
"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

author:Afraid of the dark and not afraid of drama

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One general is incapable of exhausting the three armies, this ancient precept still does not lose its profound significance in today's context.

However, when we place this phrase in the underground party organization during the War of Resistance Against Japan, it seems to have gained a new interpretation and become more appropriate.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Today, I would like to reveal to you a tragic story about the underground party in Shanghai, which is about the unfortunate incident of Xu Nuo, the head of the underground party liaison station, who made various mistakes and led to the great destruction of the underground party.

Xu Nuo, a man who appears to be just an ordinary tailor on the surface, but in reality, he is burdened with the heavy responsibility of the underground party liaison station.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

The connection between him and Shen Jinzhen, a member of the underground party, is a crucial link in the entire underground party organization.

It was his mistakes that led to the major collapse of the underground party organization.

Xu Nuo's management mistakes are undoubtedly a key factor that cannot be ignored in this catastrophic event.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

As the core leader of the underground party, he had obvious flaws in decision-making and execution at critical moments, which not only seriously questioned his personal responsibility, but also had a huge impact on the stability and confidentiality of the entire underground party organization.

First and foremost, managing subordinates is an indispensable responsibility of a leader.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Xu Nuo's performance in this regard is not satisfactory.

His failure to establish an efficient and rigorous command and execution system led to the lack of unified operational guidance and resource allocation for subordinate members at critical moments, which made a large number of party members reveal their identities and be captured by the enemy when performing tasks.

What is even more serious is that some comrades have even shown signs of mutiny.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

In this case, Xu Nuo, as the person in charge, failed to investigate and deal with these anomalies in a timely manner, let alone take necessary measures to strengthen the confidentiality of the entire organization.

This not only allowed the mutineers to continue to operate within the group, but also provided the enemy with valuable information, which directly led to the failure of the rescue operation.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

In addition, Xu Nuo did not pay enough attention to the upcoming rescue operation and kept it confidential.

He failed to ensure the confidentiality of the action plan, resulting in the information being leaked during the transmission.

This reckless and negligent attitude left what could have been a successful rescue operation hanging in the balance, ultimately leading to heavy casualties and losses.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Xu Nuo's mistake in the implementation of the evacuation plan is undoubtedly another important reason for the serious consequences of this incident.

In the face of the failure of Shen Jinzhen's assassination mission, as the leader of the underground party, Xu Nuo's response and decision-making obviously had serious problems, which not only affected his personal judgment ability, but also directly threatened the security and stability of the entire organization.

First of all, Shen Jinzhen, as a party member who performs key tasks, faces great danger once the task fails.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Under these circumstances, Xu Nuo, as her superior, should have taken swift and effective measures to ensure her safe evacuation.

Xu Nuo's reaction was unexpectedly slow and inadequate.

He did not immediately organize the rescue, but let Shen Jinzhen openly leave by train during the day, which was undoubtedly a great neglect and contempt for her life safety.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

What's more serious is that although Shen Jinzhen's identity has been exposed, Xu Nuo still has not taken appropriate countermeasures.

In this case, he should have a more cautious and well-thought-out evacuation plan, adopting a secret and safe way to ensure that Shen Jinzhen can leave safely and avoid further danger.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Xu Nuo's decision-making is contrary to this requirement, causing Shen Jinzhen to reveal her identity in public, increasing her risk of being hunted down and threatened by enemies.

In addition, Xu Nuo's mistake also indirectly revealed the underground party's inadequacy in responding to emergencies and crisis management.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

As a leader, he should have a sense of crisis and be able to make decisions quickly and decisively to ensure the safety of the organization and party members.

Xu Nuo's performance in this incident shows that he has obvious shortcomings in responding to emergencies and developing an effective evacuation plan.

Xu Nuo's mistakes in this incident are not only reflected in the evacuation plan, but also in the confidentiality of information and route planning.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

As the leader of the underground party, he obviously lacked the necessary acumen and prudence in the management of key information and action plans, which directly led to the exposure of the actions of Shen Jinzhen and the entire underground party organization and suffered heavy losses.

First of all, the secrecy of information is the key to the success of the underground party's activities.

Xu Nuo's handling of this aspect was obviously a serious negligence.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

He failed to take adequate measures to ensure the security of critical information, resulting in frequent exposure of Shen Jinzhen's actions.

This not only increased her personal risk of danger, but also seriously jeopardized the secrecy and security of the entire underground party organization.

Under such circumstances, Xu Nuo should pay more attention to the confidentiality of information and take more strict and effective measures to prevent the enemy from obtaining key information, so as to protect the safety of Party members and organizations.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Secondly, the planning of the roadmap and action plan is also a key link in the activities of the underground party.

Xu Nuo's mistakes in this regard cannot be ignored either.

His failure to adjust and optimize the action plan in a timely manner made it possible for Shen Jinzhen to come into contact with Wei Ruolai.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

This contact directly led to the exposure of the activities of the underground party, and the losses were further exacerbated.

As a leader, Xu Nuo should have stronger planning and organizational skills, and be able to make quick and informed decisions at critical moments to ensure the safety of party members and the smooth running of activities.

Xu Nuo's series of mistakes not only brought huge losses to the underground party, but also seriously threatened the security and stability of the entire organization.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

As the head of the underground party, his mistakes should not be easily ignored, but should be deeply reflected and self-examined to ensure that similar mistakes do not happen again, so as to protect the safety of the organization and party members.

As the leader of the underground party, Xu Nuo should shoulder greater responsibility.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

His negligence and improper decision-making in the management and execution of the party's activities directly led to the exposure and arrest of Shen Jinzhen and other party members, which dealt a serious blow to the entire organization.

Xu Nuo's reaction in the face of crises and challenges also exposed his lack of awareness and importance of organizational confidentiality and security.

In the activities of the underground party, every detail and every action requires extreme caution and care.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

Any one negligence or mistake can become an opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of, leading to catastrophic consequences.

In my opinion, Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than we imagined.

His mistake was not only a one-man mistake, but also a betrayal of the entire underground party organization.

"Wind Chaser": A general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, and Xu Nuo has made far more mistakes than he imagined

We should draw lessons from this incident and be vigilant against the recurrence of similar mistakes, so as to protect our precious underground party organizations and make greater contributions to the anti-Japanese struggle.

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