
More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

author:Fumishi Ichika

More than 80 years ago, Sun Ting, a 10-year-old boy, witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army and the innocent people. Here's how it happened:

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

The Japanese army entered the village and swept through

In April 1938, the Japanese army raiding team swept through the villages under the jurisdiction of Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province. The young and strong villagers returned to the village to observe the movement during the day, and returned to the mountains at night to hide from the Japanese army.

On April 25, the Japanese raiding team, led by the commander Captain Sato, pounced on Tayingzi Village with murderous violation. Sato suspected that there were anti-coalition forces in Tayingzi, so he gathered more than 40 cavalry and launched a surprise attack on Tayingzi.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

Japanese cavalry

There were only 10 households in Tayingzi Village, and when they heard that the Japanese army was coming, the adults took dry food and hid deeper into the mountains. When the child cried, the mother quickly covered the child's mouth, fearing that the hiding place would be exposed. As long as there is a little wind and grass at the foot of the mountain, the villagers are scared and goosebumps.

Early the next morning, the villagers looked into the village from where they were hiding and found that there was a fire burning in the village. Villager Zhang Guanglin felt sorry for his family's house and ran down the mountain to look near the village. The Japanese cavalry rushed over, knocked him to the ground with a whip and tied him to the village with a rope.

The Japanese soldiers said that Zhang Guanglin was a "redbeard" and beat him with a wooden stick the thickness of his arm, forcing him to tell him where the villagers were hiding. Several wooden sticks with thick arms were broken, but Zhang Guanglin still kept silent, and the angry Japanese soldiers pressed him down into the ditch and poured cold water on him, and drenched him to death.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

Atrocities of the Japanese army

There is a villager named Cheng Wancai, and people call him Little Lao Cheng. He hid in the mountains with his 9-year-old child, and when he finished eating the dry food he brought, the child was so hungry that he cried. He was worried that his child would starve to death in the mountains, and he was distressed that his family's house would be burned down, so he secretly went home to get some food and took a look at the house.

As soon as Cheng Wancai descended to the foot of the mountain, the Japanese soldiers saw him and shot him. The bullet hit the rock, sending out a puff of white smoke. Cheng Wancai was so frightened that he hurriedly ran up the mountain, and the Japanese soldiers saw him fleeing in panic, just like a hungry wolf seeing a goat, they rushed to the mountain to catch him.

Cheng Wancai ran desperately on the mountain, but the man's feet could not outrun the horse's four hooves, and he was soon caught by the Japanese army in the mountain nest. The devil tied Cheng Wancai to a tree, and more than 10 Japanese soldiers took turns beating him with sticks, beating him until his skin was open and his flesh was covered with bruises.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

The Japanese army captured the villagers

After Cheng Wancai was knocked unconscious, the Japanese army woke him up with cold water, and he woke up and continued to fight. Sato forced him to admit to being "Redbeard" and demanded guns and food from him. When it was almost dark, the Japanese army escorted Cheng Wancai back to Dongwujiazi Village and set fire to the only remaining houses in the village.

In Dongwujiazi Village, Cheng Wancai was imprisoned in a classroom at a primary school. Sato asked the Japanese soldier Cheng Wancai to knock him unconscious several times a day, sometimes grabbing Cheng Wancai's head and hitting him by the hair. Sometimes his thighs, nose and ears were pierced with red-hot iron chisels.

The murderous Sato also invented a cruel technique of using a long wooden skewer, like a kebab skewer, with a sharp end into the ear, and then using a small mallet to knock the wooden skewer into the ear. Cheng Wancai was knocked on his ear and bled and fainted again.

The Japanese army tortured Cheng Wancai in the primary school, and the screams and scolding did not stop from morning to night, the students did not dare to come to school, and the adults were even more frightened when they heard the screams.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

Atrocities of the Japanese army

The people of Tayingzi Village felt sorry for Cheng Wancai, and the chief of the Bao came forward to gather a cow and a few loads of grain to ransom him. Sato agreed, but after taking the cattle and grain, his face changed, and he insisted on not letting go of his wealth. The villagers begged bitterly, and Sato asked the Japanese soldiers to set up machine guns, and whoever came forward to intercede again would slaughter the village.

On the morning of the fourth day, Sato had all the villagers gather under a platform in the village. Cheng Wancai had been tortured to the point that he couldn't look like a human being, and two Japanese soldiers walked over with him and made him kneel in the middle of the platform. Cheng Wancai's legs had been broken, and he knelt on the ground and couldn't move.

Sato walked to the platform, pulled out a sparkling saber, doused the knife with water, and went around behind Cheng Wancai. Sato shouted "Hi" and slashed at Cheng Wancai's neck, Cheng Wancai's head and neck were instantly separated, and the human head flew out a few meters away in the blink of an eye.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

The decapitation of the Japanese army

Poor Cheng Wancai was cut off his head, and his eyes and mouth were still wide open in horror on the head of the person who flew out a few meters away. Blood splattered from his neck, which had lost his head, and he fell to the top of the platform.

Sato held his blood-dripping saber and craned his neck triumphantly at the villagers in the audience. Sato shouted in half-baked Chinese: "Redbeard's work, that's how it ends!"

When Cheng Wancai was beheaded, Sun Ting and the villagers could see it clearly under the stage, and he was only 10 years old and too frightened to open his eyes.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

Atrocities of the Japanese army

After the Japanese beheaded Cheng Wancai, they pierced his head with wire and hung it on an old elm tree in the south of the village. The villagers repeatedly interceded before Sato allowed his body to be buried, and his head was hung at the entrance of the village and not allowed to move.

Cheng Wancai's head hung on the tree for more than 10 days, and it was not until the crusade team withdrew from the village that the Cheng family dared to take off the head, and at this time half of the white bones were exposed. The villagers buried his head in the ground, and Cheng Wancai was truly buried in the ground.

Cheng Wancai was only 25 years old when he was killed, his child was only 9 years old, the family's mother was later starved to death, and his wife and son also died on the way to beg for food. What happened to the Cheng family is really miserable.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

The revenge of the anti-union fighters

Three months after the slaughter of the village, Sato was killed by the anti-union fighters with an explosive bag, and the explosion was shattered all over, and there was not even a corpse.

Decades have passed, and Sun Ting has changed from a child to an old man, but he has never forgotten the tragedy of the villagers being beheaded by the Japanese army, and the revenge of the anti-United Nations fighters.

More than 80 years ago, a 10-year-old boy witnessed the beheading of villagers by the Japanese army, and he will never forget the ferocity of the Japanese army for the rest of his life

The broadsword of the anti-union fighters

Blood debts must be recovered with blood, this is the bloody nature of the anti-United Nations fighters.

Fumishi Ichika

Written on April 6, 2024