
Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant


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Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

It was a rainy day, overcast and cloudy. I walked alone on a country road, stepping on a muddy ridge and looking at a small grave in the distance. I saw my lobby sister kneeling in front of the grave, her hands tightly covering her face, her shoulders trembling, and her heart-rending cries echoing in the silent field. I wondered how grief-stricken she was, and I quickened my pace and approached her.

"What's wrong with my uncle? I asked anxiously.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

I was shocked, my teeth clenched, and my fists clenched unconsciously.

I was furious and indignant. My dear uncle, I have suffered such a great grievance in such an inexplicable way, how can I not seek justice for him! I puffed up my chest, strode up to the lobby sister, and said in a sonorous voice: "Sister-in-law, stop crying! I will definitely avenge my uncle's grievances!"

The lobby lady didn't seem to expect me to say this, and looked at me in surprise. Seeing that my eyes were firm and her expression was awe-inspiring, she shook her head again and again and sighed: "You can't act recklessly! Although that village tyrant is a prodigal son, he is a tall man, how can you be his opponent?"

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

"It's because he's too arrogant and domineering, so he should be taught a hard lesson!" I said confidently, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will be cautious and will never die rashly." "

I said this firmly, and then turned and strode towards home. The lobby sister shouted from behind me to make me think twice, but I turned a deaf ear, and all I could think of was the determination to repay my uncle's ruthless hand.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

When I got home, I immediately went to my father and begged him to lend me the old earthen gun. At first, my father thought I wanted to hunt game, but he nodded his head without much thought. But when I told him the truth, his face turned pale.

"Are you crazy? With your little body, you also want to kidnap the village tyrant?" My father was terrified and grabbed me by the arm to pull me away.

"Dad, you also know what kind of virtue the village tyrant is, he is simply the scourge of the villagers!" I struggled, "Uncle died unjustly at his hands, how can we, as nephews, not avenge him!"

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

"No! I'm ready to come to my senses. I insisted, "Father, lend me that old gun, and I swear I will be careful and never lose my life." "

My father looked at my determined eyes, sighed silently, and finally opened the gun cabinet, took out the old gun that was already covered with dust, and handed it to me. I took it respectfully with both hands and nodded solemnly.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

At this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the gun in my hand, and was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Yo, boy, are you going hunting?

I clenched the gun in my hand and gritted my teeth and said, "Village tyrant, you should know that I didn't take this gun for hunting!"

"Oh, what are you doing with it?" The village bully raised an eyebrow and smiled maliciously.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

"I'm here to avenge my uncle!" I glared at him and said loudly, "You were the one who injured my uncle back then, causing him to be so badly injured, and you should pay for it!"

The village tyrant was stunned at first, and then burst into a burst of presumptuous laughter: "Hahaha, you little old man is just talking, where can you afford to provoke me? You little hairy kid, you want to come and talk to me?"

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

His words were like a basin of cold water, which fiercely extinguished the righteous indignation in my heart. My hand holding the gun trembled a little, and my heart began to waver.

Just when I was hesitating, the figure of the lobby sister appeared at the entrance of the village. Seeing this scene, she hurriedly ran over, grabbed my arm and said anxiously, "Why are you so impulsive, kid? Give me the gun, don't mess around!"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm ready to come to my senses. I made up my mind and said firmly, "Uncle's grievance, I must get justice for him today!"

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

Seeing that I was resolute, the lobby sister had to give up for the time being. She turned to the village bully and said, "Big brother, you also know that my uncle is an honest man and has never caused you trouble. He was so badly injured that day when you were rough, don't you think you should pay him a penalty?"

"Hmph, that little old man deserves it!" The village tyrant didn't take the words of the lobby sister to heart at all, and still had a hideous face, "He always has a frame of earnest teaching, and he can't get used to my style, and he will only be taught a lesson by me if he annoys me." If you have any complaints, let this kid fight me to the death now!"

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

As he spoke, he waved his hand to greet a few junior brothers in the tavern, all of them were big men, fierce and vicious. I couldn't help but shudder, and the courage in my heart was diluted a little.

