
Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

author:Entertainment Xiaocui

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!


This absolutely stunned scene of celebrities tearing each other apart, yes, I'm talking about the public tug-of-war between the former couple of Da S and Wang Xiaofei. But what really distressed me was Xiao S, why did she lie innocently on the gun?

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

This is not simple entertainment gossip, this is the epitome of a family tragedy. Xiao S, a strong woman who has been silently supporting her family behind her back, suddenly became the target of public criticism, and it was because of her sister Da S's divorce battle. Pity her three daughters, who were expected to become new stars in the entertainment industry, and now their future is uncertain, all because of the stupid battles in the adult world.

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

Big S's behavior can be said to be a typical egocentrism. She may think she's fighting for love, but in reality, she's just putting on a one-man show off on social media, completely ignoring the feelings of her family and children. Really, I'm starting to doubt her understanding of the concept of "family".

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

Some netizens said.

Her sister wore that dress at the funeral, and it is estimated that she was beaten by her husband again after she went back. How many relatives and friends attended my father's funeral, and people with heads and faces attended your sister to do this death

The door of these three daughters marrying into a wealthy family has been closed. The internet has a memory.

Marrying a bald head ruined the future of the family

Don't marry Xiao S's 3 daughters, it's too troublesome

In the future, which wealthy family dares to have Little Snake's three daughters

The two sisters have always looked down on the mainland, especially Kazakhstan, Japan and South Korea

Who dares to marry her children

The wealthy family hid when they saw this greedy look, who dared to marry

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!
Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

Wang Xiaofei's side is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Men, face is sometimes more important than anything else, but do you really need to tear your face with your ex-wife in front of the whole world? This kind of behavior will only make you look more immature and irrational.

Now let's talk about Little S, the strong mother who worked hard to protect her children in the storm. Her approach is actually the most commendable of all. In the face of this turmoil in the family, she tried to stay as calm as possible, think about her daughters, and try not to let them get involved in this senseless fight. She understands that as a mother, her priority is to protect her children, not to add heat to the internet.

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

Let's talk about the reactions of netizens. Really, there are so many opinions here that it's like a popcorn machine has exploded. Some people stand for Big S, and some people stand for Wang Xiaofei, but most people can still see Xiao S's innocence and hard work. In this celebrity family drama, she is indeed the party most worthy of sympathy and support.

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

In closing, I would like to say that this dispute has shown us an important lesson: making decisions driven by impulsiveness and self-centeredness will only hurt the most innocent people in the end. I hope that Da S and Wang Xiaofei can calm down and think about what their behavior has brought to the children. At the same time, I also hope that Xiao S can continue to maintain her strength and sanity and pave a brighter path for her daughters.

Xiao S unexpectedly became the sacrifice of Big S's divorce lawsuit, and the three daughters were damaged in the future, and the comment area was fried!

In this story, there are no real winners, only innocent people who are involved for no reason. Hopefully, this can serve as a reminder for everyone to think twice before acting, especially when it comes to the future of families and children. After all, after the hype, we are left with only heavy consequences and unnecessary harm.