
Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

author:Morning mist

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

Original Xiaolian on this day 2024-04-06 20:55

Morning Mist / Repost

Original Creator: Sue Fei

Dear readers and friends, this is a series of original articles on the situation of the Russia-Ukraine-Kazakhstan-Israel war on April 6, 2024.

In the early hours of April 5, the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, organized a large-scale drone operation, which struck three airfields of the Russians. According to published information, many Russian planes were destroyed or wounded, and more than a dozen Russian soldiers were killed or wounded. The relevant information was initially reported yesterday.

Today, according to a source in the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence Service, at least 3 Tu-95MS strategic bombers at the Engels airfield may have been seriously damaged as a result of drone strikes. There were 7 crew members on one of the planes, all dead, probably including the pilot.

Another target of the attack was the Russian airfield in the city of Yeysk. At least two Su-25 close air support aircraft were completely burned, and four Russian troops were killed and wounded.

Details of the damage to another Russian military airfield in Kursk have not yet been reported.

A spokesman for Ukraine's Defense Intelligence Agency said it could be "one of the darkest nights" for the Russian Aerospace Forces, but "this will not be the last such operation."

Although the Russian Ministry of Defense claims to have shot down a total of 53 drones in different areas, they have always had a tradition of lying about military intelligence.

According to the analysis and claim of some Ukrainian military experts, satellite images show that before the drone strike, a total of more than 60 aircraft were deployed at the three Russian airfields in Engels, Yeysk and Morozovsk. As a result of the attack, a total of 19 aircraft were completely destroyed or damaged, including 3 Tu-95MS strategic bombers and 2 Su-25, already stated earlier by the Defense Intelligence Directorate.

Quantitatively speaking, this should be the largest single-day loss suffered by the Russian army since the beginning of the war. Previously, in the summer of 2022, two Russian military airfields in the central part of the Crimean peninsula were attacked by Ukrainian long-range missiles, and on that day, nine Russian warplanes were completely destroyed and three were seriously damaged.

Funnily enough, the Russian Defense Ministry blamed the day's heavy losses on the airport's smoke.

Yesterday's attack will undoubtedly give a big boost to the will of Ukrainians to resist. Although the Russian army has dozens of Tu-95s, and the damage of 3 may not significantly reduce the attendance rate of this strategic bomber, if the Ukrainian army can persistently carry out day-to-day strikes on strategic targets such as Russian military airfields and oil refineries, the Russians will definitely not be able to bear such losses.

The Su-27 series of derivative fighters, such as the Su-34 and Su-35, that the Russians can produce and hand over to the Aerospace Forces every year, is about 20 units. But in February and March of this year alone, they lost 14 planes in one go.

As for the Tu-95, they have long been out of production capacity, and if they lose one, they will lose one less.

The Ukrainian Navy has no surface ships, but it has crippled the Black Sea Fleet, nesting in the port of Novorossiysk, with a number of tugboats lined up outside the port as obstacles, fearing that the Ukrainian "sea babies" will rush in at any time.

As for the departure of warships, what kind of international joke is being made? The Russian sailors who dare to do this have not yet been born.

And the Ukrainian Air Force, which had only 100 aircraft before the war and only 20/20 of the number of fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is now creating new myths every day, and it is estimated that soon, the Russian Aerospace Forces will also change from a "lying flat" state to lying in the catacombs!

However, this is not the only record created by Ukrainian drones recently! Ukrainian military intelligence said today that an explosion occurred on a Russian oil product pipeline near the town of Azov in the Rostov region.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said the pipeline was responsible for pumping oil products into tankers in ports on the coast of the Sea of Azov for export or other military purposes. After the explosion of the pipeline, the loading of oil products by tankers will be suspended indefinitely:

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

Earlier, the European newspaper Maidan newspaper said that Lukoil's NORSI refinery, the fourth largest in Russia, had cut gasoline production by 40% due to difficulties in repairing faulty units. The only Western company "UOP", which is capable of solving this problem, withdrew from Russia after it began to behave indiscriminately with its neighbors.

