
Veteran soldier of the Muslim detachment - Wang Yu

author:Yunbu Hall
{"info":{"title":{"content":"回民支队老战士——王玉","en":"Veteran soldier of the Muslim detachment - Wang Yu"},"description":{"content":"作者袁国祥王玉原是我的上级。他在新疆军区当青年科长时,我在南疆军区当青年干事。以后他当了青年部长,我也当了青年处副处长。...","en":"The authors, Yuan Guoxiang and Wang Yuyuan, are my superiors. When he was the youth section chief of the Xinjiang Military Region, I was a youth officer in the Southern Xinjiang Military Region. Later, he became the Minister of Youth, and I also became the Deputy Director of the Youth Division. ..."}},"items":[]}