
Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

author:The flower planter on the road to the sea of stars


At 16 o'clock in the afternoon of April 1, 2024, when netizens all over the world are thinking about how foolish they are, Ramat David Air Force Base in the southeast of Haifa, a northern Israeli city, is a different busy scene, three Israeli Air Force F-35A fighters are loading 2 1,000-pound JDAM bombs in gliding suits into the belly bomb bay in the hangar, and as the bomb is hung up, the hangar door slowly opens, and the three F-35A slide out of the hangar in turn, take off from the east-west runway successively, and disappear on the horizon of Israel with the sunset on their backs.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

The F-35A fighter is the military's most advanced medium-sized stealth fifth-generation multi-role fighter, the fist product of Lockheed Martin, which has delivered thousands of units around the world so far and is the best-selling stealth fifth-generation aircraft. The Israeli Air Force has purchased 50 fighters of this type, which have previously been completely retired in combat missions in the Gaza Strip and in Syria and Lebanon, this mission is very mysterious, even the pilots only know to bomb a very mysterious target in central Syria, three F-35A fighters, 6 bombs, it is actually the same target, which shows that the weight of this mission is beyond imagination.

The length of the F-35A belly bomb bay is 3.8 meters, and it can carry 3.77 meters of JDAM-GUB31 (v)3/B joint attack ammunition, and it can also mount 4 pieces under the belly, but it will destroy the stealth performance, although the Syrian air defense system has been riddled with holes, and the F-35A is also a stealth fighter, but the Israeli Air Force still does not dare to hold it up, and the devil knows what air defense radar and anti-aircraft missiles Syria will get from Russia or the mysterious powers in the East.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

After taking off, the Israeli F-35A flew at a low altitude subsonic speed along the territory of Israel, and soon crossed the Israeli-Syrian border, turned to the northeast, and flew directly into Damascus through the Grand Heights, flying for more than half an hour at a distance of less than 150 kilometers in a straight line, which is also to circumvent the Syrian air defense system, the Israeli Air Force carefully formulated the flight route, and under the command of the Israeli Air Force's "Sea Eagle" early warning aircraft, which had long been on standby, flew out of a rather complicated route, perfectly avoiding the scanning of the Syrian air defense radar.

At an altitude of 6,000 meters, the bomb bays of the three F-35A were opened, and the JDAM gliding bomb bomb injected with the target GPS coordinate data was ejected into the belly bomb bay, and the bomb wings were opened in turn, and disappeared from view.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

At around 17 o'clock, the building of the Iranian consulate next to the embassy in Mezeh, west of Damascus, was hit by six 1,000-pound JDAM bombs falling from the sky, and the building was razed to the ground, killing 16 people, including Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi, senior commander of the elite Quds Force, and his deputy, Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.

Iran furious: Khamenei threatens retaliation

To be precise, it was a very successful "decapitation operation" with a clear target: Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi, senior commander of the Al-Quds Force, and his deputy, Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rashmi, who have commanded hundreds of attacks in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq in recent years, as well as five senior Al-Quds Force officers.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

Iran was very alarmed by the Israeli attack, with Iran's ambassador to Syria, Hossein Akbari, saying that Israeli F-35 fighter jets "brutally attacked my residence and the consular section of the embassy, killing the Iranian military attaché." The Revolutionary Guards issued a statement saying that seven officers had been killed, including Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Zahedi and Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, whom the Revolutionary Guards said were commanders and "senior military advisers."

Zahdi, 63, is a senior figure in the Quds Force, Iran's revolutionary guard's overseas operations unit, and was the Iranian revolutionary guard commander's commander in Lebanon and Syria from 2008 to 2016, according to Iranian media. Haji al-Rahimi was identified as Zahedi's deputy. Zahedi is the highest-ranking Iranian military commander to be "targeted out" since Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force, who was assassinated by the United States in a drone strike in Iraq in January 2020.

