
Bronny, who averaged 4.8 points per game, participated in the NBA draft, and Yang Hansen, who had two doubles, did not participate!

author:Sports small fish e



Bronny announced his entry into the NBA Draft

Bronny, the son of Lakers star James, has decided to participate in the 2024 NBA draft, and the news has caused quite a stir in the basketball world. Bronny's choice caught people off guard, after all, his performance at USC was not impressive, averaging only 4.8 points per game. This decision seems to be both unexpected and reasonable, because Lao Zhan may retire in the next year or two, and this year is a small year in the draft, so it is a great opportunity.

Bronny, who averaged 4.8 points per game, participated in the NBA draft, and Yang Hansen, who had two doubles, did not participate!

In pursuit of family glory: Bronny's basketball dream

Bronny's basketball dream carries the family's great glory. As James's son, he has heavy expectations on his shoulders. Even with a mediocre performance at USC, his decision shows unwavering confidence in his potential. Perhaps, this is the moment when he wants to prove himself.

Bronny, who averaged 4.8 points per game, participated in the NBA draft, and Yang Hansen, who had two doubles, did not participate!

Pinnacles and Troughs: Bronny's Basketball Path

From the spotlight in high school to the low point in college, Bronny's basketball career has been full of ups and downs. Injuries and health problems were a stumbling block in his path. However, no matter how many setbacks he experienced, he never gave up his love and pursuit of basketball.

Bronny, who averaged 4.8 points per game, participated in the NBA draft, and Yang Hansen, who had two doubles, did not participate!

The withdrawal of Chinese player Yang Hansen

At the same time, Chinese player Yang Hansen made the opposite choice to Bronny, choosing not to participate in the NBA draft. Despite his excellent performance in the Qingdao men's basketball team, averaging 15.2 points, 10.9 rebounds, 4 assists and 2.2 blocks in 34.3 minutes per game, Yang Hansen gave up this opportunity due to various reasons, including the team's dispermission and lack of agents.

Bronny, who averaged 4.8 points per game, participated in the NBA draft, and Yang Hansen, who had two doubles, did not participate!

Behind the Choices: Family Background and Self-Determination

Bronny and Young's different choices reflect two very different basketball values. Bronny may be bound by his family background, but he's also trying to chase his basketball dreams. While Yang Hansen showed a commitment to self-determination, choosing to take the next step at the right time as he saw fit, Bronny was saddled with James' aura, which undoubtedly added a special chip to his NBA draft. But whether he will be able to make his mark on the professional stage remains to be seen by time. At the same time, Yang's decision may have given people a reflection that family background is not the only determining factor in the pursuit of basketball dreams.

Bronny, who averaged 4.8 points per game, participated in the NBA draft, and Yang Hansen, who had two doubles, did not participate!

The unknown and the controversy continues

The 2024 NBA Draft will be a basketball feast, and Bronny and Young's selection undoubtedly adds a mystique to the feast. Regardless of the final outcome, their decision will spark ongoing controversy over family background, self-worth, and opportunities in professional basketball. In this uncertain arena, the only thing that is certain is the unknown of the future.

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