
The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

author:Lao Wang talks about gossip

"People are iron, smoke is rust, and it is difficult to feel through without smoking for a day", this sentence is widely spread among smokers, which shows how important smoking occupies a position in some people's daily life. In 2024, the tobacco market may be standing on the cusp of a new storm, that is, a possible "big adjustment". In the world's most populous country, the number of smokers is not small, and the benefits of the tobacco market are huge. But then again, the health hazards of smoking are well known, and countless families suffer from it as a result. So the question is, what impact will this potential market "big adjustment" have on smokers?

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

Changes brought about by smoking

In this smoky society, smoking seems to be the "standard" in some kind of unspoken rule. Whether it's a break at leisure or an assistant during communication, the cigarette can always be lit inadvertently, and the wisps of enticing smoke will be rolled up. The health killer behind these smogs cannot be ignored. The link between smoking and cancer, especially lung and rectal cancer, has left many families in despair. The shadow of cancer is only the tip of the iceberg, and problems such as infertility, fetal malformations, and even Alzheimer's disease are quietly distancing themselves from the health of smokers.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

Raise the price of cheap cigarettes

In the face of these problems, experts also seem to be looking for a solution. The price adjustment of cigarettes has become a card in their hands. Imagine if those cigarettes for a few dollars suddenly rose to more than a dozen yuan, would many people hesitate because of this price tag? This is indeed a method, but people's habits are not changed just by saying it. Despite the soaring price of cigarettes, those who are addicted to cigarettes will still pay for one even if it hurts. However, there are also those who are optimistic that the increase in prices may make people smoke less or even quit gradually, after all, no one's wallet is blown by the wind.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

Quitting smoking, this topic seems to be an eternal pain among smokers. Some people say that quitting smoking is like riding a roller coaster, going to the sky for a while and going to the ground for a while. But someone has to make up their minds and start this difficult journey. Some people use alternative treatments, such as chewing gum or eating candy, to gradually get rid of the craving. This method sounds simple, but it takes a lot of perseverance to execute. In addition, distraction is also a strategy on the road to quitting smoking. Whenever a craving strikes, devote yourself to your hobbies and interests, allowing your brain to focus on other things that are more meaningful.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

Next, let's talk about the little stories of those smokers. For example, Zhang San, a middle-aged man with a lot of work pressure, smoking is a way for him to release stress. Whenever he felt tired, he would always light a cigarette and watch the smoke linger, as if all his worries were drifting away. However, as the price of cigarettes rose, he began to hesitate and continued like this, with both his wallet and his lungs suffering a double blow. He began to try to reduce the amount of cigarettes he smoked each day, and although the process was challenging, he found that his cough had lessened and he was more energetic.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

Li Si is a different situation, he is a young man, who originally smoked just to pretend to be cool and communicate with his friends. But unconsciously, Smoke became his "good friend". The price hike was like a wake-up call for him to realize how much he was spending on tobacco. He began to look for ways to quit smoking, such as using e-cigarettes to gradually replace traditional tobacco. He found that while e-cigarettes weren't completely harmless, they at least allowed him to control the urge to smoke.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

Wang Wu's story is even more touching. He is a 30-year-old smoker, and smoking has become an integral part of his life. However, after the birth of his little grandson, he wanted to stay away from tobacco for the sake of his children's health. The price increase became a catalyst for him to quit smoking, and he began to walk every day and use exercise to divert his cravings from tobacco. He said that whenever he wanted to smoke, he thought of his grandson's innocent smiling face, and immediately had the power to resist tobacco.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look

In these stories, we can see that different people are fighting tobacco in their own way because of the rising price of cigarettes. What they all have in common is that they are all trying to find new pleasures in life as an alternative to the fleeting pleasure of smoking. While the price increase doesn't have an immediate effect on everyone quitting smoking, at least it gives people a chance to reflect, a chance to re-examine their health and lifestyle.

The "big realignment" of the tobacco market may be that light, and while some will complain and some will suffer, in the end, it may be a turning point that changes the way some people live. As the ancients said, "Illness comes from the mouth, and disaster comes from the mouth", let us take this change as an opportunity to advocate a healthier and more energetic lifestyle. After all, a healthy body is life's greatest treasure, and everyone deserves a smoke-free, fresh world.

The cigarette market may usher in a "big change"? Friends who like to smoke may wish to come in and have a look