
"If you have something to find Lao Wu, it's reliable!"

author:Anhui Business Daily
"If you have something to find Lao Wu, it's reliable!"

"Lao Wu, what do you think I should do about this......" Recently, Lao Li, Wu Xiaojie Town, Huaishang District, Bengbu City, walked into the Wu Xipin mediation studio on the first floor of the town's comprehensive management center with a sad face. "Lao Li, don't worry, sit down and speak slowly. The 68-year-old Wu Xipin was not in a hurry, first comforted him to sit down, and then turned around to make a cup of tea, and then took out a pen and paper to listen to Lao Li's detailed words.

In Wu Xipin's studio, the above scenes often happen. As a "national people's mediation expert" and 20 years of mediation experience, Wu Xipin is obviously the trusted "backbone" of the people of Wuxiaojie Town when they encounter contradictions and disputes.

"If you have something to find Lao Wu, it's reliable!"

Wu Xipin (first from right) is mediating. Photo courtesy of Wu Xiaojie Town, Huaishang District, Bengbu City

Wu Xipin's relationship with mediation dates back to 20 years ago. Previously, after retiring from the army, he has been deeply involved in the grassroots, serving in many positions including deputy secretary of the farm party branch, director of the town nursing home, and secretary of the village branch. In 2005, Wu Xipin was elected director of the Public Legal Service Center of Wu Xiaojie Town. In the mediation position, Lao Wu has been working for 20 years.

"He has been working at the grassroots level for many years, and we know who he is, so we can trust him. This is the reason why Lao Li is looking for Lao Wu when he is in trouble, and it is also the basic logic of the people trusting him.

Of course, behind this is Lao Wu's enthusiasm and dedication to mediation. "As long as it comes to me, I will do my best to mediate the conflict. Lao Wu said so, and did the same.

Once, a villager surnamed Gao in the town had a dispute with the contractor when he was building a new house. "The contractor owes 180,000 yuan and has not paid it back for 12 years. Lao Wu recalled that in order to help the villagers recover the arrears, he inquired about the information of the debtor in many ways, and finally chased him to the other place to find the contractor. "The foreman of the contractor is also very good, he didn't admit it, but he just said that he didn't have any money. ”

"I also did an investigation in the early stage and found that the contractor had a house in his name, and the market price could pay the arrears. After some heartfelt mediation by Lao Wu, the contractor was finally willing to pay off the debt with the house. The two sides signed an agreement, and the arrears that had been delayed for more than ten years were finally recovered.

can resolve contradictions, Wu Xipin has "real skills". As early as 2006, he obtained the Anhui Provincial Legal Service Worker Professional Qualification Certificate. As a conflict mediator, Lao Wu loves to consult legal classics, in his words, conflict mediation must also keep pace with the times, and only by knowing and understanding the law can both parties be convinced.

Previously, a 14-year-old boy in the town, Xiaokang (pseudonym), had been dependent on his father due to the death of his mother. Later, Xiaokang's father suffered an accident while running a transportation and unfortunately died. The insurance company paid a sum of compensation. But the grandparents of Xiaokang demanded a share of the compensation on the grounds that they were living in difficulty, and refused to raise Xiaokang. After Wu Xipin learned of the situation, he found the old man, moved with affection, and knew the law. In the end, by popularizing legal knowledge, Wu Xipin made the old man give up the idea of monopolizing most of the compensation and promised to raise a well-off.

With the successful mediation of a series of contradictions and disputes, the reputation of "finding Lao Wu when there is something to do, reliable" has also spread more and more widely around Wuxiaojie Town. In 2009, Wu Xipin was named "Bengbu People's Mediation Work Model", in 2005 and 2011, he was awarded the "Anhui Provincial People's Mediation Expert", and in 2012, he was selected as the "National People's Mediation Expert" by the Ministry of Justice.

"If you have something to find Lao Wu, it's reliable!"

Source: People's Daily Anhui Channel Review: Ma Xiangyu Editor: Hu Peilin Proofreader: Zhang Jianping

"If you have something to find Lao Wu, it's reliable!"