
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather

author:Guangzhou Yuexiu released
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather

Rain rain rain rain

Rain will continue to fall in Guangzhou today and tomorrow

The peak of the return trip from the Qingming holiday is coming

Ladies and gentlemen, on the way back

Keep an eye out for weather changes

Stay safe

Guangzhou launched a second-level emergency response to prevent rainstorm and waterlogging

According to the provisions of the "Guangzhou Flood Control, Drought, Wind and Frost Prevention Emergency Plan", the Municipal Three Prevention General Headquarters decided to start the second-level emergency response to rainstorm and waterlogging from 11:10 on April 6, 2024, and requested all units and departments to do a good job in defense work according to the provisions of the plan. Priority should be given to the prevention of urban and rural waterlogging, mountain floods, floods in small watersheds, landslides, and other disasters.

Today and tomorrow, heavy precipitation will continue in Guangzhou

In the past 3 hours, there have been moderate to strong thunderstorms in Guangzhou, with localized heavy rain accompanied by 7-9 gusts of wind and local hail, and the strong thunderstorm clouds affecting the urban area of Guangzhou have weakened significantly, and the weather is still unstable during the day today, please pay attention to the latest forecast and warning information issued by the Guangzhou Meteorological Observatory

According to @guangzhouweather

Heavy precipitation is still expected for two days at the end of this week


Local Xiaoice hail and other strong convective weather

Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather

Guidelines for returning from the Qingming holiday

01 Metro

Today, Guangzhou Metro will extend the operating hours of Lines 1, 2, 3 (including 3 North), 5, 7 and 8 by one hour.

Metro Line 14 is running from 13:30 to the end of operation today, and the express train is changed to ordinary car operation, and during the 13:30-21:00 period, it is adjusted to the operation mode of large and small intersections, and the large intersection operation section is Jiahe Wanggang Station - Dongfeng Station, and the small intersection operation section is Jiahe Wanggang Station - Taiping Station.

02 Bus

According to the arrival of high-speed rail trains at Guangzhou South Railway Station at night, the bus lines of Guangzhou South Railway Station will provide a "bottom-up" guarantee, and dynamically extend the service time of 10 lines such as Night 20, Night 61, Night 79, Night 102, Night 110, Night 1, Night 2, Night 3, Night 4, and Nanhai Express at Guangzhou South Railway Station to 20 minutes after the arrival of the last train at Guangzhou South Railway Station, and open the special line from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Guangzhou Railway Station and Tianhe Sports Center according to the passenger flow.


Today is the last day of free passage for small cars with less than 7 seats on the expressway. The peak of return trips to Guangzhou is expected to occur on the last day of the holiday (April 6) from 15 to 21 o'clock.

It is expected that the South China Expressway (Shimentangshan Tunnel - Chungang Interchange Section), Airport Expressway (Benghu Interchange - Sanyuanli Section), North Third Ring Road (Airport North Interchange - Yanghe Interchange Section), North Third Ring Road Phase II (Leigongshan Tunnel), Daguang Expressway (Liangkou - Mibu Section), Guangqing Expressway (Qingfeng Station - Guangqing Interchange Section), Guanghe Expressway (Badou Interchange - Chungang Interchange Section), South Second Ring Expressway (Yuwotou - Dongchong Interchange Section), Dongguan-Foshan Expressway (Humen Bridge - Tanwei Interchange Section) and other bottleneck sections are prone to slow traffic.

Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather

Highway Slow Sections Forecast (Return)

Before you travel by car

Members of the public are advised to inspect their vehicles in detail

Eliminate hidden dangers and ensure that the vehicle is in good condition

In case of weather changes

It is advisable to adjust your travel plans in a timely manner

Please be careful when driving in rain or fog


Make sure you have a clear line of sight. Check the windshield wipers before going out, use the air conditioner to remove the fog when the windows are fogged up while driving, and don't turn on the natural wind, which will bring moisture from outside the car into the car, and the water mist will only get worse.

Be slow and don't brake suddenly. If the road is slippery on rainy days, reduce your speed appropriately, and when driving, control your speed and try not to brake suddenly.

Turn slowly, don't rush the direction. Turning in rainy weather is easy to slip, so slow down in advance, gently hit the steering wheel, and return to normal speed after cornering.

Minimize overtaking and merging. Lane changes and overtaking operations should be minimized while driving.

Increase the distance between the front and rear vehicles. When encountering waterlogged roads, pay attention to the vehicle in front of you, drive at high speed without water accumulation, and avoid splashing the wheels.

Use lights properly. Turn signals, headlights, fog lights...... Use all kinds of lights wisely to ensure that you can see the road clearly, and also to ensure that others can see your car.

Holiday return and post-holiday rush hour

There is still strong convective weather

Please be careful not to adversely affect traffic

How to defend against severe convective weather?

These trivia

Let's learn about it


Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather
Continued heavy precipitation!Return from Qingming holiday, please pay attention to the weather

Source: Guangzhou Weather, Southern + Client, Guangdong Traffic Police, Guangdong Emergency Management, Guangzhou Emergency Management Editor: He Yunhong Proofreader: Jiang Jintong Editor: Liu Siming Editor: Zhan Pingping