
Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

author:Yu Le Circle Circle


Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes to be blackened

Recently, Zheng Kai hacked his height in a variety show, saying that he had returned to 1.6 meters. This humorous self-blackening made netizens can't help laughing, and they praised his variety show sense and self-blackening skills, thinking that he is really very terrierous.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

It's so easy to be a male star, hahaha!

Some netizens jokingly said: "Zheng Kai has a strong sense of variety shows, don't go too far by hacking yourself hahahahaha." This humorous and ridiculous comment made readers laugh and expressed their recognition and love for Zheng Kai's humorous performance.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

Tang Yixin was ridiculed by Zheng Kai for her makeup, and the jokes continued

Looking back on the past, Zheng Kai once put on a special makeup for Tang Yixin. When Tang Yixin revealed his makeup, Zheng Kai's reaction made people laugh. This scene sparked memories and laughter among readers, and they all said that they couldn't help laughing when they saw Tang Yixin's makeup.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

The moment I saw the face, I admitted to laughing hahaha!

Someone humorously recalled: "I still remember the makeup I put on for Tang Yixin, the moment I saw my face, I admitted that I laughed hahaha." This humorous recollection struck a chord with the reader and brought a light-hearted vibe.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

Zheng Kai has a humorous personality and is self-ridiculing

Netizens have expressed their love and support for Zheng Kai's humorous personality and self-ridicule. They think Zheng Kai is very good at playing stalks, and his personality is quite good. Zheng Kai's sense of humor and ability to receive stalks in the show make people laugh.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

Zheng Kai, your playful humor is a bit bold. How about 1.6 meters, taking off shoes is also a real hero.

Someone humorously described Zheng Kai's humorous performance: "He is very good at answering stalks! Zheng Kai, your playful humor is a little bold." How about 1.6 meters, taking off shoes is also a real hero. This humorous description made the reader laugh and expressed appreciation for Zheng Kai's sense of humor and personality.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

The acquaintance bureau is interesting, and everyone doesn't mind it

Netizens have discussed the interesting aspects of the acquaintance bureau. They feel comfortable talking to each other without too many minds and concerns. This time, when Zheng Kai was teasing himself, it made people feel particularly funny, and his on-the-spot reaction and sense of humor made people laugh out loud.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

found that Zheng Kai's reflexes were full marks, and when he was ridiculed by Chen He, he directly picked up the stalk!

Some people appreciate Zheng Kai's reaction ability: "I found that Zheng Kai's reaction ability is still full marks, and when he was ridiculed by Chen He, he directly picked up the stalk!" This kind of ridicule and appreciative comments made readers can't help but sigh at Zheng Kai's wit and sense of humor, and brought a pleasant atmosphere for discussion.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

Zheng Kai's humor and true temperament

Zheng Kai's sense of humor and true temperament have been loved and appreciated by netizens. His humor and receptivity to memes make people laugh, while also showing off his true personality. In the acquaintance bureau, everyone does not mind too much, and the communication is relaxed and comfortable, which also triggers the reader's thoughts and memories of friendship and humor. In this discussion full of jokes, we should appreciate Zheng Kai's humorous personality, and at the same time think about the relationship between humor and authenticity. After all, humor is the ability to bring out real emotions and character traits in laughter.

Zheng Kai took off his shoes and returned to 1.6 meters, causing jokes from his self-blackening!

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