
"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

author:She is like a gust of wind, how dare I redeem it

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

Title: "My Wife Misunderstood Me! It Turns Out I'm Just a Cautious Machismo"

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

Oh, brothers and sisters, today I'm going to tell you a cliff series story, and it's about me! That's right, you heard me right, it's me! Don't say I didn't warn you, this is a story full of twists and turns, hey, don't complain, listen to me slowly, it will definitely make you laugh!

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

First of all, I have to mention that we must have a tolerant heart! What happened in our family is simply a family comedy, so funny that I can't help laughing! Gu Qiuyan is the queen of my family, taking care of the family, taking care of the children, taking care of me, she is simply an all-round superwoman. However, she has a big problem, that is...... Always guessing! Yes, you heard me right, I'm talking about her always cranky! I'm a straight man, I can't think of her weird way of thinking!

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

One day, on a whim, I wanted to surprise my wife, so I took Sun Yuejian (Sun Yuejian is my best buddy) home, ready to give my wife a unique surprise! Guess what? My wife looked at me with a puzzled expression, and then shouted: "You betrayed me!" Oh, this can make me cry and laugh! Just this little thing, she can think of me betraying her! It's just, it's so good!

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

Don't think that's the end of it, the next plot is even more exciting! My wife insisted, I am a machismo, and she has to sleep in a separate room with me! To be honest, I really don't understand at all, where am I machismo? But you know, my wife's words are holy decrees, and I can't do it if I don't obey them! So I obediently obeyed, made a bed in the living room with Sun Yuejian, and enjoyed a night of "machismo."

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

Hey, in fact, I'm really not a machismo, I'm just a little cautious! What can I do, my wife's words can make me obedient, and I am simply a master of love! As for Sun Yuejian, he is not my rival in love, but my good brother, how can it be as complicated as my wife said! But how can I explain these things to my wife? Do you have any good solutions? Leave me a message and save my misunderstood good heart!

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

Okay, that's all for today's story, do you think I'm a cliff? Or is it a misunderstanding? Anyway, getting along with my wife is like this, a moment is sweet, a moment is funny, and it will never be boring! Hehe, our love is so wonderful, there can be unexpected surprises from time to time! It seems that I still have to learn how to communicate with my wife! By the way, do you have the same experience as me? Come and share it, let's laugh together!

"Cliff" Gu Qiuyan didn't know the truth that Zhou Yi took Sun Yuejian home but insisted on separating the room

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