
Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

author:Drive the house

Entering the second stage of development, the HarmonyOS ecosystem has reached another new milestone!

Recently, Huawei officially announced that as of the end of March this year, more than 4,000 applications have joined the HarmonyOS ecosystem, and the number of HarmonyOS native applications has soared 20 times in 2 months, showing the appeal and cohesion of the unique level in China!

Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

The soaring Hongmeng shines a light on the new era of the Internet of Everything

Back on January 18, at the launch ceremony of the HarmonyOS ecosystem, Huawei officially announced that the developer preview of HarmonyOS NEXT is open for developers to apply. The HarmonyOS ecosystem has entered the second stage, which will accelerate the application of thousands of industries.

At the meeting, Yu Chengdong, Executive Director of Huawei and CEO of Device BG, announced the progress of the HarmonyOS ecosystem: In August 2023, the Huawei Developer Conference officially announced that the number of HarmonyOS ecological devices will be 700 million, and in only 5 months, the number of HarmonyOS ecological devices will increase to 800 million. The first batch of more than 200 application vendors are accelerating the development of HarmonyOS native applications, and the HarmonyOS ecosystem is basically taking shape.

Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

In the next 2 months, the HarmonyOS ecosystem ushered in explosive growth. From 200 to 4,000, the 20-fold increase in native applications not only creates a new growth milestone for the ecosystem, but also lays a solid foundation for the continued prosperity and breakthrough of the HarmonyOS ecosystem.

The exponential growth of HarmonyOS native applications is a true portrayal of thousands of industries quickly embracing HarmonyOS and moving towards the future of the Internet of Everything in all scenarios, and it also indicates that the development of the domestic application ecology is ushering in a "golden age".

The trend of "thousands of sails competing" comes from the cohesion of the whole society

On September 25 last year, at Huawei's autumn all-scenario new product launch conference, Yu Chengdong suddenly announced a "bombshell" - the full launch of HarmonyOS native applications. This also means that HarmonyOS will no longer be compatible with Android applications, and the new generation of operating systems of the Internet of Everything will start with Android and iOS.

Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

"This is a new chapter in the mobile app ecosystem," Yu said. He said that Huawei has cultivated millions of HarmonyOS talents and will invest 10 billion yuan to support the development of partners, covering applications in 18 fields, and bringing consumers a smoother, smarter, and safer HarmonyOS native application experience.

In the past five months, from the head application manufacturers to the governments across the country, a wave of Hongmeng has been set off, forming a trend of "thousands of sails competing". With the joint efforts of partners and developers in various fields, the HarmonyOS ecosystem has achieved complete vertical industry coverage, including convenient life, travel, cultural tourism, financial management, social information, productivity tools, audio-visual entertainment, games and other leading applications in various fields are vying to start the development of HarmonyOS native applications, and continue to inject new blood into the HarmonyOS ecosystem.

Among them, super applications Alipay, Taobao,, Meituan, AutoNavi, etc. are accelerating the development of Hongmeng native applications, CCTV has taken the lead in completing the full version development, B station, Xiaohongshu, iQiyi, Himalaya, WPS Office, China Merchants Bank, Postal Savings Bank and other head applications have completed the development of beta versions, and are continuing to polish the products. Partners from different fields will take the lead and will attract more partners to join the HarmonyOS ecosystem.

At the same time, Alibaba Cloud audio and video terminal SDK, AutoNavi Map SDK, and Weibo login and sharing SDK also implement adaptation to HarmonyOS NEXT, which will further reduce the development workload of partners and drive more partners to accelerate the development process of HarmonyOS native applications.

Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

Of course, the rapid development of the Hongmeng ecosystem is also inseparable from the strong support of various provinces and cities. Taking Shenzhen as an example, on March 2, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Shenzhen Municipal Government Service and Data Administration jointly issued the "Shenzhen 2024 Action Plan to Support the Development of Open Source HarmonyOS Native Applications". The issuance of this policy not only marks that Shenzhen has started to fully support the HarmonyOS ecosystem, but also plugs in the wings for the development of native HarmonyOS applications in thousands of industries, which have been accelerating the development of thousands of industries. At the same time, it has also played a vital role in demonstrating to other provinces and cities, and has promoted other provinces and cities to follow suit.

Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

Various localities have launched the development of local government affairs and people's livelihood applications, vertical applications, and local media platforms for HarmonyOS native applications, and many provinces and cities have become early adopters of HarmonyOS. Shanghai's "Sui Bid" super app and Zhejiang Province's Zheliban app have become the first batch of government and people's livelihood applications in China to launch the development of HarmonyOS native applications.

Guangdong, a major Internet province, has launched more than 300 applications to develop HarmonyOS native applications, Chongqing has more than 100 applications, and various people's livelihood, media, automobile, and life applications in Sichuan, Guangxi, Shandong, Hebei, Anhui and other provinces and cities have also joined the HarmonyOS ecosystem. Not only that, the online State Grid App of the State Grid's official unified online service portal has also officially launched the development of HarmonyOS native applications and meta-services not long ago, which will drive more people's livelihood applications and large central state-owned enterprises to embrace the HarmonyOS ecosystem.

The enthusiastic embrace of various provinces, cities and central enterprises has undoubtedly given another "booster" to the second stage of the development of Hongmeng ecology, which is bound to drive more industry partners to support, embrace and make good use of Hongmeng.

HarmonyOS has reached a new milestone and sent a triple signal

At the end of last year, Ken Hu, Huawei's Rotating Chairman, said in his New Year's speech that in 2024, Huawei will work with partners to accelerate the adoption of mobile applications into HarmonyOS to achieve a historic leap forward in the HarmonyOS ecosystem and provide consumers with the ultimate experience in all scenarios.

Fast Technology believes that the addition of 4,000 applications not only marks the achievement of a new milestone in the second phase of the development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem, but also conveys a three-layer signal.

As we all know, it is difficult to make an operating system, and it is even more difficult to do an ecosystem. Since the development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem, Huawei has worked with thousands of developers to create a new ecological path. With the joint efforts of many partners and developers, the HarmonyOS ecosystem has accelerated its breakthrough, and the general trend has become a success. The HarmonyOS and HarmonyOS ecosystem will provide a solid technical foundation for the long-term sustainable development of the mainland Internet industry and create more and greater value for the country.

Secondly, a series of new features such as distributed, all-scenario, and native intelligence of the new HarmonyOS ecosystem will also provide strong support for the future service ecology and content ecology, stimulating a new innovation focus and vitality, and all walks of life can create innovative experiences based on this. What HarmonyOS brings us is not only an operating system, but also a new ecology, a future world full of infinite possibilities.

Finally, as an operating system for all scenarios and multiple terminals, HarmonyOS will show its strength in the upcoming era of intelligent connection of all things (AIoT) with the integration of people, machines and things, which will drive the interconnection of thousands of industries and everything, and bring a lot of new demand to emerging industries such as whole-house intelligence, whole-car intelligence, whole-body intelligence, intelligent toys, low-altitude economy, and intelligent robots. Therefore, supporting the development of HarmonyOS native applications has been an important starting point for provinces and cities to seize the development of emerging business formats.

More importantly, China has a population base of more than one billion and a wide user base, and HarmonyOS is not only a mobile phone operating system, but also a full-scene operating system covering tablets, TVs, cars, and Internet of Things devices. For any city, any industry, and any company, joining the HarmonyOS ecosystem as soon as possible will share the early dividends of the HarmonyOS ecosystem and take the lead in the new blue ocean of the "nuggets" HarmonyOS trillion industry. This is one of the reasons why many partners from different fields have actively joined the HarmonyOS ecosystem.

Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined, and the number has increased by 20 times in 2 months

In the fourth quarter of this year, the commercial version of HarmonyOS NEXT will be officially released for consumers. It is reported that HarmonyOS will achieve 5000+ HarmonyOS native application development by the end of the year, and eventually achieve 500,000+ native applications. HarmonyOS Galaxy Edition will achieve six ultimate native experiences: native refinement, native ease of use, native smoothness, native security, native intelligence, and native interconnection. At that time, HarmonyOS will not only bring us a comprehensive innovation of user experience, but also bring new development opportunities to countless partners and developers.

The "charge" of HarmonyOS ecological construction has sounded, and the all-scenario era of the Internet of Everything is accelerating. The flower-blooming Hongmeng Garden is not far from us.

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