As the Ukrainian army uses drones to attack targets in Russia for oil production, storage and transportation, according to NATO officials, these airstrikes may have disrupted 10 to 15 percent of the capacity of Russian refineries.

For the Russians, this is certainly not the only bad news they have heard lately. Soon they will be even more frightened, because, Ukrainian drones with a flight range of 2,500 or even 3000 km will soon go into mass production!

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

The recent Ukrainian attacks on the Shahid UAV production plant and oil refinery on the territory of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan prove that the range of Ukrainian drones is constantly expanding. Here is 1200 km from the Ukrainian border, but this is not the limit of the capabilities of the Ukrainians.

The German media Bild reports that Ukrainian drones will soon be able to penetrate further into Russian territory, and they will even be able to hit military targets in the Urals and even outside the Arctic Circle.

The Ukrainian Luch Design Bureau presented the Sokil-3000 UAV, which has a flight range of 2500 km or even 3000 km and an extremely wide range of attack. Perhaps only the most barren and remote corners of Siberia escaped its blows:

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

It was even able to reach the Murmansk region of Russia. The Russian bandits built more than 80 military bases there. One of them is the Olenia airbase, where Tu-95 strategic bombers are permanently deployed. Russian terrorists used these aircraft to launch Kh-101 or Kh-555 cruise missiles at peaceful Ukrainian cities, causing huge civilian casualties and material damage.

For Ukrainians, what cannot be changed is the vastness of Russia's territory and large population. Compared to Russia, Ukraine is only a few tenths of its land area and a quarter of its population. This is the root cause of the bitter war that has plunged the Ukrainians.

But Ukraine also has its own advantages. Ukraine has a good industrial base, high-quality personnel, and relying on European and American allies, they have access to advanced components, which makes the Ukrainians stand out in the design and production of UAVs!

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

But the most fundamental thing is that because Ukraine is fighting a war to defend its homeland, the people support it and the allies are doing their best to help. Although Russia has some advantages at the beginning, time is on the side of Ukraine, morality is on the side of Ukraine, and the Ukrainians will still win in the end!

Speaking of aid, there is a lot of good news today:

1. Lithuania said it will buy 3,000 drones for Ukraine this year: During Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmyhal's visit to Vilnius, an agreement was reached with Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrid Simonite to purchase 3,000 Lithuanian drones for Ukraine and allocate 15 million euros for rehabilitation programs for wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

Previously, Lithuania also provided 35 million euros for the Czech initiative to purchase artillery ammunition.

Ingrid Simonit said that Lithuania spends almost 1.5% of its GDP on military aid to Ukraine. Proportionally, about the same as the defense budgets of some countries in the world.

2. The new Portuguese government led by Luis Montenegro has moved away from its previous ambiguous attitude and switched to supporting Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

3. French Defense Minister Sebastien Le Cornu said that France has increased the production of "Caesar" self-propelled guns, and the monthly production has increased from the previous 2 to the current 6, and the future goal is 12 per month.

Since this year France will supply 78 "Caesars" to Ukraine, this is good news for Ukraine.

At present, the Ukrainian army has equipped 58 Caesars, and less than 10% of them have been lost in battle.

4. Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Bart Eide said that the possibility of sending troops into Ukraine to provide long-term support and exercises is not ruled out, although the allies do not plan to do so at present.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

Espen Bart Eide said Norway does not want its country or NATO to be a direct participant in the war, but can still deploy personnel to Ukraine in the roles of support, training, advisers and so on.

5. Dutch Defense Minister Kāysa Olongren reiterated during his recent visit to Ukraine that the Netherlands will transfer a total of 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. She also said that as soon as everything is ready, they will be handed over to Ukraine. This moment depends on the training of Ukrainian pilots and technicians, but also on the readiness of the infrastructure.

According to the previous schedule, the Netherlands intends to transfer the first batch of F-16 fighters to Ukraine in the second half of this year.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

Olongren mentioned that everything possible is being done to deliver ammunition to Ukraine as soon as possible, especially 155-mm shells.

