
It's a big fuss! Lin Gou's circle of friends was exploded, who said they were just for business? Qixi circle of friends explained everything

author:In the forest of digging ground
{"info":{"title":{"content":"闹大了!林狗朋友圈被爆,谁说他们只是营业?七夕朋友圈说明一切","en":"It's a big fuss! Lin Gou's circle of friends was exploded, who said they were just for business? Qixi circle of friends explained everything"},"description":{"content":"有些男人并不值得你的一往情深,他不会成为你真正的朋友,但林更新可以!《与凤行》大结局了,本以为这对近一个月上了无数次热搜...","en":"Some men are not worthy of your affection, he will not be your real friend, but Lin Gengxin can!"}},"items":[]}