
The Chinese and Japanese Table Tennis Associations coincidentally held a selection tournament, with multiple pictures to show, and the list of the youth teams of the two countries

{"info":{"title":{"content":"中国和日本乒协不约而同举办选拔赛,多图展示,两国青少年队名单","en":"The Chinese and Japanese Table Tennis Associations coincidentally held a selection tournament, with multiple pictures to show, and the list of the youth teams of the two countries"},"description":{"content":"日本乒乓球国家青少年队名单公布,从12岁到8岁,未来星少年强则国强。无论在哪个领域,梯队建设都是事业长红的重要保障。中国...","en":"The list of the Japanese table tennis national youth team was announced, from 12 to 8 years old, and the future star youth is strong. No matter in which field, echelon construction is an important guarantee for the long-term success of the cause. China..."}},"items":[]}