
The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

author:Howler monkey game

In this digital age, live streaming has become an emerging form of entertainment, attracting the attention of countless people. However, with the booming live streaming industry, some social issues have also emerged. A recent incident in Changchun, Jilin Province, is a case in point, which not only reveals some of the hidden dangers behind online live broadcasting, but also provokes people to think deeply about online consumption, family responsibilities and personal morality.

The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

Mr. Zheng, an ordinary worker, usually likes to watch live webcasts in his free time. He is especially fond of a female anchor named Xiaohong, whose sweet looks and beautiful voice deeply attract him. As time passed, Mr. Zheng's infatuation with Xiaohong became deeper and deeper, and he began to give Xiaohong frequent rewards, each time thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, hoping to get the attention and response of the female anchor. Xiaohong is also very good at coaxing Mr. Zheng to be happy, and every time she receives a tip, she will say sweet words, making Mr. Zheng feel that he is her most important fan.

The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

However, this illusory sense of satisfaction gradually causes Mr. Cheng to lose control of real life. He began to use his family's life-saving money, and even borrowed money from relatives and friends, just to give Xiaohong more rewards. In less than two years, Mr. Zheng has successively rewarded Xiaohong with as much as 1.87 million yuan, becoming the so-called "big brother on the list". But he didn't realize that his actions had caused irreparable damage to the family.

The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

At the end of 2022, Mr. Cheng was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which was already at an advanced stage. Faced with high medical bills, his wife, Ms. Yu, was ready to use her family's savings, only to find that the life-saving money that should have been used for treatment was gone. In shock and despair, she discovered Mr. Zheng's reward record, and then she learned the truth. What broke her heart even more was that this money was not only the family's savings, but also the life-saving money for the treatment of two elderly people in the family and the loans of relatives and friends.

The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

Ms. Yu tried to contact Xiaohong, hoping to recover some losses, but was coldly rejected by the other party. Xiaohong even laughed at her, making Ms. Yu feel helpless and desperate like never before. At the same time, Mr. Zheng's relatives and friends have also treated them coldly because of their borrowing problems, and some have even filed a lawsuit in court.

The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

This incident is not just a family tragedy, it is a social wake-up call. It tells us that webcasting, while it can bring short-term pleasure and satisfaction, can evolve into a destructive act if it gets out of hand. Mr. Zheng's actions not only ruined his own family, but also hurt his relatives and friends. This is not only a loss of personal property, but also a challenge to family and social morality.

This case also reflects some of the problems that exist in the live streaming industry. Some streamers may take advantage of the emotional needs of their viewers and induce them to overspend. In terms of platforms, it is also necessary to strengthen the supervision of the behavior of anchors to prevent them from taking advantage of the audience's feelings for unjust enrichment.

The eldest brother on the list who gave a reward of 1.87 million yuan to the female anchor, lost his cancer and had no money for treatment, and his wife regretted it

It is especially important for audiences to improve self-discipline and media literacy. We need to recognize that live streaming is just a form of entertainment and we can't let it affect our real lives. At the same time, we also need to learn to consume rationally and not let the impulse determine our future.

Finally, this case also reminds us that family and social responsibility are something that everyone should bear. Our actions not only affect ourselves, but also our families and society. In this online world full of temptations, we need to keep a clear head, stick to the moral bottom line, and cherish and protect our families and society. Only in this way can we avoid similar tragedies from happening again.