want to eat 1 hour before your run.

running shoes

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools, and running shoes play an important role in road running efficiency and sports injuries. People's feet will swell during exercise, so when buying shoes, you should also try them on in the evening, after a day of activity, the soles of the feet will be slightly swollen at this time. Also, don't forget to bring your running socks to try on your shoes, here are a few tips for choosing your running shoes:

1. Foot Length:

The length of the foot measured by barefoot is about 1 cm, and the Japanese size (JP) is based on the shoe length, and the value indicated is the shoe length.

Generally, the clerk who sells shoes will ask you to put on your running shoes and put your feet on the front to see if there is enough room in the heel to judge the length, but this is not the right method. The correct way should be to tie the laces, the foot correctly fall in a comfortable position, and then put the heel against the sole, at this time the front end of the foot should be about 1 cm away from the toe of the shoe, or about the width of a thumb, depending on each person's elastic habits, the heel should be well covered, stand up and walk a few steps to see if the back foot will be loose.

2. Width of the foot:

Move your toes to see if you can move freely, like playing a piano, leaving enough space for the forefoot, but still pay attention to the envelopment, don't choose a shoe last that is too wide, this will make the foot slide when running, easy to blister, wear out the skin.

It is important to note that Asians usually have wide feet, so wearing shoes with a normal last often happens that the shoe length is suitable but the last is too narrow, and you have to choose a larger half size. So if you have different lasts to choose from for the same size shoe, you should try each one. Some shoe lasts have a choice of standard (D) and wider (2E, 3E, 4E) widths, which are usually marked on the shoe box or tongue.

3. Shoes from different brands:

The size and last of the shoe are the basic indicators of choosing shoes, but the shoe type of each shoe factory is somewhat different, and the different shoes of the same house are often different, and the difference between different brands may be half or a last, so it is not possible to determine whether it is suitable or not based on the size alone, but also to actually wear it.


When running, you should wear breathable and sweat-wicking clothes and pants, cotton clothes are easy to absorb sweat and retain water, the heavier the clothes are, and it is easy to feel uncomfortable due to wet and sticky clothes after running, and even get cold by the wind. Common polyester, coolmax or functional sportswear from various sports brands are suitable. In addition to shorts, tank tops, and hakama in summer, and long-sleeved and long pants in winter, there are also manufacturers that offer tights that flatter lines or enhance athletic performance, as well as sportswear that changes with the seasons and combines popular elements to make you run more confident. Also, don't forget to pack windproof pants and a windbreaker to avoid sweating and catching a cold! Andersen's quick-drying clothes are a great idea.

Let's start running

The steps of a complete exercise include: warm-up, stretching, main exercise (running), and closing exercises, in order to run healthy and avoid sports injuries, it is best to carry out it step by step and completely.

warm up

1. Warm up and walk briskly:

Walking briskly relaxes muscles, adjusts breathing, and warms up muscles to help with stretching and running. If the muscles are stiff and the temperature is low, the ductility will be poor, the range of motion of the joint will be limited, and it is easy to strain or sprain during running. Roughly to the point where the body sweats slightly, it is enough to warm up.

2. Extension:

The main objects of stretching are joints and muscles, and the purpose is to increase the angle of movement of the joints and pull away the muscle fibers. The principle of stretching is: slow down the movement, change the angle from small to large, move in multiple directions, and move the head, neck, shoulders, arms, waist, hips, legs, knees, and ankles. It is best to proceed from top to bottom or from bottom to top in order to avoid omissions.

In addition, it should be noted that the stretching before the exercise should be gentle and natural, and the muscles and muscles can be slightly tightened; because the body has not completely warmed up before the main exercise, and the joints and muscles and bones are also relatively tight, excessive stretching may cause the risk of strain or affect the main exercise.

  • Hip joint: Hands cross the waist and hip joints are relaxed, and rotate several times clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Anterior thigh muscles (quadriceps): Pull the calf back, tense it, hold for 20 seconds, and then switch to the other kick.
  • Posterior thigh muscles: Stretch out a foot, straighten and land on the heel, hands on the waist and buttocks back, do not bend over, and the upper body is slightly close to the thighs. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch to another kick.
  • Calf anterior muscles: Place one foot crossed in front of the other, relax the front foot and gently press the ground with the instep. To increase the strength, press down on the knee and the stretch will be more pronounced. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch to another kick.
  • Calf Hind Muscles and Achilles Tendon Tendons: In a lunge position, with your toes facing forward, your back leg straight, your back heel fully on the ground, slowly press your front thigh forward and down until your back calf is stretched. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch to another kick.
  • Knees & Ankles: Bring your knees together and rotate them counterclockwise, then spread your knees apart and rotate outward and inward several times at the same time. Finally, with your toes touching the ground, rotate your ankles inward and outward several times.