Olungren also spoke about the production of weapons, saying that domestic arms manufacturers in the Netherlands are being actively mobilized and the possibility of increasing production in Ukraine is also being considered.

She also said that the proposal of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to set up a 100 billion euro NATO fund for Ukraine is well worth considering.

6. South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yong said at a NATO meeting that South Korea will provide Ukraine with a medium- and long-term aid package of $2.3 billion.

7. On Thursday, during a meeting of the NATO Council at the level of foreign ministers, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Ukraine will eventually join NATO, as NATO member states' support for Kyiv remains "rock solid"!

Briefing on the overall situation of the war between Russia and Ukraine:

1. On the 773rd day of the war, according to the report on the results released by the General Staff of Ukraine this morning local time, in the past day, a total of 80 battles took place on the entire front.

As of yesterday, the Russian army has accumulated 446,690 casualties, with 790 new losses yesterday.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

The Ukrainian army also destroyed a total of 7,057 Russian tanks, 24 new ones, 13,497 armored vehicles, 38 new ones, and 11,262 artillery pieces, 41 new ones.

Most of yesterday's fighting took place in Avdiivka, west and Kherson. Russian media shamelessly spread rumors that small units of the Russian army had entered the city of Chasiv Yar, but the Ukrainian Defense Forces issued a statement to refute the rumors, saying that there were no Russian units in the entire urban area of Chasiv Yar.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

2. In terms of air strikes: In the air strikes in the early hours of this morning, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed two Kh-101/KH-555 cruise missiles, one "Caliber" cruise missile and 28 of the 32 Shahid suicide drones.

Interestingly, today this "Caliber" cruise missile was destroyed by the mobile fire group of the Ukrainian army, that is, they knocked it down with a large-caliber machine gun.

But this is not the only time that a Ukrainian mobile fire team has destroyed a Russian cruise missile. I remember that videos have been released before that some lucky Ukrainian soldiers, using shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, have also shot down cruise missiles.

As a result of this wave of airstrikes, 6 people were killed and at least 10 injured in the Shevkivsky district of Kharkov.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

3. The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) detained two agents of the FSB of the Russian Federation in Odessa, who passed data on the location of the Wehrmacht in the region to the enemy.

4. God is also helping Ukraine, in the Russian city of Orsk, the dam burst.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, as of Saturday morning, more than 2,400 residential buildings and more than 3,000 adjacent areas in Orsk were flooded, and more than 700 people, including 210 children, were evacuated, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

According to local authorities, more than 2,500 houses and about 6,900 family plots in the Orenburg region were flooded. Rescuers evacuated more than 4,200 people, including 1,019 children. Three bodies have been found.

Orsk is the second largest city in the Orenburg region with a population of about 200,000. Evacuation is ongoing and rescuers are taking people out with the help of boats.

5. A very touching Ukrainian soldier told reporters: "Legs can be broken, but the spirit cannot be destroyed":

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

The soldier, Leonid with the call sign "Kuznechik" (Grasshopper), lost a leg in a battle in the Donetsk region in 2015. Although he was an amputee veteran, he returned to active duty in February 2022 and became a driver in the S-60 artillery crew.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine mentioned him on social media, thanking him for his contribution to the Motherland.

Coincidentally, the Ukrainian Business Magazine interviewed the main midfielder of the Arsenal football team, such as the famous Ukrainian footballer Alexander Zinchenko. He said he would leave the UK to fight in Ukraine if he was called up.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

At the end of today's content, I would like to start by mentioning a firefighter. In Kharkiv yesterday, the Russians killed a father, a 52-year-old firefighter.

A few minutes later, another young firefighter was crying at the scene of the attack.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;

The 52-year-old firefighter was named Vladislav Loginov, and he devoted his life to firefighting.

In the early morning of April 5, Russian cruise missiles hit several neighboring houses in Kharkiv, and just as firefighters were fighting the fire at the scene and preparing to carry out search and rescue operations, the Russians' cruise missiles came again, and Loginov's location was suddenly shrouded in the shock wave of the explosion.

