
There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland


Recently, there have been frequent earthquakes in Taiwan, especially after the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that occurred on April 3, aftershocks continued, which brought great distress to the local people. The earthquake was reported to be the largest in nearly 25 years, causing severe casualties and economic losses.

There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland

In the face of the disaster, the mainland extended a helping hand to Taiwan and expressed its sincere sympathy and willingness to help. However, Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities are reluctant to accept aid from the mainland, and this decision has aroused widespread concern and criticism at home and abroad.

There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland

Surprisingly, the United States and Japan have also expressed concern about Taiwan and expressed their willingness to provide assistance. While humanitarian aid is supposed to transcend politics, the statements of the United States and Japan appear to have political calculations in the wake of Taiwan's rejection of mainland aid.

There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland

Such politicization of humanitarian assistance is not only inconsistent with the values of the international community, but also detrimental to alleviating the plight of the people in the affected areas and carrying out recovery and reconstruction work.

There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland

Despite the difficulties, the mainland has always insisted on extending a helping hand to the Taiwan compatriots and is ready to provide necessary support and assistance at any time. At this difficult moment, we will, as always, stand together with our compatriots in Taiwan and tide over the difficulties together.

There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland
There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland
There were more than 500 aftershocks in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) refused to aid the mainland

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