
Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple

author:Dr. Leah

Pickles, foam, various pickles, etc., must be enjoyed by many people. Especially when eating breakfast, a small plate of pickles with congee can give people a deep sense of satisfaction.

But with the development of science, there are fewer and fewer things to eat? White porridge cannot be drunk, pickles cannot be eaten, and bacon cannot be eaten, but the life of the older generation is far more difficult than today, and the supply of fresh ingredients cannot support the daily needs of the public, and most of the time vegetables and meat can only be stored in a high-salt manner.

Our older generation has eaten these things for decades, but there are very few diseases such as high blood pressure and cancer. What's the problem? Let's take a look.

Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple


Is it good for the body to eat pickles regularly?

Pickles, as a part of Chinese food culture, have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With its unique taste and flavor, it has become a frequent guest at the table of many families. However, opinions on the relationship between pickles and health vary.

In the process of making pickles, a large amount of salt is often used to pickle the vegetables for the purpose of preserving and adding flavor. This pickling process causes the water in the vegetables to be expelled, and the salt penetrates into the vegetable's cells, forming the pickles we know as pickles. But it's this process that makes pickles so controversial when it comes to health.

On the one hand, eating pickles in moderation can provide the body with a certain amount of minerals and vitamins. Especially for those who have a single diet and lack vegetable intake, pickles can be used as a nutritional supplement.

Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple

However, on the other hand, excessive consumption of pickles may cause adverse effects on the body. A high-salt diet is a significant risk factor for a variety of health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Long-term consumption of large amounts of pickles may lead to excessive salt in the body, which in turn increases the probability of these diseases.

In addition, pickles may also produce harmful substances such as nitrite during the pickling process. Although these substances have less effect on the human body in moderate amounts, long-term high intake may still increase the risk of cancer.

Therefore, we cannot generalize about whether eating pickles regularly is good for the body. Eating pickles in moderation can be used as a condiment with a unique flavor to add color to the table.

Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple

However, excessive consumption may cause adverse effects on the body. While enjoying food, we should also pay attention to our health and maintain a balanced diet.


Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple

There are multiple reasons behind the fact that the older generation often eats pickles, but the prevalence is relatively low. First of all, we cannot ignore the differences in the lifestyles of modern people and older generations.

The older generation mostly lived in an agrarian society, where manual labor was an important part of their daily lives. This intensity of physical activity helps burn excess calories, boosts metabolism, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity.

Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple

Secondly, the rapid development of modern society and the abundance of material life have made people pay more attention to health. Compared with the older generation, modern people have more health knowledge and resources, and pay more attention to a balanced and varied diet. This means that modern people may be more inclined to reduce their intake of high-salt foods such as pickles, thereby reducing their risk of disease.

In addition, whole grains occupy an important position in the diet of the older generation. Whole grains are rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which can help promote digestive health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In contrast, the staple food of modern people is more based on finely processed grains, and the nutritional content may be relatively simple.

Finally, older generations are relatively simple when it comes to cooking and seasoning, consuming less invisible salt. The development of the modern food industry has led to the high levels of salt in many processed foods, and the intake of these invisible salts is often undetectable, thus increasing the risk of disease.

Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple


How to eat pickles relatively healthier?

First of all, we need to understand that pickles are high in salt, and long-term excessive intake can have adverse effects on health. Therefore, eating in moderation is key. Each time you taste, just grab a small plate to satisfy your taste buds without overdoing it.

Secondly, eating it with other ingredients is also a way to make pickles healthier. For example, you can combine pickles with fresh vegetables, fruit salads, or garnish a serving of steamed fish or tofu with pickles to add flavor and balance nutrition.

In addition, pickles can also be handled skillfully during cooking. For example, you can soak it in water for a period of time to remove some of the salt, or add some low-sodium salt to replace some of the traditional table salt when cooking, thus reducing the overall salt content.

Why do the older generation eat pickles but rarely get sick? The doctor bluntly said: The reason is actually very simple

In addition to the above methods, we can also try to choose low-salt or salt-free pickle products. There are already some brands on the market that have launched low-salt pickles, and although the taste is different from traditional pickles, there is always a balance between health and deliciousness.