At the last moment, a sinister smile suddenly appeared on the face of the village tyrant, and he raised the wine bottle in his hand and threw it violently in our direction! The wine bottle flew over my head and exploded on the ground, splashing us with wine stains.

"Get out of here! I'm not welcome to see you next time!" The village tyrant shouted loudly, and the little brothers also let out a deafening roar and forced us forward.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

The lobby sister was frightened by them, and hurriedly pulled me to flee in embarrassment. Although I was unwilling, I had no choice but to leave first.

I took the earthen gun and crept to the tavern that the village tyrant frequented. Sure enough, as usual, he sat down on the stone bench at the door. When he saw me approaching, he was stunned at first, and then showed a hideous face.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

"You kid don't have a long memory, I was merciful yesterday, and if I see you again today, I'm welcome!" He stood up, his hands on his hips, and stared at me with a fierce eye.

I swallowed my saliva and forced my composure to say, "Village tyrant, I came this time to give you one last chance to make amends to my uncle." As long as you sincerely apologize, we will be cleared. "

"Huh, what are you kidding me?" The village tyrant was annoyed by my words, and scolded in a rough voice, "You little old man is simply self-inflicted, where do I owe him anything? Get out of here, don't get entangled anymore!"

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

Seeing him so tough, my anger ignited at once. I clenched the gun in my hand tightly and asked loudly: "Village tyrant, why are you so arrogant and arrogant, and don't take the villagers seriously at all? My uncle is an honest man and has never caused you trouble, why can you treat him like this?"

"Hmph, you hillbillies, you should shut up for me!" The village tyrant didn't take my words to heart at all, but smiled grimly, "Otherwise, you will suffer a little like your uncle." "

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

With that, he turned around and winked at the few younger brothers in the tavern. A couple of big men immediately came out and surrounded me.

"Village tyrant, you better think twice. I gritted my teeth and warned, "Otherwise, you're welcome!"

"Hahaha, you little shrimps, you still want to fight with me?" The village tyrant was completely annoyed by my words, and waved his hand to let his subordinates do it.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant

Seeing that the situation was not good, I couldn't help it anymore, gritted my teeth ruthlessly, and suddenly took out a dirt gun, aiming at the village tyrant is a shot!

There was a loud bang, and the sound of gunfire echoed through the silent village, startling a crowd of birds. The village tyrant was startled by the gunfire and instinctively crouched down. My marksmanship was rusty, and the bullets just grazed his shoulder.

"Stinky boy, do you want to kill people?" The village bully clasped his shoulders and glared at me fiercely.

"I've given you a chance, but you just don't appreciate it!" I shouted loudly, "Uncle's grievances, I must seek justice for him today!"

After that, I was about to load again, but several of the village tyrant's men had already rushed up and knocked their guns to the ground. I struggled to pick up the gun, but was held down by a few people and couldn't move.

At this moment, the lobby sister heard the gunshots and rushed over. Seeing this scene, she was frightened, and pleaded again and again: "Big brother, you can calm your anger, this is just a child, you can't abuse him too much." "

"Hmph, if he dares to use a gun, he will have to pay the price!" With a gloomy face, the village bully kicked the gun off the ground and walked towards me.

With all my strength, I finally broke free from the grip of a few younger brothers, picked up the gun on the ground and was about to aim it at the village tyrant. However, the chamber of the gun was empty, and the bullets had already been shot at the moment of the shot.

"Hahaha, you want to fight me with this little trick?" The village bully looked up to the sky and laughed, and with a big mouth, he snatched my gun and threw it aside.

Seeing that there was nothing I could do, I had to make a desperate bet, pounced on it and began to scuffle with the village tyrant. But he was tall and strong, and I was soon thrown to the ground by him over the shoulder.

When the lobby sister saw this, she was so anxious that she burst into tears, and while pulling me, she begged the village tyrant to let me go. But where would the village tyrant listen to her? He smirked and waved his hand to his subordinates to do it together.

Back then, the married hall sister was crying on her uncle's grave, and I asked the reason for borrowing a gun to seek revenge from the village tyrant