
Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

author:Inspector Flower

There are many flowers in life, each with its own characteristics. Some flowers, such as orchids and succulents, require delicate care and specific environmental conditions to show their elegance.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

There are also some flowers that are tenacious and can spread freely and grow vigorously without much care. Once they take root in the courtyard, they will quickly occupy territory and become "rogue flowers" that are difficult to control.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

For this kind of flowers, friends who love flowers must think twice before choosing to plant.

Let's take a look at these five plants known as "rogue flowers".

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

01. Immortal Bird - a tenacious breeder

The Immortal Bird is a very special succulent, also known as Ground-Rooted, and its name suggests that it has a strong vitality and reproductive ability. It is capable of growing many small immortal plants around its leaves, which will automatically fall off and take root as new plants when they mature.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

In this way, a single leaf can breed many new immortal birds, and they will continue to grow and reproduce, so they have a strong ability to flood.

When planting immortal birds, it is important to choose the planting method carefully and control the growth range to avoid flooding and destroying the growth environment of other plants.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

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It is recommended to plant in pots and prune the shoots regularly to control their growth rate and range. In this way, you can not only appreciate its unique charm, but also avoid the trouble caused by its excessive spread.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

02, Pink Flower Sorrel - the weak overlord

Pink sorrel is a seemingly delicate but aggressive plant. Its flowers are small and delicate, and the colors are elegant and lovely, giving people a gentle and feminine feeling. It is this delicate exterior that hides a strong growth force and spreading ability.

Rosoris is extremely fast and difficult to eradicate, and it often takes several eradications to remove other plants in the green belt.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

Even so, it is still able to "spring breeze blowing and regrowing", quickly occupy territory and become an uncontrollable overlord, seriously affecting the growth and living space of other plants.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

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When choosing to grow powdery sorrel, it's important to carefully consider the possible effects and consequences.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

03, Ling Xiaohua - a tenacious climber

Lingxiao Flower is famous in the flower world for its amazing adaptability and vitality. It is not afraid of the cold and heat, has very low requirements for the soil, and can survive tenaciously in almost any environment. In the vast land of the mainland, Lingxiao flower has conquered many flower lovers with its unique charm.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

The growth rate and spreading ability of the Lingxiao flower are so fast, but people love and hate. Once it takes root in the courtyard, it climbs upwards and spreads out in all directions at an alarming rate. In spring and summer, when the rain is abundant, the branches and foliage of the Lingxiao flowers will quickly cover the entire space, forming a sea of green. The flowers bloom in clusters, and they stand out against the green leaves, which is pleasing to the eye.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

The strong growth power of the Lingxiao flower has also brought it the reputation of "rogue flower". If left unchecked, it will soon take over the entire courtyard, leaving other flowers with no foothold. What's more serious is that the Lingxiao flowers planted next to the courtyard wall will even cause damage to the courtyard wall, causing the wall to crack and deform.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

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When choosing to grow a flower, it is important to carefully consider its growth characteristics and possible effects.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

04, five-color plum - a beautiful intruder

Five-color plum is an erect or vine-like shrub plant with rich and varied flowers and high ornamental value. In the southern part of the mainland, the wild five-color plum is more common, although its floral fragrance is not pleasant, but it is still loved and sought after by many people. In recent years, the five-color plum of the horticultural variety has become more popular for its beautiful flowers and mosquito repellent properties.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

It should be noted that the five-color plum is also a powerful and aggressive plant, and during its growth, it will release chemicals to inhibit the growth of other plants, thus achieving the purpose of strangling indigenous plants.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

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If you want to plant five-color plums in the ground, you must carefully consider the possible effects on other plants, and it is recommended to plant them in pots to avoid problems caused by their overspread.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

05, tangled peony - a beautiful invader

The peony is an ornamental herb known for its pink flowers and cascading petals. It is extremely adaptable, hardy to both cold and heat, and grows well in most parts of the continent. It is this strong adaptability that makes the entwined peony a headache "rogue flower".

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

The peony grows very fast, and as long as a small section of the root system is buried in the soil, it can quickly take root and sprout and thrive.

Under sufficient water and fertilizer conditions, its branches and foliage will quickly spread and cover the entire ground. It has a well-developed root system that is able to expand in all directions and grow new plants. In this way, if left unchecked, the twigged peony will soon become overflowing and difficult to contain.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it

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When choosing to plant entwined peony, it is important to carefully consider the consequences of its growth characteristics and spreading ability. It is recommended to plant in pots and prune the shoots regularly to control their growth range. In this way, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers and avoid the trouble caused by its overspread.

Remember, don't keep 5 kinds of "hooligan flowers" at home, plant one and it will "flood", and you can't get rid of it


To sum up, when choosing to plant flowers, it is necessary to understand their growth characteristics and possible impacts, carefully choose planting methods and control the growth range to avoid unnecessary troubles and losses. This is especially true for these five species of plants, known as "rogue flowers", whose beauty and ecological value can only be better appreciated and protected when their characteristics are fully understood and mastered.