
No matter how much you miss, it's better to see each other

author:Zhang Chenxi
No matter how much you miss, it's better to see each other

Text/Zhang Chenxi


Missing is a faint melancholy, like light smoke, lingering in the heart.

When it comes, it is silent, but it is irresistible.

We are often intoxicated by our thoughts, wandering in our memories, but we forget that no matter how much we miss, it is better to see each other.


In this era of information explosion, we seem to be accustomed to perceiving the world through screens and experiencing the emotions of others.

We are accustomed to talking to the screen of our phones in the dead of night.

Those warm words, like the stars in the night sky, shimmered faintly.

However, when the stars converge into a river, our hearts still feel lonely.

Because we know that these words, no matter how beautiful they are, they can't replace face-to-face communication, and no matter how affectionate they are, they can't make up for the lack of distance.


Missing is only an illusory emotion after all, and it cannot fill the real void.

It allows us to savor the loneliness and melancholy alone in the silent night.

However, when we take that courageous step to meet the person we miss, all the pain will disappear.

We will find that true happiness does not lie in the depth of longing, but in the moment of togetherness.

No matter how much you miss, it's better to see each other

Missing, like a glass of old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes, but after all, it is just wine, and after being drunk, it is still sober and lonely.

Seeing each other is not only to satisfy our thoughts, but also to allow us to regain the beauty of the past in reality.


We crave that real warmth, that warmth that can only be felt when we are face to face.

Those subtle changes in expression, those casual body movements, are irreplaceable by words.

They carry the delicacy and richness of emotion, allowing us to find solace in each other's eyes.


Therefore, no matter how much you miss, it is better to see each other.

When we meet in the real world, those thoughts and expectations have a home.

We can hug each other and feel each other's heartbeats, we can look at each other and smile and share each other's joy.

This kind of communication does not need flowery rhetoric or deliberate embellishment, but it is enough to make our hearts deeply satisfied.


No matter how much you miss, it's not as good as seeing each other.

Because, only by seeing each other can we truly feel the existence of each other, and can we truly let go of the worries in our hearts.

We will read sincerity in each other's eyes, and we will feel warmth in each other's smiles.

No matter how much you miss, it's better to see each other

Even if the time is short, even if the road is long, you should be brave enough to meet each other.

The moment we meet, all thoughts turn into an indescribable happiness, a deep satisfaction.


When thoughts come to mind, don't just sigh silently, but be brave enough to meet them.

Whether it's crossing thousands of mountains and rivers or overcoming all kinds of difficulties, you have to make meeting a reality.


No longer let longing become regret, no longer let distance become a barrier.

Let's be brave enough to meet and meet with those we miss.

Because, in this world, there is nothing more precious and beautiful than a real gathering.