
The rain in southern China will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature in Shencheng will rise "in waves" next week

The rain in southern China will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature in Shencheng will rise "in waves" next week

Affected by the northward lifting of the shear line, Shencheng is cloudy to cloudy with occasional showers today, and the rainfall is moderate in some areas. East to northeast wind 3~4. The relative humidity is 95%~65%. The temperature is between 12~16°C. Today is the first working day after the Qingming holiday, and the rain will affect everyone's commuting traffic, so pay attention to preparing rain gear.

In the coming week, Shencheng will be on the northern edge of the cloud and rain area, and the weather will switch frequently. It will be mainly cloudy in the early part of next week, with occasional light rain or short-term light rain on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and the rain will be relatively obvious around next Friday. The temperature will be generally stable next week, with a "wave-like" rise, and the maximum temperature will be back to the prefix "2" from next Tuesday. The weather in spring "changes face" quickly, please pay attention to the updated forecast and early warning information, and arrange work and life reasonably.

The rain in southern China will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature in Shencheng will rise "in waves" next week

Today (April 7), there is still heavy rainfall in the southern part of the mainland and some parts of northern South China, with localized heavy rainfall, and the local rainfall will weaken significantly from tomorrow. At the same time, there is continuous rain and snow in the central and eastern parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, so it is necessary to pay attention to precautions. In terms of temperature, the temperature fluctuations in the north will rise, and many places will hit new highs this year, and the south will also start the warming process from the 9th.

The rain in southern China will weaken from tomorrow There will be persistent rain and snow in the central and eastern parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Yesterday, heavy rainfall and strong convective weather were still in southern Jiangnan and northern South China. Monitoring shows that from 8 o'clock on the 6th to 6 o'clock on the 7th, heavy to heavy rain occurred in parts of southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan, southern Fujian, central and eastern Guangdong, and northeast Guangxi, and heavy rain occurred in central and eastern Guangdong, with local rainfall of 150~170 mm in Guangzhou and Heyuan, and 8~9 thunderstorms and gales in central Guangdong, with a maximum hourly rainfall of 30~60 mm, and 70~84 mm in Zhaoqing, Foshan, and Guangzhou.

Today, there are still heavy to heavy rains in the southern part of the Yangtze River and parts of northern South China, with localized heavy rainfall, and the rainfall will be significantly reduced and weakened tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. At the same time, in the next three days, there will be continuous rain and snow in the central and eastern parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, including moderate to heavy snow and localized heavy snowfall in eastern Tibet, eastern and southern Qinghai, and western Sichuan Plateau, and locally heavy snowfall in eastern Tibet.

Specifically, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northwest Heilongjiang, Xinjiang's Ili River Valley and southern Xinjiang Basin, most of Tibet, central and southern Qinghai, and northern Sichuan Plateau. There were moderate to heavy rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, most of Shanghai, most of Zhejiang, northeast and central and southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan, most of Fujian, eastern Guangxi, central and northern Guangdong, and Taiwan Island.

The rain in southern China will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature in Shencheng will rise "in waves" next week

Tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of the high-altitude areas of the southern Xinjiang Basin, most of Tibet, central and southern Qinghai, and the northern part of the western Sichuan Plateau, among which, there will be heavy snow and localized heavy snowfall in parts of southeastern Qinghai and eastern Tibet. There was light to moderate rain in parts of central Inner Mongolia, southeastern Tibet, south-central Gansu, north-central Shaanxi, northern and western Hebei, most of Beijing, south-central Jiangsu, Shanghai, southeastern Anhui, most of Zhejiang, most of Fujian, southern Jiangxi, north-central Sichuan, most of Chongqing, southeastern and northwestern Yunnan, eastern Guangxi, most of Guangdong, and Taiwan Island, among them, heavy rain in parts of central and northeastern Guangdong.

The rain in southern China will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature in Shencheng will rise "in waves" next week

The day after tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northeast Inner Mongolia, northwest Heilongjiang, Altai Shan area of northern Xinjiang, high-altitude areas of the Ili River Valley, most of Tibet, eastern and southern Qinghai, and northern Sichuan Plateau. Light to moderate rain occurred in parts of central and southern Inner Mongolia, low-altitude areas of northern Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, western Liaoning, northern and western Hebei, central and northern Beijing, northern Shanxi, northern and western Shaanxi, most of Ningxia, central and southern Gansu, northern Sichuan, most of Chongqing, southwestern Hubei, northwest Hunan, northern Guizhou, northwestern and southern Yunnan, central and eastern Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, and Taiwan Island.

The rain in southern China will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature in Shencheng will rise "in waves" next week

The meteorological department reminds that the heavy rainfall in the southern part of the Yangtze River and the northern part of South China has been frequent recently, so it is necessary to pay attention to prevent the occurrence of secondary disasters, and the public should pay attention to traffic safety when traveling in rainy days. There is continuous rain and snow in the central and eastern parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it is necessary to prevent the adverse effects of rain and snow on transportation, agriculture and animal husbandry.

The temperature fluctuations in the north are rising, and many places will hit a new high this year, and the south is about to start the process of warming

In terms of temperature, yesterday, the temperature in many places in the north rose significantly, and Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang all set new highs this year. Most of the south is cloudy and rainy, and the temperature is low.

Today, the sunny and warm weather continues in most parts of the north, and the maximum temperature in central Shanxi, western and northern Liaoning will also reach more than 25 °C, 6~8 °C higher than the same period in normal years. The day after tomorrow, Northeast China, North China and other places will be short-term cooling under the combined influence of cold air and precipitation, the temperature will rise rapidly after the 10th, in the early part of mid-April, many places in Northeast China, North China, Northwest China, Huanghuai and many places will set a new high temperature this year. In cities, such as Tianjin, the highest temperature today can reach 26 °C, and it will drop to about 15 °C tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and may rise to 27 °C on the 11th.

The temperature in the south is low and then high, today and tomorrow will be affected by the rainy weather, the temperature in many places in Jiangnan and South China is lower than the same period in normal years, and the maximum temperature in Jiangnan and other places is less than 20 °C. From the 9th, most of the south will also start to warm up. From the 11th to the 12th, the maximum temperature in most parts of the south will also return to above 25 °C, and the maximum temperature in many places in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will reach 30 °C.

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