
The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits

author:The mountain people have their own wonderful array

Today I will mainly introduce to you the stargazing platform of the Qimen Eight Arrays, although the content is more, concentrated in 1 draft, not divided into articles, so that you can inquire in the future, you can collect it first, too lazy to read carefully, please read the last paragraph directly.

The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits
The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits

The stargazing platform is simply to select three trigrams from the eight trigrams (Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui), and then trigger the gain state of various teams and urban construction, each hexagram has three hexagrams of heaven, earth, and people, and can only choose one of the three, and 3*8 is the effect of 24 hexagrams equivalent to the hodgepodge of previous scripts.

The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits
The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits
The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits

1. Hexagram

1. Heaven-Strong: The general's physical strength is increased to 160, and the consumption is three times higher in the middle of the night (2-6 o'clock).

Utility Index ★★★★: Suitable for teams to level up in the early stage, all teams have physical strength, which is very useful.

2. Ground-Labor Army: Get the main city barracks level *2000 basic resources (stone, wood, iron, food) at 0:00 every day and send them to the email.

Practical index ★★: up to 20 * 2000 = 40,000 one, a total of 160,000!

3. Human-Mu Xiufeng Urge: When fighting with a unit carrying a soldier-type tactic, all the attributes of all our generals will be increased by 10 (effective when the general's strength is not less than 65% of the maximum strength)

Utility index ★★★★★: All generals have all attributes +10 is very practical, and now most teams have troops, so it is the first choice for fighting in the middle and late stages of war.

Second, the kun hexagram

1. Day-Incentive: The experience gained by troops through the martial arts arena will be increased by 12%, and the first 2 martial arts training sessions will not consume copper coins every day.

Utility index ★★★★★: Increase the level of generals when you go out of the previous teams, save copper coins + more experience.

2. Land-Farm: Unlock a personal construction farm, which can provide a 600 total resource bonus and a 100 copper coin bonus, and increase the resource output of a nearby plot within 1 block by 300 (does not affect the copper ore output), which can be used against the alliance

Friendly plots are in effect, and the same plot of land can be affected by up to 2 farms. The farm's power is 200

Note: Each time this hexagram takes effect, the maximum farm building limit for this season is +1 (the maximum copper coin bonus is not more than 500). The hexagram is refreshed, and it does not affect the effect of the completed farm, the construction and demolition functions.

Utility Index ★★★: A player choice that lacks resources, after all, it is valid for the whole season, and it is somewhat useful

3. Human-Exploit Capture: When fighting in a plot occupied by the enemy, the damage is increased by 5% (65% of the troops> life


Utility index ★★★★★: The damage increase of 5% is still a relatively large increase, and it is suitable for active attack on the enemy during tug-of-war.

III. Earthquake

1. Sky-Thunder Quake: Obtain the Thunder Quaint command, consume 20 stamina, and have a 30% chance to inflict 1 round of shock on the enemy unit in the 4th round of the battle. After using the command, each time a battle occurs, the commander of your unit increases the Force, Intelligence, Command, and Speed attributes by 5 points (maximum 15)

Utility index ★★★★★: additional control and increased attributes, 30% shock is more suitable for group bows, and improving the fourth dimension is also a good choice.

2. Ground-Mining: +15% Tuntian Production, when the troops belong to the Farm/Quarry/Lumber Yard/Iron Smelting Platform in the city at level 20, the corresponding resource Tuntian Production will be +10%

Utility index ★: Useful, but basically not to choose it!

3. Man-Raider: Consume 1 strategy, enter the state of raiding the enemy after using the command, during which you can win the battle with the player or draw the battle, and get a small amount of resources according to the number of troops killed (daily limit: 100,000 wood, 100,000 iron ore, 200,000 grain)

Utility index ★★★★: can be used when there is a shortage of resources in the early stage.