Good running form

How to run faster and farther than others under the same physical conditions? The key lies in the running technique. Paying attention to running style is to pursue labor-saving and relaxed, and at the same time achieve performance progress and reduce the occurrence of sports injuries.

Overview of running movements:

Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start
  • Arms: Keep your elbows bent (about 90 degrees), hold your hands lightly, swing your arms back and forth easily, and swing your fists to your chest line and down to your waistline.
  • Feet: Use the balls of your feet to land on the ground, never use your heels. Relax the foot plate and do not hook it.
  • Head and shoulders: Relax your shoulders naturally, look straight ahead and don't lean back.
  • Torso: Chest up, abdomen down, center of gravity slightly forward.

Let's look at the key points of running forward, center of gravity and arm swing from a side perspective:

  1. Lean forward: When running, the upper body should be slightly leaned forward, allowing the body to move naturally with the effect of gravity and the inertia of speed.

    A common mistake is made – the center of gravity is too forward or backward

  2. Swing Arms: Take the waist as the midpoint, swing the elbow forward to the waist, and the fist back to the waist. Try to match the rhythm of the swing arm with the legs, and the coordination of the upper and lower body is the key to smooth running.

    Mistakes are often made – hands and feet, stiff elbow swings, internal and external swings

  3. Center of gravity: Try to run on the spot first, feel the movement of your feet lifting in place, and then lean forward slightly to let the center of gravity forward, you will find that when your feet are relaxed and landed, they will still naturally fall under the center of gravity of the body, and from the side, it is a beautiful straight line from the head, shoulders, waist to the soles of the feet.

    The mistake of taking a step forward and pushing backwards is a common mistake

  4. Pace and cadence: Reducing your stride and increasing your cadence is a great way to run more efficiently, try to keep your steps per minute at more than 85 steps per foot. At first, this cadence may be much faster than you are used to, give yourself some time, slowly increase the cadence, and when you get used to it, the phenomenon of feet dragging on the ground, heavy leg lifting, and knee discomfort will improve.

    Mistakes are often made – big strides

  5. Breathing Essentials: Smooth, rhythmic breathing makes running easier. It is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, or the principle of using the nose as the main and the mouth as the supplement. If you have a predominantly mouth, you will be prone to dry mouth, especially in the drier season of winter. The rhythm of breathing is recommended to take two steps, one inhale, two steps and one exhale, which can be adjusted according to individual differences.

    Common mistakes – chaotic breathing rhythm and inhaling only through the mouth

收操Cool down

Don't stop immediately after your main exercise, walk or walk briskly for a short period of time until your heart rate slows down and your body cools down before stretching. In addition to easing, it is also necessary to stretch again to increase flexibility, make muscles more elastic, and reduce muscle soreness and difficulty in walking the next day.

In addition to repeating the stretching movements already introduced, since the body is fully moving, the following movements can also be added, and the range of stretching can also be larger, which is very helpful to improve flexibility.

  • Inner thighs and groin:
  • Arms & Back:

跑步过后After Running

Replenish nutrients

Within 15-30 minutes after relieving, it is the golden time for the body to start recovering, and eating carbohydrates with a high glycemic index and a moderate amount of protein during this time can replenish the body's sugar and avoid protein breakdown and muscle consumption.

Many women do not dare to eat after exercising for the sake of their figure, in fact, this is very harmful to the body, the body will not get nutrients after consumption but reduce metabolism, and wake up the next morning because the body is not doing a good job of recovery and feel tired, over time will lose the pleasure and motivation of running, so the appropriate amount of nutrition after running is very important.

Since it's almost time to sleep at night, it is not suitable to eat too much, irritating foods should also be avoided. Eating some fruits, cereals, yogurt, drinking some fresh milk, soy milk, fruit juice milk, etc. are all good choices.

Have a good night's sleep

Stretch after running to replenish your nutrients, and you should feel pleasantly tired at this time.

Take a warm bath, lie on your back before going to bed, elevate your legs for about 5-10 minutes, and finally gently massage from the soles of your feet to your thighs.

During the process, breathe deeply and slowly with your abdomen to calm down your excited body and mind. If you run fast at night, or run with three or five friends, you may continue to excite the sympathetic nerves before going to bed and not fall asleep, use the time for your legs to drain your head, get rid of the thoughts of a day's work, breathe deeply, and end the day.

