
Story: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

author:I love noodle fish

Folk tale: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

In the distant Jiangnan water town, there is a small village called Qingxi. The village is built by the water and is picturesque, and the villagers live a quiet and peaceful life. However, one day, this peaceful village is shattered by a bizarre event.

There is an old woman named Grandma Li in the village, she is kind, hardworking and simple, and is deeply respected by the villagers. Grandma Li has an only child named Xiao Li. Xiao Li is smart and clever, but has a somewhat eccentric personality, often walks alone, and does not have much interaction with the villagers.

One day, Grandma Li went to the river to wash clothes and accidentally slipped into the river. Although the villagers arrived in time to rescue her ashore, Grandma Li was already dying. After some rescue, Grandma Li still couldn't survive and closed her eyes forever.

The villagers were grief-stricken and came to comfort Xiao Li. However, Xiao Li behaved unusually calm, even a little indifferent. He rejected the villagers' offer of burial and insisted that his mother's body be left at home and that no one should be allowed to approach it.

The villagers were puzzled and discussed. Some people say that Xiao Li is too sad to accept the fact that her mother has passed away, and some people say that Xiao Li is unwilling to let her leave this world because she has deep feelings for her mother. However, no matter how the villagers persuaded him, Xiao Li was unmoved.

A few days have passed, and Grandma Li's body is still parked at home. The villagers began to feel a little uneasy, because according to village custom, the dead should be buried as soon as possible, otherwise it would bring disaster to the village. However, Xiao Li didn't seem to care about this, he just silently stood by his mother's body every day, as if waiting for something.

Just when the villagers felt helpless, a mysterious Taoist priest came to the village. This Taoist priest is wearing a Taoist robe, holding a dust whisk, and a fairy wind and bones, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance. After he heard about Grandma Li's affairs, he took the initiative to find Xiao Li and expressed his willingness to help deal with Grandma Li's funeral.

Story: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

Xiao Li looked at this Taoist priest, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes. He hesitated, but finally nodded and agreed to the Taoist priest's request.

The Taoist priest first came to Grandma Li's body and took a closer look. Then, he took out a charm, chanted words in his mouth, and pasted the charm on Grandma Li's forehead. Suddenly, there was a faint light around Grandma Li's body, as if something was slowly dissipating.

The Taoist priest then told Xiao Li and the villagers that the reason why Grandma Li's body could not be buried in the ground was because her soul was bound by an evil force and could not leave this world. If this restraint is not lifted, not only will Grandma Li's soul not be able to rest in peace, but it will also bring disaster to the entire village.

The villagers were dumbfounded and expressed their willingness to obey the Taoist priest's arrangement. So, the Taoist priest began to arrange the magic circle, preparing to release the shackles on Grandma Li's soul.

During this process, Xiao Li has been nervously guarding his mother's body. His heart was full of guilt and self-blame, and he felt that he had not protected his mother and made her suffer like this. At the same time, he is also full of trust and expectation for the Taoist priest, hoping that he can help his mother relieve her suffering and let her rest in heaven.

After some hard work, the Taoist priest finally succeeded in releasing the shackles on Grandma Li's soul. Her body began to feel more and more peaceful, as if it had been liberated. The Taoist priest told Xiao Li and the villagers that she could now put Grandma Li into the earth, and that her soul had been rested and would not bring any more harm to the village.

The villagers were grateful and expressed their gratitude to the Taoist priest. Xiao Li also shed tears of emotion, he could finally let go of the guilt and self-blame in his heart, and let his mother rest in heaven.

Story: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

With the help of a Taoist priest, Grandma Li's body was buried on a hill near the village. Her grave is lined with flowers and trees, making it a beautiful sight in the village. Since then, nothing strange has happened in the village, and everyone has lived a peaceful and peaceful life.

However, Xiao Li's heart can never forget the moment of his mother's death. He often went to his mother's grave alone and silently told his thoughts. He knew that although his mother had left this world, her love and care would always accompany him and become his driving force.

This story has been passed down in the village of Qingxi and has become a legend in the mouths of generations after generations. It tells us that motherly love is great, and that it can transcend life and death and always be by our side. At the same time, it also reminds us to cherish our loved ones around us and not to regret it until we lose it. Folk tale: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village


With the help of the Taoist priest, Grandma Li was able to rest in peace, and Qingxi Village returned to its former tranquility. However, there is always a mystery in Xiao Li's heart - why did his mother suddenly fall into the water?

Xiao Li began to secretly investigate the matter, and he recalled the scene on the day of his mother's accident, and he did not let go of every detail. He found that when his mother went to the river to wash clothes that day, the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy and the wind was blowing. The trees along the river were blown to the ground, and the river was unusually turbulent.