Fourth, Xun (pinyin: xùn) hexagram

1. Sky-Wind Attack: Obtain Wind Attack Command. Consumes 20 stamina and has a 50% chance of inflicting 1 turn Attack on a single enemy on the 4th turn of the battle. In the first battle after using the order, all generals of our team will receive 200 Brave Soldiers (effective when 3 generals are in battle and the strength of the army is at least 65%).

Utility index ★★: Compared with other combat commands, it is slightly inferior, because the people below are too strong, and they basically don't choose

2. Land-fundraising: Increase the number of resources and reserves provided by the Wooden Ox Flowing Horse by 30%

Utility index ★★: It's a bit useful, three times a day, and a 30% increase in reserve 2000 is to add 600 troops once. That's 1,800 more troops a day. Because the people below are too strong, they basically don't choose.

3. Human-Brave and Combative: All units gain 6% more experience in battles

Practical index ★★★★★: Level 45 and above are all upgraded by this experience, all troops can enjoy it, and there is more experience in combat exploits, and the team is basically a must before reaching the full level of 50.

Fifth, the hexagram

1. Sky-Water Cover: Obtain the Water Cover command, consume 20 physical strength, and have a 50% chance of inflicting 1 round of water attack on the enemy monomer in the 4th round of the battle (the damage rate is 90%, affected by the intelligence of our main general). In combat, if there is no restraint between the two classes, the damage taken by your troops in battle will be reduced by 3%.

Utility Index ★★★: It is most suitable for the Zhang Jiao lineup, and the water attack with the Zhang Jiao increases the shock and one more attack. For non-restrained teams, it's nice to get a 3% damage reduction!

2. Land-Calling Formation: After consuming a strategy to prepare for 5 minutes, let a certain staying unit on the adjacent city or dock of the team force move towards the block where we are located, and the subject of the call will gain a furious status (+3% damage), and the team cannot use the call command when it is in a city or multi-grid building. When any unit fights with the opposing unit, the player who calls the battle will receive 20% of the battle support merit (the daily limit of the battle support merit is 10,000)

Utility index ★★★: the function of calling the battle in each season, and the merit of civilians in the melee.

3. People-Military Tent: Unlock the personal building-military tent, and you or your allies can use dispatch instructions on the military tent. After 15 minutes of preparation, all wounded soldiers in the current unit can be restored, and all reserves in the city to which the unit belongs will be allocated to the unit (not exceeding the current total strength limit of the unit). Each player can use up to 1 dispatch per day. Each tent can provide up to 20 deployments per day, and each time 1 dispatch is successfully consumed, the builder of the tent can receive ×/50 merit (× the number of troops dispatched), and a maximum of 10,000 merit per day through the tent. Note: Every time this hexagram is activated, the maximum amount of military tent construction this season is +1. The refreshed meaning of the hexagram does not affect the effect of the completed military tent and the function of construction and demolition

Practical index ★★: civilian melee merit. Recovering the wounded and using the reserves of the main branch city is suitable for touching the porcelain team to replenish the troops, and it can only be used once a day.

Sixth, the hexagram

1. Heaven-Away from Fire: Get the command to leave the fire. Consumes 20 stamina, and has a 50% chance to inflict 1 turn on the enemy's single unit on the 4th round of the battle (90% damage rate, affected by the intelligence of your main general). In combat, if there is restraint between the two classes, the damage dealt by friendly troops in the battle is increased by 3%

Utility index ★★★★★: 50% chance of burning in the fourth round, you can burn more when you hit the vine armor soldiers! The main general is a wise general, and the income is high! Fighting restraint can also increase damage, and it is more convenient for all kinds of cavalry to fight the vine armor shield soldiers.

2. Land-Provocation: After consuming 1 strategy and preparing for 5 minutes, let a certain unit on the adjacent plot of the team force move towards the city where we are located, and the provoked object will get the battle status (ignoring the effect of the 3-layer Nine Palace Diagram and the Bagua Array). Taunt can only be used when a party is in a player city or an NPC city. When any unit fights the provoked unit, the provoked player will receive 20% of the Assist Achievement (up to a maximum of 10,000 Assist Merits per day).

