
The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

author:Tian Xiaoyi talks about emotions


Although everyone knows the saying "impulse is the devil", it comes to an end. It's just that there aren't many times to be calm, and it often becomes impulsive and regrets! Like the heroine in this video, the behavior of smashing the car because the other party crushed the garlic seedlings still happened!

Event Recap:


Recently, there was a video of a middle-aged woman smashing the rearview mirror of a car, and then smashing it with a hard object, and finally successfully smashed the rearview mirror upside down.

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

Then the middle-aged woman came to the front of the car and yelled at the people in the car, and then picked up a large brick and smashed it on the hood, and the brick bounced up and fell to the side. Look at the door of this car and there are also craters smashed out.

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

The aunt said loudly to the villagers passing by that the garlic sprouts had crushed them!

From the perspective of farmer farming, the hostess is angry and also understands, farming is now a very hard thing and not so profitable, many young people would rather go to work than farm. And then this hostess was so mad. Probably paid a lot for farming.

But she was too impulsive! If it was really the car that crushed the garlic sprouts. After blocking the car, you can negotiate with the owner of the car on how to compensate.

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

If the owner doesn't agree, then you can call the police or something. But judging from the current situation, the Mercedes-Benz she smashed seems to be worth a lot of money.

Netizens said that the landing would probably be about 100,000. If this is the case, the mistress of this garlic seedling will suffer too much.

The owner of the Mercedes-Benz was very aggrieved and said that he had been following the traffic flow, and he didn't know when she pressed her garlic seedlings.

Netizens commented:

1. Netizens criticized middle-aged women for being irrational and too impulsive!

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

2. Some netizens even wondered if the middle-aged woman's mental state was stimulated?

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness
The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

3. The consequences of this incident are actually very serious!

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

4. Most netizens are still worried about the middle-aged woman having to pay a possible huge amount of compensation.

The Mercedes-Benz crushed the garlic seedlings and was smashed by the heroine, netizens: There may be mental illness

After all, she has to pay a big price for her impulsiveness. There is a saying. Don't be impulsive, think about it. Calm down.

Write at the end:

On the surface, the woman from the garlic sprout smashed the car in anger. But when I feel comfortable, I feel uncomfortable.

I hope the Mercedes owner can forgive her once

What do you think?