Xiao Li thought to himself, this may be a clue. He began to ask the elders of the village if there were any legends or stories about the river. After some questioning, he finally learns an amazing secret.

Story: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

It turns out that the river was once the abode of an evil youkai. This yokai loves to play tricks on humans and often creates disasters in various ways. Later, a high monk passed by and subdued the monster and sealed it at the bottom of the river. However, every hundred years, this seal weakens, and the power of the yokai is briefly restored. And the day of my mother's accident happened to be the day when the seal weakened.

Xiao Li suddenly realized that his mother was not accidentally overboard, but was killed by a monster. His heart was filled with anger and grief, and he decided to avenge his mother.

So, Xiao Li began to look around for a master who could subdue the monster. After a lot of hardships, he finally found an immortal chief who lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. After hearing what happened to Xiao Li, the immortal chief decided to help.

The immortal chief took Xiao Li to the river and cast a spell to break the seal of the monster. After a fierce battle, the youkai was finally subdued by the Immortal and disappeared from this world forever.

Xiao Li was grateful, and kowtowed to the immortal chief three times. He finally avenged his mother and eliminated a potential scourge for the village.

Since then, nothing strange has happened in Qingxi Village. The villagers lived a peaceful and peaceful life, and Xiao Li also let go of the hatred and grief in his heart and began to face life again.

He knows that although his mother has left this world, her love and care will always accompany him. He will turn this love into motivation to live hard and become a useful person in society.

Story: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

And in front of Grandma Li's grave, flowers and green trees are still luxuriant. Her soul rests and guards the village she loves so much. Her story has become a story that has been passed down from generation to generation in the village, reminding people to cherish life, revere nature, and unite and help each other.

In this beautiful water town in the south of the Yangtze River, Qingxi Village is still built by the water, and the scenery is picturesque. And the story of Xiao Li and the villagers will also be passed on in this land forever with the passage of time. Folk tale: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village


Xiao Li finally avenged his mother, and peace and tranquility were restored to Qingxi Village. However, the wounds in Xiao Li's heart have not completely healed. He often came to the river alone, staring at the sparkling water, as if he wanted to find his mother's shadow in the river.

Whenever night falls, Xiao Li will light the oil lamp in front of his mother's grave and silently tell his thoughts. He told himself that although his mother was gone, her love would never disappear. This love will become the driving force for him to move forward and guide him to a better future.

As the days passed, Xiao Li gradually came out of his grief. He began to take an active part in the affairs of the village, helping the villagers solve various problems. His kindness and intelligence were recognized by the villagers, who praised him as the pride of the village.

One day, when Xiao Li was collecting medicine in the mountains, he accidentally found a rare spirit grass. It is said that this spiritual grass has miraculous effects and can cure all kinds of incurable diseases. Xiao Li excitedly brought the spirit grass home and carefully studied its medicinal properties.

After some hard work, Xiao Li finally developed a magical potion. This medicine can not only cure diseases, but also strengthen people's physique and prolong life. Xiao Li shared the potion with the villagers free of charge, and everyone was grateful.

Story: The mother accidentally fell into the water and died, but the son prevented the burial: the burial would bring disaster to the whole village

The people of the village have become healthier and their lives have become better because of Xiao Li's medicine. Xiao Li also became a miracle doctor in the village and was respected and loved by everyone.

However, Xiao Li did not become complacent because of this. He knew that all this was the blessing of his mother's spirit in heaven. He always remembers his mother's teachings and uses his actions to repay his mother's nurturing grace.

Year after year, Xiao Li's medical skills became more and more exquisite, and his reputation spread throughout the Jiangnan water town. More and more people came to seek medical advice, and Xiao Li always patiently diagnosed and treated them, never charging a penny.

One day, a distant Taoist priest came to Qingxi Village, and after hearing about Xiao Li's deeds, he was full of praise for him. The Taoist priest told Xiao Li that his mother, Grandma Li, was actually a master of the Dao, and because she couldn't bear to see the village suffer a disaster, she chose to seal the monster at the bottom of the river at the cost of her life. Now, Xiao Li has inherited his mother's will and used his medical skills to benefit the villagers, which is also what his mother is most willing to see in the spirit of heaven.

Xiao Li burst into tears after hearing this, and he finally understood the greatness and selflessness of his mother. He bowed deeply and thanked the priest.

Since then, Xiao Li has worked harder to study medicine, hoping to bring health and hope to more people. His story has been widely spread in the water towns of the south of the Yangtze River and has become a legend in the hearts of generations after generations.

And in front of Grandma Li's grave, there are always fresh bouquets of flowers and tributes. The villagers often come to worship and thank her for her protection and dedication. In this beautiful water town in the south of the Yangtze River, Qingxi Village is still quiet and peaceful, and the story of Xiao Li will forever be passed on in this land full of love and hope.