And the young firefighter who couldn't cry after a few minutes was called Vladimir, the son of the former. He followed in his father's footsteps as an adult, also became a firefighter and served as a captain at the neighboring fire station.

On that hellish night, immediately after the first explosion, father and son and their colleagues went to the scene of the attack.

Vladislav and Vladimir worked separately in the adjacent area, only a few houses away. Ukraine's Interior Minister Ihor Klimenko said on social media that when a strong explosion occurred, the son immediately realized that the explosion was likely to hit where his father was, and when he rushed over and saw his dead father with his own eyes, he immediately fell to his knees and couldn't cry.


Actually, I have long wanted to write about the firefighters of Ukraine. Although they do not pull the trigger on the Russians in the front-line trenches, they, like the soldiers, have been fighting since the first day of this war.

Because of their sacrifice of life and death, Russia's damage to Ukraine has been limited to a minimum. Countless Ukrainians have been rescued because of their work. Countless Ukrainians have inevitably lost loved ones, homes and possessions, but at least they have been helped.

Unfortunately, when we get news about the firefighters themselves, it is always accompanied by death.

I would like to pay my highest tribute to these most honorable people, who are always ready to sacrifice their lives, both in wartime and in peacetime!

The blind bloggers and yellow geese of the Jian Zhongjun are belittling and smearing Ukrainians every day. Despite the fact that the Russian occupation forces are firing missiles and drones at civilian targets in Ukraine every day, they are called "daddy too good".

We sometimes can't understand why the Ukrainians are still fighting in the face of a strong enemy for more than two years.

A nationwide survey conducted by the Ukrainian polling organization "Rating" on behalf of the International Republican Institute (IRI) from February 17 to 21 shows that despite the ongoing conflict and signs of war fatigue, a whopping 88% of Ukrainians believe that their country will eventually triumph over Russia!

58% of participants are sure that Ukraine will win, and another 30% strongly favor a positive outcome for Ukraine. Although these numbers have dropped slightly since the escalation of the war, the sentiment of hope remains very strong, with 80% of respondents looking forward to a brighter future for Ukraine.

Thirty-seven percent are more optimistic that the war will be resolved in the next one to two years, while 26 percent are more optimistic that the conflict will end within a year, with a smaller percentage expecting it to take longer.

Only 3% believe that the war between Ukraine and Russia will never end.

"The results of the investigation show that Putin cannot destroy the strong spirit of the Ukrainian people," said the head of the investigation.

People who are not in the midst of war cannot understand the pain caused by war, and they also cannot understand that war can help Ukraine to be reborn!

Today I saw another very touching video: a Ukrainian pilot in a helicopter to thank a boy from a front-line village.

The boy always greeted the pilot with a flag, so they decided to meet him and presented his family with a bag of sweets, toys and food.

Russia-Ukraine 4.6: 19 Russian planes were damaged, including 3 Tu-95s;


Ukrainian helicopter pilots operate huge helicopters and circle around the little boy for a long time.

When the helicopter departed, the little boy remained where he was, waving goodbye to the pilots.

When I watched this video, I didn't know why the tears were falling, I didn't understand why my heart was surging.

I think it's nothing more than because, from top to bottom, from Lviv to Chasiv Yar, everyone understands that they are fighting a sacred war to defend their homeland!

Although the war is grand, it is also concrete and small. Today we talk about the soldier Leonid who returned to the army despite his amputation, the football player Zinchenko who enjoyed the happiness and wealth brought by football, but was still ready to return to his homeland to fight, the father and son firefighters who knew that their lives were in danger every time they went out, and the little boy who waved the national flag to the helicopter of the Ukrainian army, each of them is pursuing the noble and great dream in their hearts!

This will is so strong, so deeply ingrained in each of them, that it is pervasive, and it is something that flows in their blood. This is an indelible will no matter what kind of high-precision weapon!

Therefore, I do not believe that the Russians can win this war, the victory must belong to Ukraine, and the glory must belong to Ukraine!

End of full text

Information source: 2024-04-06 WeChat official account on this day


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