
I've found that people who save money very well have one thing in common: picking!

author:I don't eat spicy Sichuan girls

I've found that people who save money very well have one thing in common: picking!

The other day, I was chatting with a sister of 98 years, and she said that she had worked for 4 years and had saved 200,000 yuan.

I didn't expect a young soft girl to save so much, and now you ask me to take 50,000 out, I don't have it, and I am ashamed of myself in an instant.

So, I asked her, how?

She said: She also gets a salary of five or six thousand a month, and for ordinary people, if you want to save money, there is only one word: picking.

Picking, this word seems to be a little derogatory, but in the eyes of this girl, it is not stingy, not stingy, but a kind of cherishing and rational use of resources.

Next, let's take a look at how those savers save money.

I've found that people who save money very well have one thing in common: picking!

1. I am very picky about time

There's a good saying: time is money.

This sentence is perfectly interpreted in her, she does not waste her time on useless small talk and pastimes, but spends every minute and every second on improving herself.

Every day after work, everyone else is shopping for clothes and watching movies, but she is different.

Every night after eating, she will consciously read books, learn editing, learn to write, and use her off-duty time to shoot short vlogs, accumulating 100,000 fans.

These 100,000 fans have also greatly increased her income, others spend their time eating, drinking and having fun, and she uses it to make money.

Second, I am very picky about spending money

For spending money, this is not to say that she lives a hard life, but that she knows how to live within her means and knows how to seek cost performance in consumption.

Every time she goes shopping, she will not blindly pursue famous brands and luxury goods, but will choose those items that are really suitable for her and cost-effective.

Every one of her expenditures is consumed after many considerations, and she values small money, and she will not buy it casually because it is cheap.

Just ask, can't such a person save money?

I've found that people who save money very well have one thing in common: picking!

Third, I am very critical of the budget

Another important reason why she was able to save so much money was that she was very picky about her budget.

For example, if she asks for a budget of only 1,500 this month, she will never use more than that, but she will increase her income through other channels.

At the beginning of each month, she will set a qualified budget for herself and strictly implement it, and every money in her life will be spent after careful consideration.

The benefits of this not only ensure the quality of life, but also increase savings and lay the foundation for a path to financial freedom.

Fourth, it is very critical of investment

In life, those who save money very much, in the investment field is reflected in prudence and stability, always in the investment market to keep a clear head, to avoid falling into unnecessary risks.

They don't blindly follow the herd, and they don't get easily tempted by high yields.

They carefully study each investment, assess its risks and returns, and ensure that their investment is growing steadily.

In short, people who save money very well have one thing in common: picking.

This kind of picking is not to live an ascetic life, on the contrary, it is a kind of life attitude, a kind of life wisdom.

Saving money is for a better life, and don't feel that saving money is useless when you are young.

All of the above.

I've found that people who save money very well have one thing in common: picking!