
Jin Yong's ten questions in martial arts, those who can answer ten questions correctly can be regarded as entry-level Jin Yong fans

author:The God King of the Times

In the world of martial arts novels, Mr. Jin Yong's name is like a shining Big Dipper, illuminating the sky of the entire Chinese culture. The martial arts world he created is full of mystery, legend and emotion, and it still fascinates people today.

In Mr. Jin Yong's pen, male characters often play the role of the protagonist, and the legends of the heroes are breathtaking. However, Mr. Jin Yong has also created some works with women as the first perspective, such as Shuang'er, Princess Jianning, Fang Yi, etc. in "The Legend of Deer and Ding", who have created an independent, intelligent and brave image, injecting new vitality into the world of martial arts.

Jin Yong's ten questions in martial arts, those who can answer ten questions correctly can be regarded as entry-level Jin Yong fans

In Mr. Jin Yong's works, the female characters are not only weak flowers, but also some infatuated female devils, who show complex emotions of love and hate. For example, He Yuanjun in "Blue Blood Sword", she disfigured herself because of infatuation, and finally ended in tragedy, which left a deep impression on readers.

In addition, in Jin Yong's works, there are also some male characters who choose another relationship because of low self-esteem, and this kind of machismo makes the story more colorful. For example, Shi Potian in "Knight's Journey", because he couldn't surpass the woman in his heart, he finally chose another woman to marry, but this woman was disfigured because of lost love, and finally ended in tragedy.

Jin Yong's ten questions in martial arts, those who can answer ten questions correctly can be regarded as entry-level Jin Yong fans

In Jin Yong's works, there are many unfortunate female characters, whose fates are often full of ups and downs and tribulations. For example, Su Mengqing in "Flying Fox Gaiden", she was raped by a court official and gave birth to two children, but she was finally poisoned, and her fate was bumpy, which is embarrassing.

Mr. Jin Yong's cousins, on the other hand, are a more complex group, most of whom are illustrious but ill-fated. In his works, cousins often end up dismally because of their ambitions, such as Murong Fu and Wang Xiaofeng in "Dragon Babu", they were all defeated by heroes in the end, and their fate was ill-fated.

Jin Yong's ten questions in martial arts, those who can answer ten questions correctly can be regarded as entry-level Jin Yong fans

Finally, there are also many tragic love stories in Jin Yong's works, such as Huang Rong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", she lost her eyes because of an accident, but finally married someone else, and her fate was bumpy, which is very emotional.

Mr. Jin Yong's works are full of human nature and emotional expression, each character has his own story, and each story has a profound connotation. In his writing, the world of martial arts is not only a stage for enmity and hatred, but also a comprehensive embodiment of human nature, emotion and destiny.

Jin Yong's ten questions in martial arts, those who can answer ten questions correctly can be regarded as entry-level Jin Yong fans