Khamenei warned: Israel will be retaliated

In the aftermath of the attack, the attitude of various countries was mixed, with China and many countries in the Middle East condemning the brazen Israeli attack, and Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said: "The security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated, and Syria's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity should be respected." Arab countries also strongly condemned it, but the European Union expressed concern about further escalation and urged "restraint" in the aftermath of the attack.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

The United States immediately dissociated itself from involvement, and Sabrina Singh, deputy spokeswoman for the US Department of Defense, was asked at a press conference in Washington on 2 June whether the United States was involved in the attack. "The United States did not launch an attack in Damascus, and I would suggest that you ask the Israelis about their attacks," Singh said. Asked about the U.S. government's official assessment that Israel was responsible for the attack, the spokesman replied: "This is our assessment." "The gist is that the Americans don't know, and you ask Israel yourself.

Of course, the most important thing is the attitude between Iran and Israel, according to an AFP report on April 3, after the Iranian embassy in Syria was attacked by Israel on April 1 and killed seven people, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on the 3rd that Israel would be "slapped in the face". Speaking to Iranian officials in Tehran, Khamenei said: "The defeat of the Zionist regime in Gaza will continue, and this regime will be close to decline and collapse." "Desperate efforts like the one they did in Syria won't save them from failure," he warned. Of course, they will also be slapped for this action. ”

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

Israel's version of the attack on diplomatic institutions is completely different from that of other countries, and Israeli military spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari did not confirm or deny Israel's role in the attack, but he told CNN that the target of the attack was "Quds Force military buildings disguised as civilian buildings in Damascus."

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In less than 12 hours after the attack on 1 April, a number of Israeli military bases were violently attacked by Iranian armed forces, causing heavy losses, and even US bases in the Middle East were attacked by suicide drones by Iraqi militias.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

On January 3, 2020, Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force, was targeted by the US MQ-9B Reaper drone at Baghdad International Airport, the main architect of the "Axis of Resistance", an armed and political group opposed by the United States and Israel in the Middle East, and has been working for decades to provide political and military support to groups in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, and to help the Palestinians confront Israel.

Soleimani has a high prestige in Iran, according to a report by the global network on January 3, 2020, Soleimani is one of the greatest people in Iran in the last century, and in the eyes of Iranians, Soleimani is not just a general, but the embodiment of "resistance to the United States and Israel".

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

The scene of the explosion at the embassy of Mezekh

Four years later, on 1 April, Iran's patience was limited by the "targeted killings" of senior Quds Force generals, and the warning in Khamenei's speech was already quite serious, apparently indicating that Iran's direct retaliation against Israel would not only begin soon, but would be very ferocious and costly to Israel. In the aftermath of the attack, Israel has evacuated personnel from seven embassies in the Middle East to prevent Iranian retaliation.

Iran is a regional power, after the United States "withdrew" from the Middle East, Iran has become the largest behind-the-scenes control and support for Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and Yemen, after the arrival of Hamas in Gaza on October 7 last year to launch the Al-Aqsa flood operation, Iranian-backed Houthis have been sparing no effort to support Hamas with practical actions.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

Iran is the largest hostile force in the Middle East for the United States and Israel, and Israel hates Iran to the core, and such actions have escalated in recent years, including another Israeli attack in Mezech in January, which killed five senior Revolutionary Guard Corps personnel and several Syrian security personnel.

At that time, Iran also threatened to retaliate, but in the end, it was still thunder and rain, and did not finally attack Israel itself, because Iran was a bogeyman, because Iran had two concerns, one was worried about incurring a joint strike by the United States and Israel, the small bully of the Middle East, behind Israel was the United States, Iran is a developing country that has just established a domestic industrial chain system, and is also considering economic development, and the joint strike of the United States and Israel will definitely make Iran very bad, which is one of Iran's concerns.

Another fear is the nuclear weapons in the hands of Israel, although Israel does not openly admit to having nuclear weapons, but the whole world knows that Israel has, Iran has been breaking through nuclear weapons for many years, and has been sanctioned by the United States many times, but the public information so far is that Iran has not mastered nuclear weapons technology, if Israel is ruthless to drop atomic bombs in Iran, this Iran really has no good way.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

As a result, a number of Western think tanks believe that Iran's retaliation is likely not to trigger a major escalation in the Middle East, and that Iran is well aware of the current situation and Iran's own strength, and that such retaliation is likely to be symbolic and avoid triggering more violent retaliation by Israel and its supporters.

