
Basic skills of wild fishing: the influence of weather on fishing, which weather is good for fishing all year round?

author:I love fishing every day

Weather can be said to be the foundation of fishing, whether the fish can open or not, and the length of time to open is determined by weather conditions. There are not many common types of weather, nothing more than sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy, etc., and windy days seem to appear in all four types of weather. There are also special typhoon days, and areas that are not too close to the coast will not be affected by typhoons. However, the temperature conditions are different in different seasons, and the weather suitable for fishing is definitely different. Therefore, the weather must be inseparable from the season, or the water temperature conditions.

Basic skills of wild fishing: the influence of weather on fishing, which weather is good for fishing all year round?

1. Sunny days

Sunny days have several significant characteristics, such as large temperature differences, and large differences between the maximum and minimum temperatures, resulting in unstable water temperatures. The light also causes the air to move faster, so the wind tends to be stronger. In terms of season, early spring is not suitable for sunny fishing, because the water temperature will fluctuate greatly, and the water temperature is relatively stable only in the season when the water temperature is low, and the crucian carp is open. However, in the middle and late Spring Festival, the sunny days are warm and the shallow water warms up quickly, which encourages fish to dive and feed. However, the shallow water light intensity is too strong, and the fish are not afraid to go to the shallow water to move, so the main fishing is for aquatic weeds and other obstacle areas. In summer, the sunny days are very hot, and the fish are barely in the morning and evening. The early autumn phase is similar, and the mid-to-late autumn phase is similar to the mid-to-late spring phase. Therefore, sunny days are not very suitable for fishing, with strong winds, large temperature differences, and strong sunlight.

Basic skills of wild fishing: the influence of weather on fishing, which weather is good for fishing all year round?

Second, cloudy

Cloudy days also have several characteristics, such as small temperature differences, low winds, and low air pressure. On cloudy days, the clouds are thick, and the heat lost on the surface will be radiated back to the surface by the clouds at night with infrared rays, so it has the characteristics of small temperature difference. If the light is not strong, the wind will not be strong. It is usually related to precipitation, so there is a phenomenon of air pressure. Small winds and small temperature differences are good for fishing, but low air pressure is often a little bad for fishing. However, it is necessary to look at the water temperature, even if the air pressure is low in the season when the water temperature is low, there is no lack of oxygen in the water, and the fish do not have much demand for dissolved oxygen under low water temperature. Therefore, cloudy days are ideal for periods when temperatures are not high, such as early spring, mid-spring, late autumn and throughout winter. If it's a cloudy day after the summer rains, the fish are usually not bad. Therefore, many anglers still like to fish on cloudy days in summer, because they are not sunburned.

Basic skills of wild fishing: the influence of weather on fishing, which weather is good for fishing all year round?

3. Foggy days

Foggy days must be warmer, with spring, late autumn and winter being the most common, and these stages are also suitable for foggy fishing. Fog is warm by nature, and foggy days are small droplets formed by the high surface temperature causing more water to evaporate and encounter the condensation of cold air at high altitude. Strong winds do not cause foggy days, and low temperatures do not cause foggy days. Therefore, the foggy day has little wind, the temperature difference is small, and the water temperature will be very constant, which is a good weather for fish in the low temperature season. Although the humidity is high and the low pressure is low, the water temperature is not high in the low temperature season, and there is no lack of oxygen in the water, so the low pressure is not a concern, which is very similar to a cloudy day. Foggy days are less windy and less temperature difference than cloudy days, so the suitable stage is basically the same, but the fish conditions are better than cloudy days, and there is no problem with night fishing in winter.

Basic skills of wild fishing: the influence of weather on fishing, which weather is good for fishing all year round?

Fourth, rainy days

There are many types of rainy days, including light rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, showers and even torrential rain. Rain will lower the water temperature, increase dissolved oxygen, and the light is not strong, and the sound of the shore will be masked by the sound of rain, which is the weather that big fish prefer to stay on the side. However, it is still necessary to look at the season, because the rain will reduce the water temperature, so the season with low temperatures is not suitable for fishing rainy days, early spring, late autumn and throughout winter. The other stages also depend on the type of rainy day, among which the light rain weather is the most suitable for fishing, this rainy day does not have much precipitation but the time is long, the water level does not change much, and the big fish are close to the side to feed all day. Heavy rain, torrential rain, and thunderstorms are not safe, so don't fish in the rain. Thunderstorms only have a surge in air pressure, the temperature plummets, and the fish will be much easier to catch. When the water rises after heavy rain and heavy rain, the fish will become much easier to catch.

Basic skills of wild fishing: the influence of weather on fishing, which weather is good for fishing all year round?

The wind will reduce the water temperature and increase the dissolved oxygen, and you must find a warm sheltered position on windy days in the low temperature season, otherwise you will not be able to catch fish, and it is best to fish against the wind in the high temperature season. Windy days can be said to be a double-edged sword, because no matter how high or low the temperature is, as long as the wind is strong, the fish will definitely be difficult to catch. Finally, there are typhoon days, after which the temperature drops, the air pressure rises, and the water level rises, which is the classic explosion weather. Please pay attention to the collection and like, update on time every day, thank you fishing friends!