
Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

author:Wind forests in the distance

Now, if Israeli citizenship were to be revoked, more than half of the countries would applaud.

It's going to be a great pleasure, and no one feels a moral burden.

A country that is desperate to die deserves all mankind to get what it wants.

It is rare for such a country to be surrounded by enemies and embattled in such a situation, which is a rare thing.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

What's even more rare is that this country, this nation is still super rich.

And most countries on the planet are lacking in this.

However, the ancestors of many countries made their fortunes by robbery.

Ancestral skills cannot be lost, and ready-made fat sheep cannot be abandoned.

Isn't this Israel just sending itself to the table?


Lately, Israel's madness has been appreciated.

Killing people in Gaza is an appetizer, and shooting the whole world is the main meal.

Perhaps, Israel has always felt like it was sitting at the dinner table.

Attacking neighbors, attacking embassies and shooting people in Gaza......

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

Well, admit that you're crazy, you won.

However, it is incomprehensible that the explosion killed seven members of the organization of the "World Central Kitchen".

This organization was supported by the United States, and it went to Gaza to do charity and distribute food to the people of Gaza.

The original intention of the United States was to squeeze out the charitable organizations of the United Nations and other international organizations in Gaza, and to put public welfare organizations that it could directly control into the charity.

This is also something that the United States and Israel have discussed, and Israel knows about it.

After all, Israel has killed hundreds of members of international public welfare organizations in Gaza in the past few months, and these organizations have put a lot of the current situation in Gaza on the Internet, causing many Israeli crimes to be exposed, which makes Israel very passive.

The expulsion of these organizations would leave the United States arranged, so that basic humanitarian assistance would be taken care of while minimizing the international impact.

The Americans think that this arrangement is not bad, but they never think that Israel's anti-human behavior will never have a bottom line.

This time, the "kitchen" organization was operating in Gaza, and seven people took three cars, and the route was specially reported to the Israeli army, and the Israeli army said rest assured, we will protect your safety.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

As a result, the convoy was attacked by three consecutive Israeli missiles on the way, one for each vehicle, and all seven people were killed.

It is worth noting that after the first car was attacked, the rest of the people also called for help from the Israeli army, and then they were subjected to subsequent missile attacks.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

From the first attack to the destruction of the third vehicle, the route was about 2 kilometers.

This is clearly a ferocious pursuit and killing, which is to kill them.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

Therefore, whatever Israeli explanation is given afterwards, it has been violently condemned by the whole world.

Although the "World Central Kitchen" non-profit organization has an American background, it has also done a lot of good deeds in Gaza and distributed a lot of food to refugees, which is highly praised by the international community.

To attack an international non-profit organization in this way is to show the world that it is an anti-human country.

All over the world, from the government to the private sector, from Twitter to TK and Facebook, netizens all over the world are expressing great anger.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

At least on the Internet, the wave of criticism of Israel cannot be suppressed, and this has become a cognitive correctness.

No normal person can stand the madness of Israel in the past few months.


Now Israel is mobilizing nationwide, waiting for possible retaliation from Iran.

Of course, Iran's friends have already taken action, and the Zhenzhu Party in the north, Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis in the south, and the Iraqi militia in the east have all sent all kinds of missile and rocket packages to Israel.

Iran, itself, will inevitably carry out a certain high-intensity response, otherwise, it will not be able to speak.

The United States is also constantly "sending messages" to Israel: saying that Iran's strike will come soon, and it will be inside Israel.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

In fact, the Middle East world has every reason to attack Israel's behavior during this time.

After all, bombing people's embassies, after all, this is Ramadan, and the UN Security Council has ordered a ceasefire.

Attacking Israel, all the armed forces in the Middle East world are eager to try, after all, this kind of historical opportunity to attack Israel may be a once-in-a-century opportunity.

In this war, Hamas first played out the status of the rivers and lakes and tried the quality of the Israeli army.

The Houthis blocked the Red Sea shipping lanes, attacked merchant ships and warships of the United States and Israel, forced Western merchant ships to circumnavigate the Cape of Good Hope, and sank and damaged several American and Western ships.

Israel's Red Sea ports have been completely paralyzed by Houthi attacks, and its territory has been repeatedly attacked by Houthi missiles.

The myth of Israel's invincibility has been completely shattered by Hamas, the Houthis, and the Zhenzhu Party, which has made more countries and armed forces eager to try.

They have made a name for themselves, and the other armed forces also want to make a name for themselves and make a name for themselves.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

In the Middle East, whoever can fight Israel is the great hero of the Middle East.

Israel wants to drag the United States into the water to the death, but the United States can add fuel and firewood, but it does not want to end up for Israel.

After all, the United States is one war away from the collapse of its hegemony.

Iran will inevitably retaliate with some high intensity, but it will not be a full-scale war, and it is not yet time.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

It can be a certain missile attack, a long-range attack on the Israeli mainland.

After all, Israel bombed Iran's embassy (equivalent to Iranian territory), and Iran can be regarded as a reciprocal counterattack.

Israel wants a three-way war that will be fought again and again, and the others don't.

No one will give Israel and Judea a chance to turn around.


There will be no definite future for Israel.

It is inevitable that it will become an outcast of the West, with its ethnic group.

No matter how crazy it is in the next few days, dozens of days, it will not be able to change its fate.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

The world as we know it is undergoing drastic changes.

A hundred years ago there was no Israel, and there will be no more.

Now the problems of the United States and the West are very serious.

Debt, elections, ethnicity, economy, etc., are all serious.

Debts are going to explode, the general election is becoming more and more populist, ethnic contradictions are acute, the economy is getting worse and worse, and life is not easy.

For thousands of years, when Europeans encounter a bad economy and lack of money, who do they usually turn to?

Whoever has money, look for whomever he wants.

Robbery, the tradition of Westerners, just to make money, the way of the problem, not chilling.

In whose hands is the money of the West now?

Jews, however, this ethnic group is now increasingly unable to be protected, causing public outrage.

If the government wants to protect it, it may not be able to protect it in the future.

Embattled, the harvest of Judea is on the way!

You are dying yourself, isn't this forcing everyone to move some "crooked thoughts"?

This robbery is an ancestral skill, born with a mother's womb, and it is very skilled.

It is also possible to enact laws for robbery, which are legal and compliant, and reasonable.

Israel, no one can save it.