
Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

author:The most personal account

At 8 p.m. on July 24, 2020, the results of the Jiangsu college entrance examination were released. Bai Xiangling, a candidate from Jiangsu Huaiyin Middle School, won the 2020 Jiangsu College Entrance Examination Liberal Arts Champion with a score of 430 points. Unlike other college entrance examination champions, Bai Xiangling was not coaxed by Peking University and Tsinghua University and other famous schools after becoming the champion, but received the news that two universities refused to admit him. Because of the special college entrance examination system in Jiangsu, candidates need to take two courses in addition to taking the college entrance examination, and many prestigious schools also value the rating of elective courses, and most of them require double A.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Unfortunately, Bai Xiangling only received a B+ in the elective history subject, so she was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University. The top student in the college entrance examination could not get into Tsinghua University and Peking University, which caused quite a stir at the time. However, after being rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, the world-famous University of Hong Kong finally threw an olive branch to Bai Xiangling, and also gave a scholarship of 1 million yuan for 4 years. In this way, Bai Xiangling went to HKU. Now that four years have passed, how is Bai Xiangling doing at HKU?

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Bai Xiangling

On April 30, 2002, Bai Xiangling was born in an ordinary family in Huaiyin City, Jiangsu Province. Neither of her parents had stable jobs, and she ran a wholesale lamp supermarket in a building materials market in Huaiyin City. Bai Xiangling also has a younger brother who is two years younger than her, because her parents are busy with work, they rarely care about Bai Xiangling and her younger brother's studies.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Bai Xiangling's family of four

So since he was a child, Bai Xiangling has developed good study habits. She likes to read, and in this regard, her parents still try their best to satisfy her, buy her a lot of books, and try to satisfy her in terms of material conditions.

After entering elementary school, Bai Xiangling's grades were very good, and she often won the first place in her class, which made her parents proud of her. At the same time, Bai Xiangling's writing ability and Mandarin are also very good, and she has won many awards in the recitation competitions held by the school.

In the summer of 2016, Bai Xiangling took the high school entrance examination, and finally she was admitted to Huaiyin Middle School with excellent results. This is the best high school in Huaiyin City, and it is also a veteran school that has been built for more than 100 years.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

When he first entered high school, Bai Xiangling's grades were not outstanding, because almost the best students in Huaiyin gathered here. And at that time, there were many major subjects, and Bai Xiangling's mathematics, physics and chemistry grades were average, but she was full of interest in history, so she was ready to choose liberal arts early on.

In her sophomore year of high school, Bai Xiangling was assigned to a liberal arts class, and she took two courses, history and politics. Both of these courses are good for her, and they are also subjects that she is more interested in.

At that time, Bai Xiangling was in the best liberal arts class in Huaiyin Middle School, and in several simulations near the college entrance examination, Bai Xiangling's scores were in the top ten in the school, but he never entered the top three. The teacher and classmates never thought that Bai Xiangling would win the champion, but the head teacher could be sure that Bai Xiangling's electives were very stable, and she had always been A+ in several simulations.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Bai Xiangling's handwriting

At that time, Bai Xiangling's favorite university was Nanjing University, on the one hand, because Nanjing University was in the province and close to home. On the other hand, she thinks that NTU is the best university besides Tsinghua University and Peking University. Of course, at that time, she never expected that she would be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Due to the epidemic, the 2020 college entrance examination was postponed for a month, but even so, it also disrupted the review opportunities of many college entrance examination candidates. This year's college entrance examination candidates actually spend most of their time reviewing at home, which may have little impact on students with better self-control, but for students with poor self-control, it is completely wasted time.

Fortunately, during the time when Bai Xiangling was reviewing at home, her parents were always at home, and they always accompanied their daughter. It has created a good learning atmosphere for my daughter, and also allowed my daughter to review wholeheartedly.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Bai Xiangling is with his father

On July 7, 2020, the national college entrance examination officially kicked off.

At that time, the Jiangsu college entrance examination implemented the "3+2" model, and 3 represented the total score ranking of Chinese, mathematics and foreign language courses, and the total scores of each subject were 160 points, 160 points and 120 points. There are additional questions in the language of Chinese students, with a score of 40 points. Science students have additional math questions worth 40 points. So in terms of the total score, the total score of the Jiangsu college entrance examination is 480 points.

In addition to the subjects scored, the Jiangsu exam also requires two elective subjects to take the academic proficiency test. History\Physics is a compulsory subject for Arts and Sciences. The rest of the subjects are Politics, Geography, Chemistry, and Biology. Grades in these subjects are graded. Please refer to the table below for the scoring method.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Although elective subjects are not included in the total score, some prestigious schools also set hard standards for Jiangsu candidates. For example, Tsinghua University and Peking University, the premise for admitting Jiangsu candidates is that the elective subjects must reach double A+. And some 985 schools such as Nanjing University also require double A.

On July 7 and 8, Jiangsu candidates completed the exams of 3 main courses. On July 9, Bai Xiangling took the academic proficiency test, and on this day, Bai Xiangling completed the history and political exams.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Jiangsu college entrance examination time

Therefore, the average candidate only has two days of college entrance examination time, while Jiangsu candidates have to take the exam for three days, and I have to say that it is still quite difficult.

After the college entrance examination, Bai Xiangling was full of confidence, because she felt good about herself, and after matching the standard answers on the Internet, she also felt that she could score 400 points.

At 8 p.m. on July 24, 2020, Bai Xiangling checked his college entrance examination results, with 146 points in Chinese, 141 points in mathematics, and 109 points in English. The total score reached 430 points, which is a high score for a liberal arts student, and she became the first in the scoring ranking of Jiangsu liberal arts candidates.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Therefore, many people regard Bai Xiangling as the top liberal arts student in the 2020 Jiangsu College Entrance Examination.

