
What is the wild king's mind thinking?The three consciousnesses are indispensable, and the formulaic brushing of the wild rhythm is shared

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers, jungler is so playful, should the jungler be more developed, or more gripping people with rhythm?

I don't know if you also have such questions, look back at what you were thinking about when you were in the jungle, "I'll go to support after brushing the jungle", or "squat for a while and then go back to the jungle"? I think that many times everyone randomly judges their next move according to the current situation, and simply takes something as a focus to do.

What is the wild king's mind thinking?The three consciousnesses are indispensable, and the formulaic brushing of the wild rhythm is shared

For example, after playing Tank Jungler, I don't need to eat too much economy, help online heroes more, and go to the enemy jungle area with nothing to do.

Or I need money to play the assassin jungler, so I just care about brushing the jungle with my head bored, and my teammates are beaten, and I just eat a wave of lines.

I think this kind of random gameplay can be simply called no rhythm, no element that a master jungler has, in fact, jungler is the most brain-burning position among passerby players, because every move you take actually needs to think.

Simple rhythm of jungler

We can list a set of formulaic jungler rhythms for ourselves, such as blue open catch, after brushing the wild area smoothly, go to the lower lane to rub a wave, catch people if you can, and withdraw if you can't catch them, and then rub another wave in the middle lane just when the blue area is refreshed again, and you can carry out the second round of farming.

What is the wild king's mind thinking?The three consciousnesses are indispensable, and the formulaic brushing of the wild rhythm is shared

This formulaic rhythm can be applied to any jungler, and sometimes it can have a good effect, but there will always be some "accidents" between the games, such as the encounter with the enemy jungler in the process of rubbing the line in the lower lane, and after a firefight, he gags, and the result is that the enemy's upper lane catches the gap where you are dead and reverses your blue zone, what do you do when you come out?

Go to the blue zone, you can only take a small field, go to the red zone, you may have to wait a while to refresh, this gap period is equivalent to a waste, you can play and know to go directly to the middle or lower road to rub the line, and then return to the wild area, but the rhythm has deviated from the preset.

Why do you say don't die in the early stage of the jungler? That's why, in master duels, the rhythm often collapses after one death.

What kind of awareness should a jungler have?


What is the wild king's mind thinking?The three consciousnesses are indispensable, and the formulaic brushing of the wild rhythm is shared

Take one step and look at two steps, the master may look farther, for example, the enemy jungler is red, you are brushing the second wave of blue zone, and suddenly find that the enemy jungler is still on the lower road, what should you do at this time?

Anti-squat awareness

On the opposite side is Han Xin, who is fast at brushing wild thieves, and he is Na Ke Lulu, who is very slow in the early stage, Han Xin is red and you are blue, so after you finish brushing the red zone, Han Xin will most likely be faster than you, and he has already squatted on the lower road, and he didn't show his head, but you rushed out to eat the line, who will die if you don't die?

What is the wild king's mind thinking?The three consciousnesses are indispensable, and the formulaic brushing of the wild rhythm is shared

The warrior on the opposite side has a strong heads-up ability, and frequently disappears from vision, will it appear in the grass in your wild area?

So generally speaking, in the process of farming the jungle, unless you know the location of the hero who threatens you, you will not hand over all your survival skills at once, which is something engraved in the subconscious.

Developmental awareness

Anti-field is able to disrupt the enemy's rhythm and development speed, between your own and the enemy's wild area, to reverse the enemy's wild area under the safe situation, and then brush your own wild area, the two junglers are stable development, how to reflect the gap?

What is the wild king's mind thinking?The three consciousnesses are indispensable, and the formulaic brushing of the wild rhythm is shared

And when the jungler is planning the route, it is also necessary to calculate the position of the line of troops, my personal opinion, no matter what the jungle is, without affecting the rhythm of the jungle, the line can be rubbed, don't refresh the blue zone, you are still squatting on the lower road, this is too wasteful of rhythm.

At the end, I send a sentence: The rhythm of the jungler is not to stare at the local heroes, but to do it smoothly in the process of brushing the economy, with a flexible brain, thinking of the enemy's front, and everything falls into place.