加强训练Training Plan

Core training

Running is not just a movement of the legs, the core muscles are a general term for the muscles around the waist and abdomen of the human body, in the process of running, the core muscles play a role in stabilizing the body, connecting the upper body and the lower body, and making the movements more coordinated. A good core can also help you raise your legs, stride, push back and other running movements, become the center of force, reduce the burden on your lower limbs, and make you run longer and easier.

Here are a few core exercises that you can do at home, 2~3 times a week, and you will see obvious results after a few weeks:

1. Frontal bend:

Bend your elbows, land your forearms on the ground, about the same width as your shoulders, and then hold up your body, keep your upper arms at 90 degrees from the ground, and your lower body on the toes of your feet, your body in a straight line, and keep your buttocks up or sinking for 30~60 seconds. Don't hold your breath during the process, keep your posture, breathe normally, and close your lower abdomen. From the head, shoulders, abdomen, buttocks, and feet all need to be in a straight line, the abdomen is tucked, the buttocks are clamped, and the dantian is focused.

Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start

2. Side braces:

Lie on your side with your elbows and support your body, your arms perpendicular to the ground, tighten your hips, and keep your head, shoulders, hips, and feet in a straight line for 30~60 seconds. From the head, shoulders, abdomen, hips, and feet should be in a straight line, the abdomen should be tucked, the buttocks should be clamped, and the body should be paid attention to whether the body is backward or backward.

Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start

3. Bridge:

Bend your knees, lie flat on your feet, put your hands on your sides, slowly lift your hips and back from the pelvis off the ground, bend your knees close to 90 degrees, and your chest, buttocks and knees are in a straight line, maintain them for 30~60 seconds and then relax and lower.

Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start

安排你的跑步生活Running Plan


Gradually, is the only way to maintain enthusiasm and progress, to get the physical and mental benefits of running, one day of fishing and three days of drying nets is ineffective, according to personal physical fitness, starting from three days a week, let yourself get used to the life of sports, but also let the body and mind be prepared steadily, no pain to meet the fun of running.

Runs should not be spaced too long so that you don't get lazy with long breaks and your body can memorize your progress. In the beginning, the time of each run was based on the principle of physical and mental pleasure, exercise effort without overwork, and slowly increase when you get used to it and feel that you can run more.

For example, you can schedule a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday run for 30 minutes each, and after two weeks, add another 5 minutes to each run, and add another 5 minutes after two weeks, and maintain your current run time if you feel overwhelmed. And so on, step by step, and maybe one day you will become a marathon runner too!

Set goals

After running for a while, you may find that you can add something to your running life in addition to simple running.

You may start to pay attention to your running activities during the holidays. Common road running events include 5km, 10km, 21km, and even 42km marathons, and it can be a bit difficult to choose one that suits your physical condition, so you can work hard for this goal. You'll find that every run has a special meaning, which will make you more motivated to run, and the sense of accomplishment of completing the event is incomparable.

Maybe you're running for your health, or you want to get more toned. Set a goal, for example, lose 5 kilograms, improve your basal metabolism and muscle strength through running, and reduce body fat, so that the weight loss effect is the most long-lasting, you no longer have to force yourself to starve, and you will also find that after exercising for a while, your appetite is better, but your body is more beautiful, and you no longer have to worry about eating food.

Once you've reached your goal, don't forget to give yourself a little encouragement: buy a new pair of running shoes, go for a run and travel out of town, and treat yourself to a delicious meal...... Isn't this life?

Stick with something

Whether you are working hard for your goals or running on your own, there are always busy work, bad weather, bad mood, and chores...... And so on for all sorts of reasons why you don't want to go out for a run, but you often regret missing out on a good night the next day. What should I do?

It's a good idea to call friends and find runners to run in groups, everyone will encourage each other and "push" each other, and the pleasant running atmosphere will make you look forward to running after work, and you don't have to worry about being lazy anymore, because my friends are running, and so am I.

Running clubs are often held in various regions or sports manufacturers, so that runners who don't know each other but have the same interests have the opportunity to run together, and you will meet many friends in the club, and well-arranged running courses or activities make the night running life more colorful, everything is so interesting, as long as you run together.

Do you still remember when you were a child, you ran barefoot and with the wind? Do you still remember when you were a child, you wanted to rush to play after class? In the modern busy society, people always communicate with each other without mobile phones, video, information dissemination is always away from the Internet, television, we seem to gradually forget the most simple and comfortable instinct: smooth pace, smooth breathing, leaving all thoughts, enjoying the rhythm of running, at this moment, only belongs to you.

Put on your running shoes and enjoy this beautiful night!

Clothing, food, running form, and warm-up all-round knowledge make it easier for you to start

安徒森(Antersun)-运动成就更好的自己 Get moving!Achieve your goal and Be a better person!