
On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful


A marriage allowed two people who loved each other to walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand and build a warm home together. Home is not only a house, but also a harbor for the soul and a destination for emotions. However, life at home is not always uneventful, and can sometimes be overwhelming and exhausting.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

A woman in Zhejiang, who has been in love with her husband for many years, finally entered the palace of marriage. The two worked together to buy a property and create a little world of their own. Soon, they ushered in the crystallization of love, and a cute little life came into the world, which filled the family with laughter.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

However, with the birth of a child, the focus of life has also changed. In order to take care of the child, the woman had to quit her job and become a full-time wife. Every day, she is busy with her children and housework, and although she is tired, she is also full of satisfaction watching her children grow up healthily.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

However, the husband was not satisfied with the situation at home. One day, when he came home from work, he saw that the living room was messy and the coffee table was full of clutter, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart. He yelled at his wife, accusing her of not taking care of the house, and even pushed her.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

The wife silently endured her husband's anger and did not refute a word. She knew that her husband was so angry because he was tired from a long day and saw the chaos in his home. She didn't want to explain, just silently cleaned up the house.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

The next morning, the wife got up as usual to cook and take care of the children. When her husband was ready to go to work, she smiled and handed over her breakfast, as if yesterday's events had never happened. The anger in the husband's heart had long since dissipated, he apologized to his wife, kissed her forehead, and went to work as usual.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

However, when the husband leaves home, the wife makes an unexpected decision. She packed her belongings and left the house with the baby in her arms. Although she had nostalgia in her heart, thinking of her husband's accusations and complaints, she resolutely pushed the door away.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

This scene was recorded by the surveillance cameras at home, and people can't help but lament the fragility of marriage. When my husband came home from work and saw the empty home, the shock and pain in my heart can be imagined. He may realize that his words and actions have deeply hurt his wife, but everything is irreparable.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful

This story teaches us how important respect and understanding are in marriage. When we don't respect our partner's dedication and sacrifices, and don't value their emotions and efforts, we may be destroying the relationship with our own hands. Any relationship needs to be managed and maintained by both parties, and only on the basis of equality and respect can it go on for a long time.

On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful
On the second day of the quarrel between the husband and wife, the husband thought that he had nothing to do and took the initiative to kiss his wife and went to work, and the next scene was tearful