
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?
5 Postures for Husband and Wife to Love in Bed Couples should have three precepts. Do you understand?

When night fell, Ah Xing and his wife Xiaomei sat on the edge of the bed, and after a busy day, they looked forward to each other's warmth. Ah Xing gently held Xiaomei's hand, his eyes were full of tenderness: "Xiaomei, do you know? The love between husband and wife is not only an emotional exchange, but also an art of life. ”

Xiaomei smiled slightly, her eyes flashing with curiosity: "Oh? Then tell me, how should this art be interpreted?"

Ah Xing took a deep breath and said slowly: "Actually, there are many kinds of loving postures, and each one contains a deep meaning. And between husband and wife, they also need to abide by the principle of the 'three precepts' in order to make this love long and beautiful. ”

Xiaomei was even more curious: "Then tell me quickly, which three precepts are they?"

Ah Xing smiled and began to speak.

"The first precept is to abstain from quarrels. Between husband and wife, there will inevitably be times of disagreement, but we must learn to resolve conflicts with understanding and tolerance, rather than hurting each other with quarrels. ”

Xiaomei nodded lightly, and secretly wrote it down in her heart.

"The second precept is to abstain from indifference. No matter how busy life is, we must maintain care and attention to each other, and take care of this relationship with warmth and enthusiasm. ”

Xiaomei empathizes, she knows that indifference is the biggest killer of feelings.

"The third precept is to refrain from betrayal. Loyalty is the cornerstone of a relationship, and we must always keep our commitment to each other and not let any outside temptation shake our faith. ”

Xiaomei held Ah Xing's hand tightly, her eyes full of determination: "We will definitely do it." ”

Ah Xing smiled and continued to talk about the gesture of affection.

"The first posture is a hug. Whether waking up in the morning or falling in the night, an affectionate hug can make each other feel each other's warmth and love. ”

Xiaomei remembered the hug that Ah Xing gave her every morning, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"The second posture is holding hands. Whether it's on a crowded street or in a quiet park, walking hand in hand makes each other feel accompanied and supported. ”

Xiaomei remembered the time she walked with Ah Xing, and her heart was full of sweetness.

"The third posture is listening. When the other person needs to talk, we need to listen patiently and respond to the other person's emotions with understanding and love. ”

Xiaomei is deeply touched, and she knows that listening is an important bridge of communication.

"The fourth posture is snuggling. Snuggling up to a movie, chatting or quietly enjoying each other's company in the night lights is a great way to bond with each other. ”

Xiaomei imagined such a scene, and her heart was full of anticipation.

"The last gesture is a kiss. Whether it's a light kiss on the forehead or an affectionate kiss, kissing is the most direct and romantic way to express love. ”

Ah Xing said and kissed Xiaomei's forehead gently, and Xiaomei's cheeks suddenly flushed.

In Ah Xing's narration, Xiaomei seemed to see pictures of affection, and her heart was full of yearning for a better future. She understands that love is not achieved overnight, but requires the joint efforts and careful management of both husband and wife.

As time passed, Ah Xing and Xiaomei gradually understood the true meaning of love in their love and understanding of each other. They abide by the principle of the "Three Precepts", resolve conflicts with tolerance and understanding, warm each other's hearts with care and attention, and guard their love with loyalty and commitment.

And the gesture of affection is also perfectly interpreted in their daily life. Embracing when they wake up in the morning, strolling down the streets holding hands, patiently listening to each other's confidings, snuggling together at night, and affectionate kisses have all become indispensable moments in their love.

In these postures, Ah Xing and Xiaomei felt each other's love and care, which also made them cherish and appreciate each other's existence even more. They understand that only by loving and managing with their hearts can this love be long and beautiful.

As the years passed, the love between Ah Xing and Xiaomei became deeper and deeper under the protection of the loving posture and the principle of "three precepts". Their story spread to friends and family around them, and it became a good story.

Whenever someone asks them for advice on how to manage love, Ah Xing and Xiaomei will smile and share their experiences and insights. They tell people that love is not an unattainable realm, but needs to be felt and created by both husband and wife.

The "Three Precepts" principle is the patron saint of love, and only by abiding by these principles can love become more and more tenacious and beautiful in the baptism of the years.

In the end, the story of Ah Xing and Xiaomei has become a symbol in people's praise, symbolizing the beauty and power of love. Their experience tells us that no matter how life changes, as long as we manage and cherish it with our hearts, love can shine the brightest light.

In this noisy world, Ah Xing and Xiaomei use their love to bring a touch of warmth and hope to people. Their stories make us believe that with the care of love, we can all find our own happiness and fulfillment.

And the posture of love and the principle of "three precepts" have also become the yearning and pursuit of beautiful love in everyone's heart. Let us continue to move forward on the road of love, feel and create our own loving time with our hearts.