
Taiwan will not allow the mainland to cross the strait to help each other and go to NATO to bring rescue troops, and Turkey will go to Taiwan

author:War Research

After a strong earthquake struck Taiwan, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council immediately expressed its willingness to provide disaster relief assistance, but this was directly rejected by the so-called "Mainland Affairs Council" on Taiwan. Taiwan is reluctant to allow the mainland to participate in the rescue operation, but all kinds of signs show that while all counties and cities in Taiwan have sent special search teams to Hualien to carry out rescue, some civilian rescue teams on the mainland have also made positive contact with the Taiwan side and are preparing to go to Taiwan Island to participate in the rescue operation。

Taiwan will not allow the mainland to cross the strait to help each other and go to NATO to bring rescue troops, and Turkey will go to Taiwan

Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council" made it clear that it was grateful to the mainland for its concern and did not need the mainland's assistance in disaster relief, which clearly exposed the political manipulation of the DPP authorities. Whenever a natural disaster occurs on the island, the mainland side will express its goodwill and sincerity at the first opportunity, but the DPP authorities have always maliciously speculated on the mainland's statement, and have never thought about how to carry out disaster relief operations more quickly; judging from the number of PLA patrol planes made public by Taiwan's defense department in recent times, the PLA has markedly reduced the number of warplanes patrolling Taiwan, but despite this, Taiwan still points out that the mainland is hypocritical. Taiwan itself refused to receive rescue from the mainland, and did not allow PLA military planes and warships to conduct combat patrols around Taiwan Island.

Taiwan will not allow the mainland to cross the strait to help each other and go to NATO to bring rescue troops, and Turkey will go to Taiwan

Although Taiwan has refused to allow rescue teams from the mainland to cross the strait to help, in fact, Taiwan is now in great need of rescue team support, and in this case, Taiwan has sent a request for help to NATO member states. According to media reports, the Turkish rescue team will arrive on the island in the near future to provide relief assistance for the earthquake on the island. As the first rescue team to arrive on Taiwan from an overseas country, the Turkish rescue team will arrive on April 6, and purchase thermal imagers, optical cameras and other equipment on Taiwan, and assemble drones on site to assist Taiwan in disaster relief, and the second echelon of rescue teams is also in planning.

Taiwan will not allow the mainland to cross the strait to help each other and go to NATO to bring rescue troops, and Turkey will go to Taiwan

Earthquake rescue has a golden time, if the golden time is missed, then the possibility of survival of the trapped will be greatly reduced, now Taiwan Island does not allow the mainland rescue team to cross the strait to rescue and to NATO countries to move rescue troops, so that Turkey will not travel thousands of miles to Taiwan Island to rescue Taiwan, it is obvious that this is an out-and-out political hype, if the mainland rescue team is allowed to go directly to Taiwan Island to participate in the rescue, I am afraid that in the afternoon or evening of the earthquake, the rescue team will be able to be in place and participate in the search for personnel.

Taiwan will not allow the mainland to cross the strait to help each other and go to NATO to bring rescue troops, and Turkey will go to Taiwan

A lot of information disclosed by the Taiwan media in the past few days has shown that the number of casualties caused by the earthquake is constantly rising, and what kind of help can the belated Turkish rescue team provide for Taiwan's rescue? Text/Iris

Taiwan will not allow the mainland to cross the strait to help each other and go to NATO to bring rescue troops, and Turkey will go to Taiwan

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