However, Steven Cook, an analyst at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, believes that Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria will lead to an escalation in the Middle East, but not only against Israel, but also against the United States. "The Revolutionary Guard may loosen its grip on proxy forces in Syria and Iraq, allowing it to attack U.S. military bases in the region and order Allah Lebanon to escalate its attacks on Israel." ”

The reason is very simple: Iran's forbearance has not been exchanged for the opponent to stop its actions, but has intensified, from Soleimani to Zahedi, Israel's steady and ruthless efforts are clearing out the elite of Iran's Quds Brigade, who is next? Israel is getting bolder and bigger, and if it swallows the bitter fruit, then Israel will dare to attack Iran itself next time!

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

Moreover, Iran has enough conventional military power, ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles have been heavily equipped, as well as long-range attack weapons such as suicide drones, and even without nuclear weapons, Iran can "wipe out" Israel, and the next thing is the question of whether Iran dares or not.

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The United States may be the most tense in the situation between Iraq and Israel, because the United States is already cutting off from Israel, because it has been almost half a year since the Israeli army retaliated for the ground operation in the Gaza Strip after Hamas launched a military operation against Israel on October 7, which has caused a total of 32,000 Palestinian deaths, and the Israeli army's actions in the Gaza Strip are people blocking and killing Buddhas, whether it is adults and children, doctors and students, or even United Nations humanitarian aid and American humanitarian aid personnel, the latest case is7 employees of the "World Central Kitchen" were "targeted out" in Israel!

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

This case is simply incredible, the "central kitchen" in the Gaza Strip to carry out a charity operation was approved by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, but when the operation was carried out in the Gaza Strip, it was suddenly attacked by the Israeli Air Force missiles, the first car was destroyed and the remaining people were transferred to the second car, and as a result, they were also attacked, transferred to the third car and continued to be attacked, and 7 people were wiped out!

This kind of frenzied operation makes the United States also afraid, because Israel's riotous operation has almost exhausted the character that the United States has built up with great difficulty over the years, but Israel can be regarded as the emperor of the United States, and the proportion of Jews in the political and business circles of the United States is very high.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

One is that the United States is blocking missiles for Israel in the Red Sea, and the Houthis are exchanging thousands of dollars of drones for hundreds of thousands of dollars of missiles for the US military, which is about to make the US Navy missiles bottom out, and the other is that Israel's combat operations in the Gaza Strip are endless, and the US military aid is also a bottomless pit, and Israel has become the "executioner" condemned by Western countries, and the United States will be discredited if it continues to consume.

Since February, the US media has been hyping up the negative news of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, cutting Israel from Netanyahu, preparing for the United States to cut off aid to Israel in the future, and paving the way for the United States not to give up on Israel, but to let the war maniac Netanyahu step down!

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

However, this time the Iran-Israel situation runs counter to this plan, because Israel's confrontation with Iran is a matter of life and death for Israel, and Netanyahu must support it no matter how nonsense he comes, otherwise Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth by Iran! But the problem is that the United States is now confronting China, the United States is preparing to drain China's liquidity at high interest rates, China is desperately supporting the end of the United States' high-interest rate policy, both sides are holding back big moves, both hope that the other side can fight with other countries at this moment, the United States has been inciting the Philippines to make trouble, hoping that China can take action, and China also hopes that the United States will find a country to fight.

Coincidentally, Israel and the Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip have started to do it, and things could have been controlled, but now the development of the situation is a bit beyond the expectations of the Americans, because Israel is like an American's most uneasy father, causing trouble everywhere, causing the United States to wipe his ass every day, which is not consumed by Iran, a major power in the Middle East, the United States is really the first two big, so the most tense one in the Iran-Israel situation must be the Americans.

Is China's Strategic Opportunity Coming? Vows to retaliate: Israel bombs the embassy of Iraq, the United States or is dragged into the water

If Iran retaliates against Israel, then the United States will have to end up, so how can the United States spend half a year in the Middle East, and the Western Pacific can still take care of it? China and Russia, which is fighting on the battlefield between Russia and Ukraine, can completely hand a knife to Iran, drag this half a year into ten years and eight years, and let the United States fall into the Middle East quagmire again, taking advantage of this time, China can completely free up its hands to slowly solve the Taiwan Strait issue, so some netizens believe that China's strategic opportunity period is coming, the author seriously agrees, if Iran retaliates against Israel on a large scale, the author can donate money and materials to support Iran in resisting the United States and Israel!

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