
Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

author:Sharp-eyed life

On a winter morning, 68-year-old Uncle Wang suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, his face was pale, and his heart was beating faster. He knew he might be suffering from a heart problem that had never happened in his previous life. So, he anxiously rushed to the hospital for help.

After a series of tests, the doctor told Uncle Wang that his symptoms were caused by blood clots. The doctor explained that blood clots are extremely common in cardiovascular disease. A blood clot blocked his arteries, causing a lack of blood supply to his heart, triggering symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath. Uncle Wang was deeply shocked because he never thought that he would suffer from such a disease.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

The doctor formulated a dietary plan for thromboprophylaxis for Uncle Wang. According to the doctor's advice, Uncle Wang began to increase the intake of leeches, saponaria rice, kelp, ginger and other foods.

He also drinks a glass of water every morning after waking up and a cup of rob hemp tea in the evening, as well as maintaining moderate exercise and good work and rest habits. As time passed, Uncle Wang's symptoms gradually eased, he felt happy, his physical strength recovered a lot, and he regained a healthy life.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

In the fast-paced life of today, cardiovascular diseases such as blood clots have become one of the important challenges to people's health. Every year, a large number of middle-aged and elderly people suffer from various diseases caused by blood clots. The formation of blood clots not only affects blood circulation, but can also lead to serious consequences, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and even life-threatening.

It is important to know how to prevent blood clots. At a time when this problem is becoming more prominent, there are some foods that are considered to be a powerful weapon for preventing blood clots, and they may be as effective as medicines, or even safer and more natural.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

01 Hazards and formation mechanisms of thrombosis

Thrombosis is a common cardiovascular disease that greatly threatens the health of middle-aged and elderly people. Blood clots form when blood clots inside blood vessels to form lumps, which obstructs normal blood flow.

This blockage can occur at any site, such as an artery or vein, resulting in reduced blood flow or complete stagnation. The harm of thrombosis should not be underestimated, it will not only lead to local tissue ischemia and hypoxia, but also may cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction, stroke and other serious consequences.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

Especially in middle-aged and elderly people, the incidence of thrombosis increases significantly. For a long time, factors such as poor lifestyle habits, high-fat diet, lack of exercise, etc., may lead to an increase in blood clots. Once a blood clot occurs, in addition to causing local tissue damage, it can also cause serious complications and even life-threatening.

The mechanisms of thrombosis are complex and varied, but their essence is abnormal proliferation during blood clotting. When there are too many clotting factors in the blood or the activity is enhanced, it is easy to promote the formation of blood clots. Factors such as vascular endothelial injury, increased blood viscosity, and slowing of blood flow are also important triggers of thrombosis. Understanding the mechanisms of thrombosis is essential for the prevention and treatment of thrombotic disorders.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

02Foods to prevent blood clots

Leeches: Although leeches have an ugly appearance, they have excellent anticoagulant and antiplatelet accumulation abilities, which can effectively prevent blood clots. The leech polypeptides in leeches also have the effect of regulating blood rheology and lowering blood lipids.

Saponaria rice: Rich in protein and trace elements, saponaria rice has miraculous functions of lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, which can provide a lot of nutrients and energy for the body and help protect cardiovascular health.

Kelp: Kelp rich in fucoidan and kelpin can not only prevent the formation of blood clots, but also reduce the deposition of lipids in blood vessels, which has the effect of cleaning blood vessels and promoting blood circulation.

Ginger: The gingerol in ginger prevents platelet aggregation and reduces the risk of blood clots. Ginger also has the effect of dilating blood vessels and promoting blood circulation, making it a great food for preventing blood clots.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

Black beans: Rich in protein and linoleic acid, black beans not only reduce blood lipids, but also improve the elasticity of blood vessels and anti-aging ability, helping to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Onions: Onions are rich in prostaglandin A, which can dilate blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, and prevent the formation of blood clots. Eating more onions can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

Cabbage: Cabbage is rich in isothiocyanates and vitamins, which protect the mucous membranes of blood vessels, promote blood circulation and help prevent the formation of blood clots.

Pueraria lobata: Pueraria lobata is known as the "natural scaffold of blood vessels", which has the effect of dilating blood vessels, lowering blood lipids, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, and helping to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Don't think it's ugly, or the number one nemesis of blood clots, eat a little every day, the blood will not stick to the blood vessels, and the blood vessels will not be blocked

We should pay attention to the choice of daily diet, consume more of these foods with anti-thrombotic effects, maintain a happy mood, moderate exercise, and reasonable work and rest, so as to effectively prevent the occurrence of thrombosis and maintain good health. Let's stay away from blood clots and enjoy a long and healthy life through good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.