Over the years, although the official has been severely cracking down on over-reporting the top students in the college entrance examination, the title of the top student in the college entrance examination is still the envy of many candidates. Bai Xiangling, as the top student in the college entrance examination, naturally accepted many media interviews.

In an interview, Bai Xiangling herself also said that her performance was extraordinary, and she never thought that she could get such a high score. I never thought that I could get the top prize in the college entrance examination.

But when the reporter asked Bai Xiangling whether he was going to Peking University or Tsinghua University, Bai Xiangling said that he couldn't go anywhere.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

It turned out that while the total score became the top student in the college entrance examination, Bai Xiangling's elective history single subject grade only got B+, and we introduced the rules earlier, so Bai Xiangling directly lost the opportunity to fill in Tsinghua University, Peking University, and even Nanjing University.

Knowing that the top student in the college entrance examination could not enter Tsinghua University and Peking University, the reporter also felt very regretful.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Soon, the media reported Bai Xiangling's experience, which also attracted countless netizens to watch. Everyone began to question the rules of the Jiangsu college entrance examination, and they also felt worthless for Bai Xiangling, and some netizens even called Bai Xiangling the worst college entrance examination champion in history. Even Bai Xiangling's homeroom teacher said regretfully: "From the teacher's point of view, I feel sorry for her, and her elective subjects have never had accidents in the previous exams."

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

In those days, public opinion on the Internet continued to ferment, but this could not break the existing rules.

Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Nanjing University have issued documents saying that Bai Xiangling does not meet the admission rules of the school, and the school has no precedent for breaking the rules for candidates, so these colleges and universities also refuse to admit Bai Xiangling.

For Bai Xiangling herself, she never thought about going to Tsinghua University and Peking University before, so after being rejected by these universities, she was not too disappointed, and even in order to appease netizens, she also publicly posted:

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Low-key and introverted can't hide the excellent Bai Xiangling, since she can be far ahead in the scoring results of the three subjects, she must be a rare talent. Therefore, after being rejected by Qingbei and Nanda University, other famous universities in China launched a robbery against Bai Xiangling.

The admissions office of Lanzhou University issued a document: Bai Xiangling's alma mater has been contacted, and all majors will be selected with her.

Nankai University even used alumni Premier Zhou Enlai to recruit Bai Xiangling.

"Nankai University is the alma mater of Premier Zhou Enlai, Premier Zhou is the first liberal arts student of Nankai, as an outstanding student of Premier Zhou's hometown of Huai'an, if Bai Xiangling can become a liberal arts student of Nankai University in the new century, inherit the spirit of Enlai, and continue to write the good story of Huai'an people, it must be a very meaningful thing, Nankai welcomes her to choose to apply for the examination!" said Mr. Pan, who is responsible for the enrollment of Huai'an in Jiangsu Province.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

At the same time, 985 universities such as Tianjin University, Wuhan University, Beijing Normal University, and Ocean University of China have successively thrown olive branches to Bai Xiangling.

Among the many famous schools, what choice should Bai Xiangling make?

On August 2, 2020, Bai Xiangling's mother was interviewed by reporters, and she revealed to reporters that her daughter had decided to go to the University of Hong Kong, majoring in finance. As for why she chose HKU, her mother said that HKU was very sincere and provided a scholarship of RMB 1 million for four years.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Bai Xiangling's mother

The University of Hong Kong is also a world-renowned university, ranking 25th in the 2020 QS World University Rankings, while Tsinghua University and Peking University are ranked 16th and 22nd respectively.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

In September 2020, Bai Xiangling, accompanied by his parents, reported to the University of Hong Kong. For her, this is a new beginning, but also a new challenge. Although he entered the University of Hong Kong, there are still many netizens who are not optimistic about Bai Xiangling.

Because as early as 2013, Liu Dingning, the champion of liberal arts in the Shandong college entrance examination, gave up Tsinghua Peking University and entered the University of Hong Kong for a full scholarship of 720,000 yuan.

But less than half a year after entering the school, Liu Dingning regretted that she couldn't adapt to the open and inclusive University of Hong Kong, let alone the all-English teaching environment. The next year, Liu Dingning took the college entrance examination again, won the championship again, and finally went to study in the Chinese Department of Peking University.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Liu Dingning

However, now that 4 years have passed, there is no news of Bai Xiangling dropping out. Now that she is in her senior year and has been in Hong Kong for 4 years, I believe that Bai Xiangling has already integrated into the school environment. As for the future, she also has more choices, either to study abroad for a master's degree, or to return to Tsinghua University and Peking University for further study, or even to study in the United States.

Xueba Bai Xiangling: won the top prize in the college entrance examination with 430 points, but was rejected by Tsinghua University and Peking University, what happened?

Although Bai Xiangling, the top student in the college entrance examination, failed to enter Tsinghua University and Peking University, it brought a lot of thinking to people. In fact, as early as 2008, the reform of the Jiangsu college entrance examination was to dilute the scores and reduce the harm of exam-oriented education. However, the reform plan has been repeatedly questioned, and finally in 2018, the Jiangsu college entrance examination had to be integrated into the national college entrance examination, starting from the 2021 college entrance examination, the full score of the Jiangsu college entrance examination has returned to 750 points, adopting a 3+1+2 model, regardless of arts and sciences.

In fact, every reform of the college entrance examination is for the sake of educational fairness, and I believe that after this reform, there will never be a thing where the top student in the college entrance examination cannot go to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

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