
The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source: Urban Live Original

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Recently, Mr. Lin, who lives in Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province, reported to the city that the balcony wall of his house was in a problem, obviously tilting outward, and Mr. Lin felt that there was a safety hazard and was very worried.

The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried

The urban scene reporter came to Mr. Lin's house in Room 303, No. 141 Yanhe Road, Nanchang County. He said that his house was built by the original Nanchang County Forestry Bureau in the 80s of the last century, more than 30 years ago. Due to the aging of the house and the installation of soundproof windows in the lighting project in previous years, the balcony was overwhelmed and began to tilt gradually. A few days ago, the storm blew down the window of the neighbor's house on the fifth floor and smashed it on the balcony of his house, so the balcony cracked again.

The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried
Resident Mr. Lin: In this place, you can see that the overall wall has been tilted outward, you see that we make an intuitive comparison, you can stretch out a fist here.
The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried

Since the house faces the street and is next to a primary school, Mr. Lin is worried that the balcony will collapse, which is a safety hazard. For this reason, he also found relevant units.

The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried
Resident Mr. Lin: The Nanchang County Forestry Bureau is now a merger of the Nanchang County Natural Resources Bureau. We also went to the bureau two days ago to reflect, and the bureau said that this was a housing reform house, and it was not under their control, and the community also looked for it, and they all said that we wanted to do it ourselves. We don't know where to start now, this is not a renovation project that we can afford, and the whole balcony is not a little heavy. If you do it, what if you hit the bottom and smash it down?
The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried

Mr. Xu, who lives upstairs, also said that his balcony was also tilted and cracked. They had also hired a mason themselves and wanted to repair it, but they were worried that it would not work.

The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried
Resident Mr. Xu: The deformation is so serious, this one has moved outward. And over here, this gap is so big, such a big crack.
The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried

Subsequently, the reporter and Mr. Lin came to the Lianshui Lane community in Nanchang County to understand the situation. Some staff members said that they had not been aware of the situation at Mr. Lin's house.

The balcony of the old house is sloping! The residents are worried
Nanchang County Lianshui Lane Community Staff: Because this issue is more complicated, including our community, we have not heard the previous saying that the wall of the balcony of the house is tilted. At that time, I will give feedback to our leaders to see if I can invite a professional construction unit, or the appraisal party may ask the relevant departments of urban construction to come, and our community will only play a role in feedback and coordination.