Utility index ★★★★★: anti-call array function, civilian players can also enjoy 2 layers of ninety-eight, and use real incense at the head of the allied city.

3. People-Station: Unlock a personal building station. Self or allies can use the Rest Command on the Station: Spend 1 Strategy Book to march to the Station and enter the Rest State, increasing the HP recovery speed by 100%. Each player can use up to 1 Rest per day. Each station can provide up to 10 rest slots per day, and the builder of the post will receive 600 copper coins for each successful consumption of 1 rest slot. You can earn up to 18,000 Copper Coins per day through the Station. Note: Each time the hexagram is activated, the maximum amount of post construction this season is +1. The hexagram is refreshed, and it does not affect the effect of the completed post station and the construction and demolition functions.

Utility Index ★★: Crafting this once on the front line during the season is sufficient.

VII. 艮卦

1. Tian-Anju: The output effect of copper coins in the main city and sub-city dwellings is increased by 10%

Utility index ★★★★★. It is very useful in the early and middle stages, and it is chosen if there is a lack of copper coins and tactics.

2. Ground-Auxiliary Politics: You can use auxiliary government instructions on allied players other than yourself: After consuming 2 strategies, the troops march to the main city of the allied players and prepare for 5 minutes, the corresponding players will immediately obtain 1500 reserves, and the recruitment speed will be increased by 15% within 3 hours. For each main city that is successfully assisted, the auxiliary player will receive 600 auxiliary battles, up to a maximum of 5 different main cities per day, and each main city will be assisted by the auxiliary government up to 1 time per day

Practical index ★★★★★: It has a great effect on the overall improvement of the whole alliance, and the players of the same robe use each other every day, and shout to each other in the alliance and the same channel every day, which is mutually beneficial.

3. Man-soldier dangerous land: During the battle, the damage of each 1 block of mountains, rivers and stone formations in the vicinity of 2 blocks will be reduced by 2%, and the maximum amount will be 6%

Practical index ★★★: First of all, find out whether there are mountains, rivers, and stone formations in the battle position in the past few days, and then choose this after finding the battle position.

8. Hexagram redemption

1. Sky - Momentum Like a Rainbow: The effect of the morale altar is increased by 50%

Utility Index ★★★: Morale 20 to 30, useful in the early part of the season, suitable for battles with long marches

2. Ground-Rising Soldiers: When recruiting troops outside the main city and sub-cities, the consumption of copper coins will be reduced by 70%

Utility Index ★★: There is a Tiger camp, which is only useful later in the season when there are more than 5 or 6 teams.

3. Man-Divide and Conquer: Gain an additional 12% of experience gained by troops in divided cities.

Utility Index ★★★: Only the city-based team gets a 12% experience bonus, which is suitable for training the city-based team!

The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits

【Combination Effect】

Level 2 Stargazing Observatory will enable the combo effect, which is the combined effect of hexagrams, which will have an additional bonus.

Three "Days": Activate the effect of Heavenly Time, increase combat merit by 3% during combat, and increase by an additional 1% for every 1 hexagram command you have

Three "lands": activate the effect of geographical advantages, and increase the output of food resources by 15,000

Three "people": activate people and effects, when using troop orders to consume policies, there is a 50% chance to return 1 (except for crusade and conquest orders)

1 "Heaven" + "Earth" + "People": Activate the effect of the three talents, increase the morale recovery speed by 10%, reduce the time consumed by urban construction by 10%, and increase the recruitment speed of the camp tent by 10%

The Qimen Eight Array Stargazing Platform explains in detail, skillfully selects gossip, and takes off with military exploits


After reading a few thousand words, it is estimated that everyone is tired of reading, and the actual combat is too troublesome to read the hexagram, Xiaobian has already summarized it for you, remember the gameplay that the stargazing platform will play in 1 second,

Remember to select all the "Heaven" hexagrams, activate the heavens, and take 3%-6% to increase the combat merits, which are the most useful in the early and middle stages.