
After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

author:Diligent salted fish
After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

The movie "The World of Grass and Trees" on No. 4.3 is the first anti-pyramid scheme film in China. Starring Jiang Qinqin, Wu Lei, Chen Jianbin .

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

The movie mainly tells how the heroine Wu Taohua, played by Jiang Qinqin, went from a kind and simple mother who relied on picking tea to support her son, and became the "high-level" leader of the MLM group step by step.

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

And the son He Mulian played by Wu Lei is the story of how to find his missing father and save his lost mother.

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

After the movie was released, it caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet, and some viewers expressed skepticism after watching the film, thinking that the movie was too exaggerated, and in reality, there would never be a mother like Wu Moshua who didn't care about her son's life and wanted to do MLM.

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

At first, I also thought that the movie was deliberately exaggerating the facts for the sake of artistic effect or traffic to create panic, until I saw the video below.


In the video, the man is hoarse and almost collapsed, asking his mother, "Why do you want to do this to him, do you want to force him to death". And the reason why he is so out of shape is because his mother has been deeply involved in the pyramid scheme organization for more than 20 years, and has been completely brainwashed, even if she has defrauded all her relatives and friends, she does not feel that she is wrong, and she still wants her son to sell the house and let her "take the goods". From start to finish, I didn't feel like I was doing something wrong.


The man in the video faces his mother's obsessive breakdown, helplessness and despair, as well as the tugging and arguing between mother and son, which is exactly the same as the mother and son in the movie.

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

Although I didn't see the footage of the man's mother, I can imagine that when she refuted, it should be the mother Wu Moshua played by Jiang Qinqin in the movie, who is like a crazy demon, and feels that her son is delaying her "career".

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

The movie is not exaggerated at all. In fact, MLM organizations in reality are more terrible and inhumane than those in the movies.

At the end of the film, Wu Lei's son He Mulian finally saved his mother who was caught in a pyramid scheme, and the mother and son finally lived in the sunshine again.

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

But the "Wu Moss Flowers" in reality can't see the truth at all. They are bent on "dreaming of getting rich" and want to prove themselves. And treat the relatives who want to save them as "enemies". In the end, only their children and families will suffer!

After watching this video, you will find that it was too conservative!

The essence of MLM is to control people's minds, and the real horror of it is that the people who are controlled are sober and confused. I know that it is an abyss, but I will still be tempted to jump down to find out, but this thought is the difference between heaven and hell.

Finally, I want to say that the movie "Grass and Trees" is not necessarily good or excellent, but it can really hit the soul of those who don't understand what "pyramid scheme" is or who have already stepped into the trap of pyramid schemes!

The pictures and videos in the article are all taken from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact me to delete

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