
If you have kidney stones, these 5 eating habits must be avoided! The second type is that many people don't pay attention to......

author:Jingyuan release

The incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing worldwide, and urinary diseases such as kidney stones are common. For patients with mild disease, as long as it is well controlled, the impact on life will not be great. However, if the treatment is not timely and the attention is not paid to it, it is easy to cause urinary tract obstruction, which in turn leads to urinary tract infection, and even damages the patient's kidney function and causes uremia.

Therefore, for people who already suffer from kidney stones, we must pay attention to the following 5 points in life. (It is also suitable for the prevention of kidney stones)

Don't eat a lot of protein foods

A high-protein diet is a dietary method adopted by many people who are losing weight, and the protein intake in this way is relatively high, and the protein-to-energy ratio exceeds 20%.

This diet does help with weight loss and blood sugar control, but a long-term high-protein diet is harmful to the body.

When we eat protein foods, it increases the glomerular filtration rate and kidney blood flow. And the degree of influence of different protein sources on it is also different, animal protein has the most obvious impact, followed by dairy protein, and plant protein has the least impact.

If you have kidney stones, these 5 eating habits must be avoided! The second type is that many people don't pay attention to......

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In addition, studies have shown that a diet high in animal protein is one of the risk factors for the formation of calcium oxalate, which increases the risk of kidney stones. For people with impaired kidney function or pre-existing kidney stones, a high-protein diet can affect kidney function and worsen the condition.

In addition, protein contains a large number of amino acids and glycol esters, which promote the excretion of uric acid and increase the risk of stones.

Therefore, for patients who already have kidney stones or other kidney diseases, attention should be paid to controlling protein intake, especially animal protein, and avoiding a diet high in animal protein.

Be cautious of foods high in oxalic acid

Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones, so be extra careful about foods that are too high in oxalic acid. If you want to eat it, you must first blanch it to remove most of the oxalic acid, such as spinach, amaranth, water spinach, coconut white, winter bamboo shoots, etc.

Drink little or no sweetened beverages

Many studies have shown that the intake of sweetened and carbonated beverages is associated with kidney stones.

It is recommended that patients with kidney stones drink more water, which is conducive to promoting the passage of stones, and it is recommended that women and men drink 2000 ml and 3000 ml of plain water respectively.

Don't drink strong tea

The high content of oxalic acid in strong tea is a risk factor for increasing calcium oxalate stones.

Although there are also studies that say that tea leaves contain tea polyphenols, caffeine and other components, drinking tea may help prevent stones, but the specific concentration needs further research.

After all, strong tea will also affect the absorption and utilization of minerals, so it is recommended not to drink strong tea.

If you have kidney stones, these 5 eating habits must be avoided! The second type is that many people don't pay attention to......

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Eat less animal offal and eat seafood in moderation

The high purine content in animal offal and seafood will increase the excretion of uric acid and form uric acid stones, so patients with kidney stones should eat less.

For healthy people, animal offal should be eaten less, it is recommended to eat 2~3 times a month, 25 grams each time, such as half an egg-sized pork liver, as for seafood, 40~75 grams a day, such as seven or eight prawns, a palm of fish.

According to the data in the "Chinese Food Composition Table", seafood with high purine content are: mackerel, anchovies, sardines, fish roe, mackerel, loach, sea bass, opium, sturgeon (cooked), cod (grilled), etc.

Studies have found that patients with a hypertrophied diet, high-protein diet, excessive intake of animal offal, frequent drinking of beverages, and excessive intake of seafood have a high incidence of stones, while patients with a high-calcium diet and regular consumption of fruits and soy products have a low incidence of stones.

Therefore, in addition to the above 5 points that are not recommended, the following 3 points are recommended:

Pay attention to calcium supplementation

We usually recommend that everyone pay attention to calcium supplementation, because adequate calcium intake plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis. There may be many people who are worried about whether they will get kidney stones if they take too much calcium, and the answer is: no.

Long-term adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation has been found to be safe, and no sustained increase in urinary calcium levels has been found, nor has it been found to increase the risk of kidney stones (1200 mg/day of calcium and 250 IU/day of vitamin D3 in the observational trial for a total of one year).

It is recommended to drink 300 ml of milk every day, eat 50 grams of soy products corresponding to soybeans (such as 1 fist-sized northern tofu), and about 300 grams of green leafy vegetables (such as rape, 100 grams of green leafy vegetables are about 1 fist after cooking).

In the choice of calcium, it is recommended to choose a small dose of calcium in multiple doses, such as calcium tablets containing less than 300 mg of calcium per tablet. A daily dose of vitamin D is 10 mcg, or 400 IU.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which can block calcium oxalate crystallization and inhibit the occurrence of stones.

If you have kidney stones, these 5 eating habits must be avoided! The second type is that many people don't pay attention to......

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Eat more soy products

After soybean products are processed, they can not only have the effect of calcium supplementation, but also reduce the oxalic acid content and increase the calcium salt content.

The addition of magnesium chloride (brine) or calcium sulfate (gypsum) to traditional tofu production reduces oxalic acid and greatly increases the calcium and magnesium content, which is very beneficial for the prevention of kidney stones. However, the oxalic acid content of lactone tofu will be relatively high, it is recommended not to eat too much, if you like to drink soy milk, it is best to dilute it, and do not drink too strong soy milk.

The kidneys are important metabolic organs of the human body, and the health of the kidneys must be protected; for people who already have kidney disease, do not worry, as long as they follow the doctor's instructions for treatment, and pay more attention to their diet; in addition, for diabetic patients, they must have regular check-ups.

What other things do you know about kidney stones that need to be paid attention to?


[1] Li Jing, Yang Lijun, Chen Fan, et al.A brief description of the effect of high-protein diet on the kidney[J].Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences,2013,35(3):128-131.

[2] Huang Jianguo, Liu Huiqin.Analysis of the relationship between dietary factors and kidney stones[J].Diet and Health Care,2021,(15):277.)

[3] Huang Peiling, Qin Qiwen, Cao Xiuwen, Wei Rizhou.Effect of calcium supplementation on urinary calcium level and incidence of kidney stones[J].Journal of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities,2009,31(03):384-386.

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Source: Health Hot Science Account